Network Servers are unacceptable Turn 10 [With Forza 5 bandwith speeds used in 4th post!]

Okay here we go. I am really getting tired of not being able to truly enjoy playing Forza 5 online in multiplayer. I do not have problems connecting with servers for multiplayer. My problem is getting the constant weak network connection message while racing online. Which causes the game to go in slow motion then rapdily speed up. It usually does it when I am approaching a turn which is A BAD THING! Why this game doesn’t put you in servers near where you live is beyond me.

I have the following set up. High Speed Internet that is 10mbs down & 800kbs up. My 10mbs down is more than enough to enjoy streaming movies @1080p. I do know you don’t need a lot of upload speed to play online. With my Router I can watch Network Traffic while gaming online on Xbox One or Xbox 360. I have never seen my upload speed go above 300kbs while playing Xbox 360 online for example, with no lag issues for me/full or 1 bar down from full connection speed for lobby I’m in. Which means my 800kbs is more than enough to have lag free experience on Xbox Live. Good eample, Call of Duty on Xbox 360. I got 8 of those. I never had an issue with lag on that game unless the game picked someone terrible to be host. My usual upload speed on COD Black Ops 1 is a mere 90kbs. That’s all that game needed for upload & online lag free play with whoever. Otherwise, I always had a lag free enjoyment. My modem is in bridge mode so that only my router handles firewall duties. Router I use is D-Link DGL-5500 Gaming Router. The Xbox One gets top priority for bandwith on this router because of streamboost. You can literally set up your devices in order for who has top priority over other devices. My Xbox One is 1, then Xbox 360 is 2, then Samsung Galaxy S3 is 3, etc. You get where I’m going. Doesn’t matter who is in my home on the internet using whatever device, my Xbox One gets bulk of bandwith, period. I honestly love this router. It is really cool. Back on subject. I use wireless for Xbox One. My console is about 50’ from the router. Console is getting an 89% signal strength from router. My NAT is Open. My Xbox One has a dedicated static IP address on my D-Link (always get open NAT with this & port forwarding to that IP address). I also have port forwad the correct ports in relation to the Xbox One, as follows.

Port 88 (UDP)
Port 3074 (UDP and TCP)
Port 53 (UDP and TCP)
Port 80 (TCP)
Port 500 (UDP)
UDP Port 3544 (UDP)
UDP Port 4500 (UDP)

I have never had an issue like this on previous Forza titles when we were peer to peer connection, or any other Xbox Live game. I have been on Xbox Live since day one in 2002. This server based connection is supposed to be the best thing & fast. Yet I can’t help but think they are putting me on a server in the UK or something where I would have a terrible ping (I’m east coast US). Which would cause an un-enjoyable experience online in Forza 5. I played in the Titanfall beta and had a choice of servers to pick from. I picked server in NY because my Ping was like 35ms which is great. I know you want your ping to be under 100ms. I experienced zero lag issues with that game.

So my question to Turn 10 is this. Why don’t we have an option to choose a server region? I don’t like connecting to a server that is somewhere on earth & have me racing with people that also have a bad connection to it as well. Example, why am I racing with someone in Brazil whose car is lagging all over the track? Or someone in France lagging all over the place to. I am not saying everyone from Brazil or France do lag. However I have seen my fair share of cars lagging bad all over the track meaning their connection to that server is terrible to. For Microsoft to have over 300,000 servers for Xbox One at launch I’m just not impressed, as far as Forza goes. Like I said, I had zero issues playing Titanfall Beta or other Xbox Live titles prior to Xbox One Launch. Forza 5 is the only multiplayer game I own on Xbox One. Max the Curse of the Brotherhood doesn’t have multiplayer, its my only other game.

800kb/s upload isn’t great when you consider you’re racing with people across the globe. I sometimes get the weak signal message and my upload (and download) are more than 10x that.

That still has nothing to do with me having lag free online gaming prior to Forza 5. Remember, on Xbox 360, using my tablet at same time, I would access my router & see exactly what Xbox 360 was doing download & upload speed. Example, playing COD BO1, my internet never went faster than 90kbs for upload while playing online with who ever in world & no lag. I always have 3 or full green bars for connection. That is not counting people with a bad connection & 1 red bar. They lag everywhere. There has been plenty of times on Call of Duty, when it would make me host, because it was peer to peer. When I was host, lobby ran smooth & no one complained about lag. Of course, you exclude that occasional 1 red bar gamer that pops in game & doesn’t realize there connection is bad.

Later tonight, I’ll post a picture of what Forza 5 uses when racing online with 10mbs down & 800kbs upload for me.

I want to say some of it has to do with Forza 5 being more demanding and transmitting more info then the 360 and other XB1 games. I have similar up/down speeds as you and don’t lag in games aside from Forza. I turn wifi off on pc and phone and have the XB1 hard wired to my router.

This has helped greatly and I’ll get the weak network connection and lag only occasionally if I’m in an overseas lobby.

I couldn’t get links to work. Remember, if you own a D-LINK DGL-5500, you can log into router & see exactly what your devices are doing.

I observed Forza 5 using no more than 350kbps download & 340kbps upload while racing online. That’s all the bandwidth it needed. My internet speed of 10mbps down & 800kbps upload is more than enough. Only thing I can figure is they are connecting me to a server on the other side of the globe, giving me a terrible ping.

For good measure, I went to Xbox Video & streamed movie trailer for Nick Cage movie “Joe” in HD. That used 9.10mbps down & 402kbps upload.

So why would I get WEAK NETWORK CONNECTION then Turn 10 & mess up my online racing with screen rate slowing down then speeding up? Usually when I’m approaching a turn & ruin the turn.

Not necessarily “on the other side of the globe.” You could be connecting under 500 miles away, but you may have 800 kbps up, but that is only to your Internet Service Provider’s (ISP) central office. It doesn’t count beyond their connection, and is NOT guaranteed all the way to the destination you’re seeking. Ask your ISP what rate they guarantee you, and, if they’re honest, they will admit that only 80% is acceptable. You’re not guaranteed 10 MB x 800 kbps - only 80% of that, which is 8 MB x 640.

Check this out: and read the information. Typical connections - especially in a world-wide system like Xbox LIVE and those servers - may make 14-16 hops through various backbone providers, DNS (Domain Name System) setups, and other links which make up the Internet. In my case, I’m pretty close to Microsoft’s (not XBL) servers, yet I go through my ISP, into Verizon, AT&T, through Sprint and sometimes even a fourth provider. Any one of those may at any moment clog up the transmission.

Our collective “best” connection is the worst speed on any of those and the most unreliable (latency, packet loss, etc.) we happen to run into getting to the final destination and back. Just because someone has a “supplied” rating like you have, doesn’t mean that person has that particular connection perfectly many thousands of miles wherever we are trying to access either a website or the gaming system.

My thing is this. I’m only having to use 350kbps down & 340kbps up to race Forza 5 online. That is no where near my speed cap For upload or especially download. Therefore, what you saying makes no sense. I get my full bandwidth worth for download when streaming video in HD. I pay for 10mbps & stream HD pulling 9mbps +, constantly. Yet, Forza 5 is only game this happens with on Xbox Live for me. Did you not see when I said I played Titanfall beta and picked server in NY with a 35ms ping & had ZERO issues. That again makes what you said pointless. Forza 5 should have a similar set up, pick a server that gives you your best ping. That is what it comes down to. Your ping. A ping over 100ms is not a fun online experience with gaming.

Then if what I explained has nothing to do with what you’re doing, perhaps you should be contacting Xbox LIVE Support, since it is the system servers hosting The Cloud, not Turn 10.

This is good for seeing how good or bad your connection is to places around the world Speedtest by Ookla - The Global Broadband Speed Test

I’ve known about for about 8 yrs. My thing is this. When I stream Netflix or a movie on Xbox Video, I get full HD with a constant download stream of 9mbps no problem. For Forza 5 I’m only having to use 350kbps download and 340kbps upload at the max. What I don’t know is my ping with the server i’m connected to. Your ping is what determines how good your connection is. All the speed in the world is worthless if you got a ping with a latency of more than 100ms with a server.

On Titanfall beta, I saw my ping with servers when it was time to select one. I could see my ping with servers overseas. My ping with those were anywhere from 135ms up to 300ms +. Now that is terrible latency, which would = unenjoyable gaming experience. That’s why I chose server in NY with a ping of 35ms.

All Xbox Live games this new generation should let you pick a server from the server farm alloted for that particular game release. Where you have the best possible ping with. Not randomly put me in one I have no control over & possibly have less than optimal ping with. Supposedly this new generation is no more peer to peer connection on Xbox Live, but through actual servers.

I’ve seen people on Battlefield 4 on Xbox One on Xbox Live through Twitch be able to choose the server they want to play on. Of course they click on a server where they have full bars or 1 bar from full. That set up is similar to COD (when playing online & you check your kills, well you can see your connection on COD), you get the bars showing your connection. You wouldn’t stay in a COD lobby when you have 2 yellow bars, or 1 red bar. Well I sure would not! Lag, lag, lag! As far as COD goes, 3 or 4 green bars mean you will have a great time shooting people. Back to Battlefield 4 though, it was either 4 or 5 green bars was excellent connection with that particular server. Forza needs this!!

So what your really want is some kind of feature that allows you to connect to whichever server you want to ?

Yes. That is it. I would choose the server that I had the best ping with. If they don’t set it up to show ping, then the server that I had the most green bars with (full green bars or 1 bar less than full).

Ahhh, ok. Here you go.