[POLL] Does anyone actually enjoy the dialogue in this game?

  • Yes
  • No
  • Rich Evans for president
0 voters

Devs, skippable cutscenes/dialog, PLEASE. It’s something that’s in games for almost 40 years now. Or is it just another thing to boost ‘engagement hours’ for the shareholders?

EDIT: you can vote for the ‘skip option’ in suggestions hub so the devs can ignore that too

I suspect only the people that were paid to voice it would possibly vote yes.


It isn’t really made for me, so I have to appreciate that.

But no, absolutely not.

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it’s okay on the whole, some of it is mildly amusing; I don’t find it particularly annoying, though Donut Media was . . . er . . .


I would have to increase the font size of that no to about 10,000 to illustrate how much of a no I mean.

I have voice volume at 0 and was still cringing just from the subtitles in the rally expansion.

The dialogue is absolute cringe. Badly written, amateur hour junk that only a pre-teen would take serious.
And to not give us a simple skip button for cut scenes makes this a serious crime under the Geneva convention.


At least give us a chance to skip all this stuff, like every other modern game I play does. It is a shame that I have to turn the sound completely off in order to avoid this. This, along with the associated cut scenes remain my most hated (yes, hated) part of Forza.


If they could make it skippable, and/or get the voice cast to record some alternatives that are selected from a pool, that might be a bit better. And less repetitive.
Also, they need to fix the triggers. I’ve had dialog triggered by doing something entirely unrelated to what the dialog says I did. Like, I take a picture of a car, and Alex says how great I am at danger signs.

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I leave the dialogue volume on, but having to listen to my character constantly repeating “Come on guys, it doesn’t have to be a competition!” has to be one of the most misplaced & annoying lines, particularly when the entire premise is about competition. It’s a little over the top for me, even in the saturation of “E” for Everyone environment.

Donut Media History Chapter had the worst voice acting in the entire gaming genre. Just 2 random people from the street with piece of paper to read.

That guys got any money for that job or 2 beers only…?

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The dialogue is cringy and annoying. Nobody over the age of 9 would enjoy this, but it seems PGG is catering to kids with this garbage. The characters are annoying children with the bodies of adults and it shows. The fact that there is no option to skip is an atrocity.


Also, you can vote for a ‘skip’ option in suggestions hub, so we’ll have yet another option that devs can ignore

I think that most of us have them muted. The problem is that you still have to wait for them to stop babbling before you can continue playing the game

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I’d take FH1 to FH3 era dialogue over anything FH5 related. At least THOSE characters sounded like actual adults instead of the super-happy infantile nature.

Horrible dialogue seems to have become a industry standard, look at Saints Row 2022 for an example. The characters there are just as bad as this game is.

I’ll take that no, 'cept bolded and at a size of 1 BILLION. Yes, you read that correctly. One billion in size.


Haha, and in the rally expansion your character belittles Alejandra asking “Who’s the fastest in the family now?” or something like that. Make up your mind PGG!

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:smile: you’re right! I just did the Apex race with Alejandra & my character was talking some pretty good smack for a change: “So much for technical skills” :joy:

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I have never disliked a video game character more than Alejandra. I would literally prefer Jar Jar Binks inserted in the game rather than hearing anything she says, but most especially Papa Fernando.


It doesn’t bother me. I don’t particularly like it, but I’m also not compelled to mute it. I will note, however, that the guy who’s supposed to be so enthusiastic about Rally that he’s responsible for the expansion seems to have the most “whatever” tone for his pace notes.

Everything she says feels about as sincere as a get well card from an Undertaker. I really don’t like obviously being lied to. :smile:


ong man the random spanish makes me want to eat lead