Wheel - Mapping the A button or the back button on the DPAD to "look behind" doesn't work

Haven’t tried other inputs, but basically there is no way of looking behind on a wheel.

I’ve tried mapping both the A button and the back button on the DPAD, but even though the game does allow you to map this function to these buttons, they don’t work in game.

Edit: Forgot to add platform and wheel model.

It’s a Logitech G920 on Xbox Series X. There is no driver model as it’s on console, but the wheel is on the latest firmware (96.3.49). As I said, the buttons are mapped in the dialog, but they have no effect in game if I map them to look behind.

For all reports please include your platform, wheel, and driver details.

Sorry, edited the post to add this info.

Same here …Thrustmaster 458. Many of the buttons say “missing binder” or they just don’t work. Sad when u think that they do work in fh4…at least we finally got wheel rotation (just a year late)

I have the same issue with my thrustmaster TX on Xbox one S, latest firmware. I map the look back button but It has no effect in gameplay. Tried Y button, A button and D pad. Also FYI I get first gear twice at the start of races. Both since the last update.

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Same issues, thrustmaster tx Xbox x Latest drivers and updates

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I have upgraded to Xbox series X and still have the same issue. I can map the look back to any button but it doesn’t work. Anyone have a fix?