Sounds like online lobbies will never happen in FH2. If I didn’t love this game and Forza in general I wouldn’t care, but for me the current online system rarely lets me play how I want to play, and to have such a great game and not be able to play it how you’d like is frustrating beyond words. I guess I’m in the minority though since the feedback on the current system, according to the interview, has been so amazing.
Feedback is always cherry picked and bias to make them believe their own decisions are best. This is typical practice and it’s not the devs fault. It’s the people who aggregate that feedback and then say, yes everyone loves it.
This has been happening for years. Not just in games, but any industry you care to pick as an example. It’s only when there are mass public outcries that things really get actioned.
Unless most people say they hate it, they’ll assume most people like it. We know it’s never as simple as that, but big companies don’t seem to able to grasp that one.
It won’t be changed now, it’s so deeply baked into the game that it would require a major rewrite to change it. So get used to it or find something else to play as they won’t be fixing it. Shame that this franchise is being hobbled little by little with each ‘New’ game. As a single player game i’m enjoying Horizon for the exploring and photography. Two things not compatible with online play for a various reasons.
Thats part of the problem. Most people dont care about those forums but the game devs will think that they are happy with it. I know for a fact that some friends of mine are not getting the game because of my feedback and I will have to trade my game soon as I see no hope to see this change.
Ive put several hours ``playing`` online but not doing much of actual racing. Instead, i find myself trying to crash into other cars like this is Midtown Madness, drive from one event to another or trying to find a room with people who wants to race like me. But they claim that its a great experience because you are playing consistenly rather then spending 1-2 min in a lobby so you can enjoy the game mode you want.
Wondering how this concept would work in Call of Duty? You could get into a game where you must go through pre-determined game modes like Team Deathmatch, Solo Deathmatch, Capture the Flag and throw in a game of hide and seek just to spice up things. Then once those events are done, everybody would be in a shooting range trying to game XP. I`m sure there are some brilliant minds who thinks this would be a great idea.
The only thing that irritates me about online road trips is the lack of playground games that happen, I’m up to level 52 now and despite not playing much online out of the games I have played only 2 events have been infected and none king, maybe voting on events as well as location would be a better idea than just doubling everyone’s votes.
@Neverender: unsure how many friends you have with FH2, but it is possible to start a Private Party in game and then play King/Infected as your heart desires with at least 1 other friend actively playing.
Yeah, but that’s what i mean. They know how many people are playing the game. Unless a good percentage of that group, like 40 or 50% come on the forums screaming blue murder, they’ll just assume everyone must be happy. People still come to the forums after owning several Forza’s, and say they didn’t even know the forums existed. They don’t exactly go out of their way to promote them. All those bits of paper they love to shove in game cases and not one that shows the forums off, or Forza rewards, or even… Gasp… The controls! lol
I’m just curious as to who might have started this rumor that lobbies would even be added. Before Horizon 2 was released, the talking heads were adamant about taking this direction and, in my opinion, it has turned out to be a great time saving decision.
Where as in the original Forza Horizon, if I wanted to create a free roam lobby, I could do so but would have limited control over what was available at my disposal (as the host), in terms of events. If I wanted to go from free roam to an actual event, I would have to do exactly that - back out to the multiplayer menu and configure the lobby. Just the time saved there is appreciated; again, in my personal opinion.
As far as road trips go, I can’t offer any sort of opinion as I have avoided that aspect of multiplayer up to this point. However, I will say that the ability to, as you say it, be road driving, racing, or playgrounding in online free roam is a nice sense of multiplayer freedom and adventure without the need for menu hopping. Then, for instance, those in the lobby who choose not to partake in any particular race for whatever reason, they can mosey about the map until the majority return to free roam without leaving the lobby. For everyone else, the completion of the race drops you right back to where you were when you began the event, alongside everyone else - great for interacting after the race as opposed to just staring the lobby menu, waiting for the next event to start.
In short: the amount of events I and a lobby of 11 others can knock out in a one hour span seems increasingly improved upon over that of the original Horizon and it can be accomplish with next to no menu screens and relatively low loading. For someone who, like myself, appreciates less lobby time and more action on the map, not having to go back and forth to the menu is a relief.
This is why I’ve always lobbied (heh heh) for the Addition of online lobbies/hoppers, not their replacement of the current system. I realize some people like the current system.
I see how you feel it saves you time, but for those of us that just like certain types of events the current system does the opposite. In freeroam it’s rare to find a group with many likeminded racers. You’ve got to jump from one group to another hoping you eventually do. That takes a lot of time. In road trip there’s way too many other events. And I’d count that time having to just piddle around on the map waiting for an event I like as lost time, not a bonus.
If they add lobbies, then we all have options. I don’t see anything bad about that. What is bad though is that the game I’d been most excited about this year is here and I’m already getting bored with it.
I have the same issue in free roam as you. Most times whoever is setting up the event chooses an any class race. I myself like class based racing, mainly B-S2 as I do not see the enjoyment of max upgrading every car in my garage, never have never will and yet that seems to be how the majority is playing the game that I come across. Therefore I have to waste my time jumping from group to group hoping to find like minded racers. Last night in a four hour session I only did about 10 street races which were races I set up and only one person joined as no one else wanted to race B Class. Night after night the only events I see set up in freeroam are any class events which IMO are just childish and boring. For me that is a huge waste of time.
Unfortunately, the replayability of the game for me is quickly wearing out as it’s easier to just load up FM5 and jump in a class lobby and race until I’m blue in the face. Online Road trips help eliminate the screwing around but I have already lost enjoyment in those as well. I don’t want to do playground games and the timer runs out too quickly when traveling to each event.
In FH I just stayed in Veteran Racing hoppers, Rally hoppers or PG hoppers. I was not a fan of custom. If I set them up no one joined and if I joined I was often kicked.
So my preference is a hopper that minimises waiting between races because the custom lobbies I was allowed in seemed more like chat rooms than rooms wanting to actually kick off the next race.
I would be ok with Free Roam and hosting races provided there was a way for all public players to join the race as opposed to just the people in the same free roam as you, this is similar to how GTA V online works - you can host a race and then invite people from your freeroam session, friendlist or open it to the public. That would allow you to find a race of your liking.
They need to do something soon though these online road trips are getting old, maybe instead of sticking to one area do one race from each,make it like an actual road trip not just a 30sec dash around the corner to the next race
The online Road Trips IMO are so rushed. When traveling to each event it becomes complete chaos like someone turned on a light in a room full of cockroaches. Total opposite of what Ben is always yammering on about in solo mode about enjoying the drive. Everyone is in such a hurry to get to the next event online it is more stressful than enjoyable for me anyway. If you’re the type of person that likes to drive on the roads you can pretty much forget about completing the trips between events as most everyone just drives through the forest like drunken lunatics.
this is actually the only thing i hate about this game. all i want to do is race and 99% of all the lobbies that i go in everyone just wants to spin around in circles or do drag races. i loved the first horizon cause i can go and do exactly what i wanted to do with other people who wanted to do the same thing. now im just stuck in lobbies that dont even want to race. really boring