On Steering Wheel, the Look Back button doesn't work or map correctly

When I use a steering wheel i can not map the option to look back to any button.
I can add a button to the look back configuration, but in game when i press this button, nothing happens.

Without a rear view mirror option, it makes cockpit/bonnet view dangerous for other users, i can not see what is happening behind and unintentionally cause collisions that should be avoidable.

Forza Horizon 5
Xbox Series X
Logitech G923

Been this way since release sadly, and the problem exists for Fanatec on Series X also. Would be great to see this fixed, and a virtual rear view mirror option added.

I remember playing on fm3. There was a rear view mirror at the top center of the game. It was very useful.

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@Lord_ARCH0N @Swergenglergen @Agent4Christ962
Are you still experiencing this issue after the series 24 update on 8.15.23?

Yes @JetPartySalad , Still unable to map a look back to any wheel button