Mirrors in cockpit view seem to keep getting reduced details

I used to see tire smoke/leaves/snow/rain/dirt and 3D objects in them. Now I see flat objects, no smoke / leaves / rain / snow / dirt, reduced car details, and in most cases the driver is completely removed. This breaks immersion for those of us who use this view exclusively. Bring those details back please.

On a Win10 rig with a 1080 Ti if that matters.

Is my game broken or is this actually happening?

same thing, max graphics too, this is also happening in FM7, i suppose a xbox one limitation they didnt remove for PC

Why is that? I play primarily in first person. Haven’t played on an xbox in a while, but I did on my friend’s one x yesterday and I noticed that the mirror quality is higher than on my PC ( equipped with a 1080 Ti ). What gives?

Is the PC using the ‘extreme’ mirror setting?

Yes. I have ultra and extreme everything. Highest everything and still get 100+ FPS on my 1440 HDR display. Even at launch I got 100+ with everything cranked to the max. Definitely shouldn’t be seeing 1 dimensional objects. I see flat stuff regardless of the setting I choose. Not cool.

I think that there have never been extreme mirror settings in Forza and it has always been this way.

No. There definitely were more details when this launched.

You’re breaking my immersion. :frowning: