LOAD FAILED after update [SOLVED]

Just had the update forced upon me once again, let in run all the way as i always do before playing the game but once it was all complete i load up, press A to start then get a short “Syncing data for Forza Motorsport 5” message before another box flashes up saying “LOAD FAILED - An unknown error occured. Please try again later”.
So i cant play the game now at all, what an awesome machine this is, next gen baby.

Can anyone from T10s community team pls respond asap…tried all the usual “fixes” but no joy & currently i have a game that cant be played in anyway shape or form at the moment.

Sorry to hear this but is your FM5 digital or hard copy…maybe best bey is unplug console from the wall and wait for 5 mn then try again.

i have the same problem m8 i dont think we will get help all i get from xbox support is reset your profile and start again.money spent on dlc and tokens the time it takes to race and tune the cars rank 160 so im not very happy and if i dont get a fix then i will not be buying anymore forza dlc.loved all the forzas but this maybe the end

On disc mate. Tried the hard boot, unplugged the lot, waited half hour before i tried again & still no luck but strangely as i was asking on their FB page for assistance my xbox switched itself on for a few seconds then started doing something so i’m hoping thats this “sync” that was required.
Cant get on at the moment so i’ll have a look later & see if anything has changed.

Just letting it do its thing after the forced restart “should” put things back in order. I’ve had it a couple times, and it is just scary. But then it syncs up fairly quickly, and the next time I boot into the console and logon to Xbox LIVE everything is fine again.

if disc I hope your disc drive is big failing since early reports show some do have faulty disc drives.

if disc I hope your disc drive is not failing since early reports show some do have faulty disc drives. Lets hope not.

Try google online to see if there’s a work around.

Still not working this game Snowowl. It seems i’m not the only one either with this problem, any suggestions as to who to contact to get this resolved? I know one guy who has contacted Xbox support to try to fix it but i’m still waiting on how he got on.

I would contact Xbox Support, yes. The Cloud and all that stuff is their area of expertise, along with the new console. It also could be nothing “software” related, but a hardware issue with the console itself. They have methods to check those things, and get paid to do it.

That’d be fine if they would actually pick up the phone…tried 14 times now, go through all the button pressing only to get “sorry we cannot take your call, pls try later” before hanging up.
Getting pretty damn tired of this “pls try later” garbage & if i’m completely honest i think T10 should shoulder some of the responsibilty of this, it’s their content i was forced to upload which has clearly caused the problem, i have no issues with anything else apart from Forza.
Not happy at all about this.

Is it possible your hard drive is full?

Only other option I can think if is uninstall and reinstall Forza. It should not affect your gamesave since that is in the cloud.

Actually I have never looked at the new manage game option. Is it possible to delete updates and run them again?

The hard drive is nowhere nr full, about 23% used, i only play 2 games, BF4 & Forza. You can uninstall the updates through the game manage options which i have done but with no success. Not tried uninstalling the game yet as i want confirmation from someone at T10 that my details & particularly, paintjobs, will not be lost. Not bothered about credits just dont want to lose anything i’ve created within the game itself.

Duff I feel for you mate. Hope it all gets sorted I really do. What is happening to you is my worst nightmare.

Not only was Live all over the shop yesterday for myself too Tide but all my friends were having trouble with their mobile connections as well…either that X Class flare that hit us last week is still causing bother or those pesky Ruskies are upto their dastardly scheme’s on the t’interweb. Who knows, its a strange old world at the moment.

Tell me about it, everytime i start to get into something with the game that finally gets me interested again something seems to go wrong but this is the nonsense i was fearing worst & whaddaya know. I actually thought it’d make me sick if this happened but my reaction was one of resigned dissapointment more than anything, the whole thing from the new console to the new game has been one big let down so far, just about ready to jump ship over to PC sims & sod the painting lark for good. It was only that & racing at VM that was keeping me at it anyway but i think this has just put a nail on it.

I had the same issue last night after getting the update. I hit the try again button a few times and it finally downloaded. I’m not sure what the problem is but Live just didn’t seem right for me yesterday.

I still believe you answers will come from Xbox Support. It is their Xbox One console, their LIVE to get to their storage in The Cloud, and their delivery method of the content.

See if this Support information might be helpful: Xbox Support

I cant get answers if they wont respond though mate & thats the most annoying thing of all…another 8 attemps since my last post & still the same please try later message. None of the troubleshooting scenarios match what is happening here, the update was apparently successful & i have plenty of memory to spare.

Duff - Your paints that you have saved will be fine. What you have to do is go and download them as you would do for other peoples designs. Once you get a copy it will know its yours and will be unlocked. Better than nothing. As for the vinyl groups I am unsure.

I cannot see why someone here cannot just let you know “Yes/No they will/not be deleted if you reinstall”

Finally got through snowowl, spoke to a very helpful lady who tried several troubleshooting tips but still the same problem. I’m currently re-installing the game after uninstalling so that will take a couple of hours but she has promised to ring me back at 6pm here to see how i’m getting on. Fingers, toes, eye’s crossed.

Good to hear, just hope the vinyl groups save. Got 2 part done J’s Racing one’s that amount to around 1,500 layers so far in total & if i dont see them return thats it, never again. We barely get anything for creating this content as it is, just not worth redoing anymore…i love the livery editor but it feels like a full time job sometimes doing stuff this time rd, all the fun’s been sucked out of it & things like this dont help one bit.