Online is Horrible

FH2 is the first full price game I’ve ever bought as a download instead of retail because I knew I’d be playing it forever just like the first one and never want to trade it in. I was more excited for this game than any in recent memory. Now I’m more disappointed over this game than over any that I can remember.
The worse part is: they nailed it! The driving, locals, everything is fantastic, until you try to race online. Then you realize it’s nearly impossible to do anything you want to do online. FH1’s system was awesome; find what you like to do and do it. This new way is just frustrating and doesn’t work. I don’t want to join a club and have to get on Facebook with my callender open and tentatively plan for a full group to race A class at Naples Sprint next Tues night at 7:45 pm EST. But unless you want to spend all night doing a bunch of events you don’t like just so you can do a few that you do, that’s basically your only option. Someone please fix this, or I’ll be done with this game in no time and not even have a disc to trade in toward Project Cars or The Crew who hopefully have enough sense to do online that works.

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You CAN, actually, it just takes a bit of work.

Go online freeroam. Find the race/game you want to do. Drive there (or warp if you have the perk) and hit the Back button. If there’s an event in progress, just park and wait a bit (like a lobby where you can do donuts) and launch when clear.

B Wald

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Do this ^^
Those of us used to the Forza lobby setup are easily frustrated by the new road trip. I tried to grit through it for a couple nights, but once I did online free roam everything was good again. It’s like a the old user created lobbies. The host can choose ANY race at ANY location at ANY time. You don’t even need to drive to it (the host does, though). If you’re frustrated with the road trips try free roam.

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I get what you mean. Yeah online road trips are great if you just want to jump into some action, but I really miss having the option to just choose a tag game mode to play and find a lobby, without having to do it through Freeroam and ending up with 2 or 3 people actually joining the event unless you have 11 friends or cooperative people in the session. It made me realise that lobbies are actually a good thing, it allows you to choose exactly what you want to do, right there and then. It would be good to have at least user-created lobbies like in Horizon 1.

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I think the online is fine, yes we still have the rammers but other than that i like it :slight_smile:

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I have not tried online yet and from what I keep hearing, i’ll just take my sweet old time. Or just stick to FM5 to satiate my competitive side, at least I can actually drive in FM5 lol

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I’ve been saying the exact same thing. I wish someone at either Playground Games or T10 would at least let us know if adding lobbies to the game could possibly happen or if we should just give up hope for that right now. Without lobbies the lasting appeal of this game will be greatly diminished for me.

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Not only what you mentionned sucks, but Infected and King also!
We are eight people: do we really have to get last place in a race because I wasn’t the first King? If you don’t have the crown at the beginning, you ain’t never get it!

The maps are too big on Infected and even more on King. Do you imagine being eight people playing Hide & Seek in New York City? No, that is a bad idea!

The worst is the variety of maps and their size; 3 maps, but you get confused between all of them. Saint Martin… Airfield, Industrial Zone or that offroad part? If you want to go to the airfield, you have to be in a specific class. Ridiculous!

I rented Horizon 2 for 6 days because it was a long weekend. Now I regret it. I was planning on getting XBOX ONE at the end of the year; I’ll forget that for now. And I’ll forget it until someone wakes up, and says: <<Hey, we’ve got to change the maps on Infected and King!>> (When that will happen, please tell me that.)

And one last thing: YOU CAN’T CHOOSE YOUR LOBBY!!!


They have to pick a first king. They did in FH1.

If you know how to play the game then winning without being first king is more than doable.

The game mode is what it is. Learn how to gain the crown off someone and how to keep it. That is the art no matter whether you are first king or not.

Knowing what people will do to get the king from you is important so you know how to defend.

Both racing and king are all about anticipation, thinking ahead. Think about where the king car will be in 5 or 10 seconds and aim to get there just before the king does.

First, the point was the map is WAY too big.
Second, I know how to play King. You haven’t played with me on Horizon 1 I think, but you would have left after one game.

I know your point was map size.

I can not remember playing king or any game against you.

I would not have left after one game, not based on whether I won or lost.

I was not trying to imply you had no idea but my point still stands. First king does not guarantee a win even on the big maps and last night’s games I played suggested that.

I kept track of 5 games of king spread across the night.

2 small maps - 1st king won once.
medium map - 1st king did not win
2 large maps - 1st king did not win

More importantly is the lobby seemed to enjoy the large map more. There were more spectacular near misses and long skill point chains while keeping king. The lobby had more laughs and stuff and less swearing and cursing than when playing on the smaller maps.

But at least in those 5 games it did not appear that the maps were too large for the game mode nor did it seem 1st king was a guaranteed win.

If you have a preference for small maps cool but large maps do not guarantee a win to 1st king.

And knowing that the on line part of a game is the most important thing of all: I’LL FORGET IT!

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i enjoy the racing, but all the crap in between i cant stand. i dont want to drive to a race, i had a game where the race was 14 kil away plus all the loading time not being able to choose the car i want, it gives me the one i was messing with. then i spend 3 minutes racing. get rammed none stop. the one doing the ramming should suffer damage. then i have to wait another 7 minutes for the next race

cant they make a game type were its just one race after another. i dont care about xp and stuff i just like a laugh while racing. if you have say 4 A class cars, i choose one for the first race why am i stuck with that for the next 3.
i can understand people like the system in place, its just not for me. i just want to race without the 10 minutes in waiting between each race.

PG or Turn 10 should create an online manual in the future and put a piece of paper in the game directing people to it, just to avoid any confusion. I think you have introduced new ways of doing things like car meets, free roam or road trip, that may have replaced the traditional way of doing things like lobbies. Some people may get it but others may not, so you should do a better job of explaining it somewhere rather than having people try to figure it out. I don’t know when it stopped, but most games shipped with a small booklet or pamphlet explaining the features and menu options in the game. This needs to happen again via an online manual. I think it would go along way for new users or when introducing new mp online concepts people aren’t used to.

BTW, I like them because they are seamless and integrates well with being an open world game, whereas lobbies make more sense in closed circuit racing like FM5.