I decided to do another forza live tonight, went to the pink circle where there was at least 8 people total (including me) waiting but when the event began all but 3 of the others vanished away somewhere else. This wasnt so bad for the first 2 rounds where we had a speed trap and a “drift skills area” but after that we had an actual drift zone, which seemed to be scaled to either the 8 ppl there was waiting OR for an army of people using the gimmicky cars that dominate the top spots on the assigned drift road. None of the drivers there had said gimmicky cars though. As such the game just expected 4 of us to grind out somewhere in the order of 4 MILLION drift points -
This definately needs fixing or something. Sure it shouldnt be pointlessly easy but… 4 million drift points by 4 players who arent gimmicking?? At least we pushed to the very end…
I guess either dont have all the other players vanish all the time or scale events according to number of players present? Actually present, not just those who were in the pink circle beforehand
Usually the group finish the event under 6-7 minutes. Then sometimes as you describe happens when you have 2 ppl trying to make it by themselves and its gets really hard. I´m no sucker for a challange but its the driftzones where it gets tough, Most ppl go to these events with their fastest car with race tires. And it works great for speedzones, traps and dangersignes. But when its drifting they really struggles. Im not a drifter guy but i can manage deacent scores for the event.
I usually use an x class rallyspec car, you are fast but you have less grip for the drifting it works for me.
For me speedzones, traps and dangersigns need to be harder and driftzones they can balance better.
I think the idea of event is fun, but lol the items in forzaton shop is so bad. Get me something very very rare item that costs a couple of thousand FP maybe 5000. So i have something special to save for. Just an idea.
Would be cool if there was an information before the Forzathon starts what events are waiting for you. So you could choose an adequate car for the job.
you see its funny you mention that because I encounter a repeatable bug when it comes to car swaps, forza live events and specifically drift zones.
If i swap cars on a drift round i will randomly collide with other players in the drift zone itself. Heres the real interesting part - the other driver does not collide with me. Only my car gets smashed backwards and has the score removed with a FAILED result. Though it does seem to happen mostly when i am in a convoy, I will be smashed to FAILED by my friend more than anyone else. He never notices it though. It didnt happen in the case of this thread/screenshot though, as practically all the other players waiting in the circle were whisked away to ?? land and there wasnt enough of left for me to run into, or to finish the 4 million score drift zone
I just want either all players in the circle during the lead in to the event to remain in the group for the event or for the game to have a better, more accurate way of balancing each round to suit the players participating. Say round 1 is a speed trap and 5 drivers complete the speed trap round then the next round will be scaled for 5 players and if 2 then drop out and only 3 players complete the round then the final round scales for 3.
Is it really that bad on a console? I haven’t tested it on console, but on PC changing a car is rather painless and quick (favourites feature is also very handy here).
It’s shocking to me how much worse it is on my X1X compared to my PC. Loading the game takes about 15 seconds on my PC, and fast travel/car changes are probably each about 5 seconds, maybe even less. On the console it’s a much longer wait for any of those things.
After Horizon 3, I’d never have thought the above possible lol.
Try moving your XB1 install to an SSD in a USB 3.0 external enclosure. I initially installed on PC to my disk, realized immediately the SSD would save hours of my life lol…
I made a second post just after this and it wasn’t approved. So I originally came to this thread to say… Sometimes we pass it with time to spare with 3 people, sometimes we don’t pass with 4 or even 5, sometimes with 10 (12?) players it’s all over and done with after 7 minutes (8 minutes to spare). Usually it’s the danger signs and drift zones that take the most time, though I’ve had bad luck with 2 or 3 total participants with only speed zones and speed traps.
Lol, I guess it depends on your game system… I have an original xbox one, and it does take longer to load, but it still can be done. I do most of my Forza playing on my PC, which takes about 10 seconds to change a car. I sometimes change my car right after I find out what kind of car I need and then fast travel to the new location. Though, sometimes, I feel this is kinda cheating myself out of the game, by not challenging myself to do things in cars that weren’t designed to do them.
It’s not that bad on console but only worth it if you’re in completely the wrong car (like a hypercar for an offroad danger sign) or there aren’t that many people in the event (therefore your contribution is much more critical). I usually go in to Forzathon Live events with a compromise car (often my S1 Toyota Baja) confident that I can assist reasonably well on just about any PR stunt (especially skill zones and danger signs) and get by on the others (it is pretty good for speed traps too, but I’ve found it is actually more effective to just do lots of really short ~100km/h camera runs rather than a few long ~300km/h runs, due to the time wasted in getting the run-up so something that can brake and turn around quick is more critical) - if we come across a difficult drift zone then I’ll quickly swap to the Gymkhana Focus. Both cars are favourited so no time wasted scrolling through the garage trying to find them.
I have mentioned this problem in other threads…people disappearing from the Live match when it starts. I am not sure it is any kind of balancing issue because it can happen at any time, regardless of how many cars are waiting at the start point. Also, I haven’t seen any official word of any kind about limits to the number of people who can play in any given Live event.
As to knowing what car to pick, if you play enough Live sessions you will know which individual events go with each match, as they do not seem to vary. I am trying to put together a list of all of the Live start points and event rounds that go with each one. Of course, as others have said, you can always change cars during the match.
Lets be honest, apart from drifting, most cars can be tuned to do danger signs and speed traps/zones. I think I’ve only needed to change cars once, and have only failed to get to round 3 once or twice. On one occasion I was the only one doing it and still got to round 2.
i like the drift zones during fozathon, but I must say, I haven’t done any forzathon live events in days. its sad, cause I used to love doing them but now there is no point to the forzathon points. every week I cant use them cause I already have the cars and I make enough points off the weekly and daily challenges to accumulate in case I do need them in the future. I wish they would give something more than just points for doing these events, like a wheelspin or something.
And you are aware that there is a difference between a challenge and being impossible because of something that might be a programming glitch, right? Do you have anything useful to contribute to this discussion, or are you just here to make yourself look good? Instead of just dropping some random criticism, how about reading what people are actually complaining about?