I Miss Lobbies

In Horizon 1 I really liked to find a specific event or event type and just race it/those. Like being able to race that long drag race over the interstate over and over, or finding a lobby where I knew it was going to be just point to point races where everyone had the same car. Can you do these things in Horizon 2, because if so I haven’t found out how.
So far I’ve done online road trip and had to play tag events in between races. I also tried online free roam and was stuck with the same random 8 or so players, none of whom were there to do the types of races I wanted to do.
I really hope I’m just missing something and there’s a way to get the same online experience I was hoping for. I don’t have a huge group of buddies I can count on being online and interested in the same stuff, and honestly I really don’t want to have to meet a bunch of strangers and have to set up some rules or times on how we’re all going to get together. I just want to easily find my type of race and race others in it. Can I?


This is my single complaint about FH2.

In my eyes, FH2 is perfect in almost every regard. But the fact they have omitted multiplayer lobbies from a Forza game seems absolutely insane to me. Maybe I’m just missing where they are also, because it really does seem crazy that something so fundamental to a racing game would be omitted, especially when they were in the preceding game of the same series (Horizon 1 and Forza 5).

I seriously hope they add them in later in an update.


I agree with you so much. I always loved to be able to find a specific game type in horizon 1. Like drag racing, cops and robbers, or just cruising or doing challenges. I don’t understand why it wasn’t implemented in this game. The developers are daft.


Lobbies were soo damn good, could actually play with friends

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Bring back lobbies so we can actually play with friends, sucks having to try and invite a crew member/friend into a game before it fills up

Anyone know of a way other than having to rush to invite him?

Just a make a private session?

So much THIS!


The two of you form a party beforehand, then one or the other searches for a public freeroam. As soon as that player finds a session and joins, the other one hits “join party game” on their pause menu.

Agreed we need lobbies again or at least a way to play with club members easier, with the amount of complaints regarding this we can only hope for a update soon.

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Indeed I enjoyed the infected lobby’s

They should put the option for people to make their own user-created free roams, which allows the leader to put up a title, choose events as usual and boot people who don’t cooperate. So people can choose a free-roam lobby with the title saying “Playground games only”, “Drifting lobby”, “Drags mics only”, “Free roam exploration” etc. so people join the lobby with a common goal and cooperate more instead of doing their own thing. There should also be an extra option when setting up events where you can set a specific car or cars which are allowed, and turning off upgrades/tuning so people can make their own pure-skill events.

This, I like infection and king games, but only get in lobbies where people do bucket lists and races…

That’s funny because I’m just the opposite. I want to race and don’t really care for the tag games. But I think this really speaks to why having lobbies would be such a benefit, because there are a lot of people who feel like we do. And when you get in a session with people who like what I do or I get in a session with people sharing your tastes it’s just not much fun. We need a way to easily and quickly be able to play online doing what we’re interested in.

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I don’t like that they’re mixing playground games with regular racing. Online free roam is a mess with everyone doing different things there isn’t much organization. Bottom line, I would like to see a proper lobby system. Let us pick what car class to race in and vote for the course while keeping playground games in there own separate lobby.

I really miss the old lobby system, this new lobby system works but I do not like having to build a jack of all trades car and master of none because I have to be in it for 4 races. Short track cars don’t win races on long tracks, and long track cars don’t win races on short cuircits .

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Surprised to see this. I have always hated lobbies and am glad to see them go.

I have to agree with everyone in this thread as well…

I like the new multiplayer systems… The seamless online freeroam, online roadtrip features and the ability to set up private instances of both. It would be outstanding if a lobby feature was added back though for those looking for a particular playground event, race type or class… Just adding in a feature for event leaders to add custom descriptions to public and private lobbies as well as a a list of all of the public/private sessions to browse would be great…

U2SC has over 200 members, but the max players in a sessions is 12. We have at least 25-50 members online at any given time and it would be nice to be able to browse each of the private club sessions (and who’s currently in them) to make it easier to find the session you want to join…

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I half-like the car show mode. It needs more people, though, like 30-50 so that you get more than one or two opponents in whatever the mode is called that you push x to join. And maybe class restrictions. Seems like the lower the class I pick, the less likely I am to ever see my opponents (or, rather, the bigger the difference in classes, the more likely they completely eat it before they ever come close to catching up, I suppose).

I haven’t played any playground stuff yet except for a 1-on-1 with a friend that wanted a private road trip series. The road trip, IMO, is fundamentally broken. I’ve done two of them now, coming in 1st in 7 of the 8 events but with my buddy in the private one beating me by 2000 points in 30000 and the public one where I came in 1st 3 times and 2nd once and somehow ended up like 8th of 11 or something.

I really don’t like the skill chaining points, as they reward drivers for doing slow things like drifting and crashing through set pieces. Clean driving gets /some/ points but they’re very small bonuses and don’t carry along long enough to stack multipliers. But if you go against someone who can’t maintain their car’s posture through a corner, they’ll be stacking mad drift and burnout bonuses miles behind good, clean racers, and likely win on points.

I really do love playing this game but the online road trip mode is just not enjoyable to me. I think TC’s suggestion of having traditional lobbies might be hugely beneficial since it would allow us to play what we want rather than whatever we just happen to get randomly lumped into.

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Yes yes yes yes and yes Lobbies are a must in a racing game. Road trips are great to learn the map and different tracks (east wall scramble again anyone???) But for mastering tracks and cars not so much. I know lobbies would kille your xp system, but whocares. If you can win a championship with out winning… That’s a topic for another day, I would take lobbies and no xp, but that’s just me wanting to master the game

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this is exactly why i don’t play multiplayer much…because i hate infected and king of the hill or whatever it’s called. i just want to race… horizon 1 mp was quick and simple and a BLAST.

i seriously doubt they will ever implement this…but if they wanted to open world thing to work let us choose our cars between races and let us just an open world that will only have races.

anything besides what we got now… the online freeroam would work but noone in the random free roam you join will join the race when someone tries to set it up

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