"Look back" input mapping on Wheel

I have a thrustmaster steering wheel and whenever i try changing my input mapping so that i can look back, it assigns the button but when u go out of settings it doenst do anything at all, this has been getting real annoying and i need some help. PLEASEEEE tell me someone has a fix!!!

i have the same problem with my Fanatec McLaren wheel.I can assign a button for the rear view but it does nothing.Rear view is MANDATORY in mp when using cockpit view.Playing on SX.

Maybe it depends on which button you choose

Im using this button and its working fine

the only problem is you have reselect your CustomWheelProfile at every single gamestart because the game switches back to the DefaultWheelProfile everytime you close the game.

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i dont know what you mean to be honest.There is only one profile on Xbox and everything is save.I can‘t recall anything.Tried to map the rear view to digi pad down but nope…doesn‘t work

lets put this together:

on pc the buttons work but you can’t properly use the saved wheelprofile
on xbox you can save your wheelprofile but the buttons don’t work

well done T10

Are you using the controller layout in the settings? Go to that, when your wheel is plugged in it automatically shows that. I think layout 4 switches the buttons so that A is look back, and X and B are right and left. Only thing is you lose the e-brake ability.

yep- same here -on Xbox One S -TMX wheel - and can’t map the look back . . very annoying . .

Look what I wrote above. I have a TMX wheel and a Fanatec CSL Elite. Layout 4 works the same for both.

let me clear this up.
If you change the Controllerlayout on Xbox the Wheellayout also change?

worth to give it a try,thanks.I‘ll report back if it works for me :+1:

I did try this now and nope,doesn‘t work.But i was wrong,there are 5 individual settings for wheel as well but switching the profiles etc also doesnt work.That means,absolutely nothing works.

I assume you are on PC?Me on xbox…

The implementation of wheel support leaves very much to be desired in this game. I used a G920 on Xbox One and if I try to remap buttons from the default layout, FH5 returns with a Missing Keybind error. I have found that if I have my wheel and wireless controller running at the same time, the different key presses for each will work independently. I use that method when I need to take a photo as part of gameplay as my wheel setup doesn’t have the camera button configured.

yeah,i was thinking about that.Driving with one hand wheel and other hand on controller for rear view.Or use the analog paddles on the Mclaren wheel for brake/throttle and put the controller between my feet to gain access to rear view :grin:


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I’m on the Xbox One X. I have my controller layout set to layout 4. Once set it never changes. Not sure why it’s not working for you. I don’t remember if you have to hit save or not, I’ll have to check.

but you got that we talking about changing wheelbuttons and not about contoller-layouts?

Um, yeah, you can’t do that in Forza. At least not on the box, idk about PC.

I have the same problem with the look back not working with the default controls or trying to remap the controls on Xbox with a Logitech G920 wheel.

Although I just noticed it’s possible to look back with the default input mapping by going to Settings > Advance Controls > Switch look back / camera – On. Now the look back works on Y button but I’m not able to change the camera view as the A button doesn’t seem to work.

Oh , yeah, I couldn’t do that.
When I drive, I will stay in outside car POV until the race thins out a bit, and then switch to hood cockpit POV.
I drive much better in 1st person to immediately course correct when I see the front end push, or the back end start to wash out on me.

I can’t believe how ridiculously poor this is implemented. I would be playing on PC where look back works except they haven’t fixed where it crashes with a fanatec wheel if you play for more than 5 minutes. The game’s been out for half a year and they can’t even fix that?!? So I switched back to series X, but now I have no look back. How is one of the best racing games have such a garbage interface and wheel support when much lesser games work just fine…

Hi don’t know if Its any use to you or someone else but i was able to finally play Forza on PC with a Fanatec CSL DD. The Crashing was fixed after I started using the Fanatec Driver version 346. Looking Back is still not Working though since if I do map it’s Stuck in Rear right View at Least with my MC Laren and Club Sport RS rim