Will they improve implementation of RT Performance setting on Series X?

I just switched to the Performance 4k setting after many months and I’ve gotta say it looks nice. Some of the visual glitches like the shimmering and glowing around cockpit parts is gone too.

How many of you play it in Performance RT? What are the specific benefits of choosing it over the “recommend” setting on Xbox?

Let’s discuss this a bit. :grinning:


I do. I wanted RTAO and RT reflections at 60fps, so i switched to PRT.
RTAO makes a lot of difference! You can do a comparison between PRT & PERFORMANCE and see the difference on the side of the car.

Here are some reflections at PRT mode.

To answer the thread’s question:
They should. They could. But they probably won’t.
There’s still a miles long list of engine/assest related bug & issues that they have yet to acknowledge or fix before starting to think about improving what’s already there.
And that’s before taking into account Turn10’s history when it comes to this: they never improve any graphical features beyond what was in the initial build of the game on launch day (FM5/6/7 all look identical to how they where on day-one and there was a handful of horrible stuff in them especially FM5).
Now that Tunr10 is no longer the Turn10 from back then, there’s even less reason to hope.


I did PRT for a long time but I’ve recently just switched to performance. I can’t really notice a difference and it’s nice to know it’s actually at 4k.

Full RT is unplayable. I refuse to play any game that doesn’t have at least 60 fps xbx.

Do you not get 60fps with RT on xsx? How is full RT unplayable? Not being an rse just wondering what issues you have,game runs fine on my XSX with PRT.Since the updates the flickering on the home screen and some races has gone,just the strobe effect at nights sometimes in cockpit view to sort for me.

I don’t quite follow your feedback. How is it unplayable? Performance RT does have the 60fps lock. I raced in all kinds of conditions with a full grid for many months in Performance RT mode and did not encounter a single slowdown while racing. Not one. That’s kinda impressive, in terms of optimization, at least.

Yes, the reflections are a nice touch for sure but shadows can look odd in cloudy and overcast conditions - blurry and flickery shadow edges around the cars externally for example or the shimmering and glowing inside cockpit parts during daytime in cloudy/overcast conditions.

Full ray tracing mode locks the game at 30 FPS.( which for a racing game in my opinion makes it unplayable.) Read my post again people my second “paragraph” wasnt about performance ray tracing.

Although full ray tracing on xbx really does look great, i wonder how it stacks up to ultra settings on PC.

Well, i think shadows have low res because of performance reasons. And also cube map reflections update with 30fps and RT resolution is low too because of performance (again).

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There are different RT techniques and different objects that can have RT.
we have RT SHADOWS, RT REFLECTIONS, RTGI, RTAO, RT etc; and what things should have RT…
For example: RT could be applied to just cars only, or it can be applied to all things (including buildings, NPC, assets, etc.
XBOX can’t handle all of these at once!
Just imagine: 4k native,60 fps,all RT techniques applied to all objects in game! Only a high end PC can handle it.
RT in general is very hard and expensive and it can push GPU to its limit!!!
Xbox has RT in just performance rt and visual mode.
All limitations is because of performance reasons. Recommend you to watch digital foundry’s interview with TURN 10.


When RTGI comes?

I don’t understand what full RT or half RT means. Both the Quality mode and PRT mode use ray tracing, period.

What am I missing?

Thank you, that makes sense.

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Yeah when i said full RT on xbx i meant quality mode, couldn’t render what it was called. Sorry for confusion.

In the cockpit view, the track in front of me is by no means 4K. Sometimes it’s even way below 1080.

All modes on Series X are dynamic resolution upscalled (to 4K). The game is never render at native 4K unlike FM6&7.

Neither FM6 nor 7 are native 4K on Xbox.

FM8 is native 4K on Performance and Quality mode. Variable res only in Perf RT mode.

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RT seems pointless in this game the way it’s implemented. I’m racing. I don’t really care about the reflection of the AI car crashing into me.


Sorry I meant FM 6/ 7 where native on Xbox (1080P with 4xMSAA). FH5 is 4K with 4xMSAA on Series X (in 30Fps mode).
And no matter what Digital Foundry thinks (or hallucinates) not a single mode is native in this years FM on Series X. It can hit 2160P but it’s still dynamic in both Quality & Performance mode.

4K just means that a certain number of pixels are output. The resolution is about how fine structures can be displayed. With a height of 2160 px, 1080 lines should be able to be drawn. But what is shown is far below that.

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