Xbox series x performance mode no RT still shows

Cars along side in your reflection

Is this a glitch? But I’m not getting the resolution scaling so bonus??

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Doesn’t photo mode switch a lot of effects on independent of the graphics setting?

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Forza just has really nice reflections no matter in RT on or off, I play in fps mode and yes the reflections are supposed to look that way, I personally don’t get the hype around RT, because it seems to just be a less efficient way to simulate reflections.

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I think they should tone it down on black reflective materials IE bumpers, diffusers etc. as the RT sort of washes out the dark colour and you have this weird lores texture that doesn’t work.

RT is hit and miss imo sometimes it looks good sometimes awful.

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RT does not do that, RT is just addition to regular environment cubemaps that is used in perf mode (and earlier games, fm7, forza horizon series)
It is just lighting calculation that all add up… and does things bit differently than before… kind of more realisticly but kind of off also…


Fair enough. Your right but if it’s lighting it needs adjusting, it doesn’t look right. :+1:

Cars can’t reflect other cars without raytracing.

I hate how the drivers turn the wheel in this game, as if they are driving a classic Cadillac with a stiff shoulder and locked tricep :joy:

Don’t know why this thread keeps getting bumped because as it has already been stated (and noted as the answer in the OP) : RT is always ON in Photomode on Series X.