I recently revisited previous forza titles because of the anniversary, and also from the new fh1 title screen I have noticed that there are a lot more people around and they are more involved in the world.
I think it whould be cool if loading screens featured more people, and there would be more cutscene animations between events with dialogue and animation. (similar to the the beginning of fh1) Another thing that I’d like to see is more pedestrians just to make the world a little bit more alive.
Thank you for reading!
Id love to see pedestrians like in Horizon 3’s surfers paradise. Even if the areas where they’re placed are inaccessible. It was so cool for me seeing literally people walking down the streets and chatting in the city. It just brings the open world experience up a notch
Your loading screens suggestion - yes. More character cut scenes /character interactions - absolutely. And if possible some motion capture characters instead of the same pretending to talk character models. Horizon 1-2 did that very well.
Only 5 minutes long but thats how its done properly.