May we please have a few muliplayer hoppers with collisions off?

The general public hoppers are just filled with dirty racers who spin you if you try to pass or crashers who just want to ruin your day. There are just too many to block and or report. There are those of us who just want to race and can accept being beaten by better drivers. Occasional crashes are fun and cool to see but I’ve seen enough. Now I just want to race and learn and not have my experience ruined by idiots.

Please give us a select few hoppers with collisions off. Or turn damage on all of them so people are much more reluctant to make contact.


If I was a dirty racer…

I would welcome full-damage lobbies. Now, I could take people completely out of the race. I can laugh at how their cars are so badly damaged that they can’t even drive in a straight line. What a great new challenge to have my car badly wrecked and limping along while still trying to cause damage to the other clean racers. And how fun would it be to get all my friends in the lobby and have a contest to see who can take out the most players completely out of the race! This would be awesome!!!

…if I was a crasher. :wink:

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I imagine this would make everyone be more aggressive kicking people and reporting people.

But to be sure the only way to defeat the idiots is to create some collision-off lobbies. Dirty racers and crashes would be unable to affect the race. You would only have people who are solely interested in racing in them.

This is a small thing to do to alleviate the lawlessness that currently exists in the multi-player lobbies. It does not require any resources long-term from T10 to support.

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odd double post.

Since the last update, the lobbies I’ve been in have been great. A bunch of very fast, clean racers. I guess for anyone newer or a bit slower, but still wanting to race clean, it might even be worse now, because they aren’t getting into the fast lobbies. They would be lumped in with the demo derby tools. That’s got to suck.

I used to like racing in the no collision lobbies in FM4, because my connection was not always the most solid and it’s awfully hard to race clean against someone who is teleporting all over the track. :wink:

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Yes, my lobbies are worse and worse. I am not a dirty racer. I do not use people as my brakes and I do not retaliate if I’m hit. But I imagine everytime I’m collected by someone else causing a problem it dirties my stats. And sinks me lower and lower into the abyss of dirty and aggressive drivers.

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I would like to see a lobby where Brakes are Compulsory
So fed up of the Lambos using me as a brake

I like collisions being on but more and more it seems people aren’t mature enough to play that way.


I would like them on too, but this is too much. I not saying turn off all collisions in every lobby. That would be unfair. But can’t we can duplicate the class lobbies and make the second set collision off? I have a feeling the collisions-off lobbies would prove quite popular. At least until the idiots leave.


Totally agree, roll on Road America!

Collision’s off lobby? that sounds like few lap hotlap session. I rather spend my time reporting crashers, as the collisions isn’t racing in my opinion, its hotlapping.


I’ve heard this nonsense many times before. I suppose you don’t consider rally racing actual racing either?

Whatever. OP is asking that they maybe include some lobbies like this as it would make it so you don’t have to deal with griefers at all and even people with bad connections can still race without causing problems for anyone else. No one is saying everyone should have to race this way. Even if they do ever add this, you don’t have to ever go into those rooms. Jeez


my suggestion takes nothing away from you but gives me a choice. If T10 implemented my suggestion it would not affect you in any way but would greatly enhance my experience.


I think that would actually be pretty nice. I’ve been in lobbies lately (because of my hotlap times I suppose) where I’m just in the way I feel like (and even bumped one racer off the track trying to hold my line as he was coming around :frowning: ). It would be nice to not have to worry about offing someone else if there is a big discrepancy in skill. As for collision and damage on… I can understand why that’s not in lobbies. As someone else mentioned how would you like to have to try to limp around with a blown engine for the duration of the race because some idiot nailed the brakes in front of you way off pace in the first turn (heck that happens to me with drivatars in career!! ‘;…;’ )

It would be nice to have the opion of a lobby with collisions off. You’d still have to deal with the corner cutters though.

Keep adding good racers as friends and soon you’ll be racing in good lobbies. Using a mic helps too, helps to coordinate kicking wreckers. Apologizing for accidental wrecks goes a long way too.

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+1 Collision free lobbies please

Also make custom games more accessible

I am dying to do a collision free 25 lap Indy Car Race around the oval

+100 for that idea, sick and tired of being used as someones brakes

Ditto to everything everyone here is saying. The crashers are ruining the game and make me not want to play, and when there are 5+ a lobby, it becomes too tedious to report the MAJORITY of people I’m lobbied with.

Collision on itself is good. In a clean race it’s really a part of the struggle to win. BUT, unfortunatly it happens me far too much that with slight contact, I (yes me) get swing out just enough so i can enter a slow zone next to the track… Which helps me loose extra seconds, making me go from second to last in 1 contact. Furthermore, as i’m mostly driving superleight weight cars, compared to most others, I’m always the one flying around whenever there is a contact with a havier car…

Usually the one i had contact with just keeps driving a straighline and continues his lap like i never had hit him… whilst i get to sulk for the rest of the laps because of that one contact making me finish last by seconds…

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50% of my races in FM4 were collisions off. It’s nothing like hot lapping. NOTHING like it. It’s a great way to race and makes sense to race this way considering the sprint type races we have without qualifying. I’ve put forward this exact idea numerous times on these forums over the last 2 years, a collisions on and collisions off hopper. Those people that don’t think they can win can use the collisions on hopper.

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