when i signed in to my gamer tag xBigB61x and booted up forza 5,which i recieved as a digital copy on my console, it failed to load my saved game. i had earned over 24,000,000 credits and had accumulated over 100 cars, i contacted microsoft and they refered me to this forum. Microsoft assured me trhat my saved data 48.7 mb could be retrieved. i am frustrated to say the least. I hope my info is saved somewhere and can be restored. I have many tunes and liveries saved also has anyone else encountered this issue and is there a fix to this my email is [Mod Edit - do not post email addresses - MM]
Sorry to hear about losing your game data, worst nightmare you can have especially on Forza Motorsport. I would help you out if I could.
I would suggest taking your email out of your post and instead email Turn 10. But from experience with previous titles you will most likely not get anything back, but it’s always worth a try. This is also the very reason why I do not trust cloud storage and never will.
That is the worst news for any gamer and I feel your pain. Been there and done that at least 2 times in previous Forza titles.
It is crushing feeling to know that you have lost something that you poured so much love into. I hope you do get some good news but you may have to brace yourself for the worst news.
This is not just about cloud storage; this happened when the games were saved on your hard drive. I think it still is; your gamer ‘profile’ with all the achievement is saved in the clouds.
Now, not to state the obvious but have you ‘hard’ rebooted the xb1?
I’d recommend removing your email from your forum post and, instead, send an email to forzafb@microsoft.com. It may take them some time to reply, but they do read the emails. I’m sorry to hear about your misfortune.
This is good advice ^
I lost all my saved data two weeks ago. Still dont have it back. The cloud screwed up for me as well. Microsoft will not help you and neither will t10. You can send them an email but its pointless, as you will get a response from them saying that they cannot respond to individual emails. You will have to start over. I hate to be the guy to say it but I spent over 10 hours trying different things to get my game back and nothing will work. Not being negative, just telling you the unfortunate truth. The game is flawed and if something like this ever happens to me gain, I will surely sell my Xbox and be done with it. TONS of people are having the same issue - just look at the forums. The amount of people losing their game save due to the cloud choking is disgusting and unbelievable, not to mention it must be illegal to not give people back their tokens (I lost over 20$ in tokens worth). Something NEEDS to be done to ensure this doesnt happen. But nothing will change, I guarantee it.
You just gotta bite the bullet and start anew.
call them back and tell them you did as they requested and asked us. tell them i said to give you a full refund. we are expected to be their beta testers and now their customer service department? we are expected to find work arounds? i dont get a check from microsoft. they dont allow usb backups because someone might hack it. big deal, thats not my problem. microsoft and turn ten lost your cars and credits. microsoft left no way to back up game saves. they put a value on game saves when they started selling tokens. tokens used to be $100 per 20,000 tokens, that is what microsoft declared fair value so tell them to either do their job and restore your save or to refund you $1,250.00, that they claim is the value of the lost game save. and tell them to send me a check for doing their job.
i contacted microsoft again today after reading the posts other people are having the same problem, now i think t 10 has read my post on this site because i left my email adress and ph. no. in the post and they have been removed. this tells me someone has read about our issue with cloud storage. this tells me either t 10 has no fix or they have no concern for their customers. this issue with my saved data happened after i spent another $60 bucks on the game that doesn’t work. tell me if you disagree that if a product is defective should’nt i be entilted to a full refund from xbox if they can’t fix the problem? I asked microsoft to refund my money they continue to point fingers at each other trying to side step a continuing problem. all their attemts to fix the problem havefailed. to me this is a problem with a microsoft unfixable defect they tell me its a turn ten problem, but i think its a microsoft problem too, since they own forza. i feel dealing with microsofts xbox product customerservice is a waste of time, they know the problem exists but wont inform us the status of the fix ot they dont read this forum at all. dealing with microsoft abou this problem is a waste of time, they have your money and are running with it, basically all of us with this same problem are sol. sms like 2 mos. the previous post stated is plenty of time to fix or at least give us answers we are entitled to after dropping way to much money for a game console, not withstanding a game console that doesn’t work as advertised.
Microsoft can say it’s not a problem on the cloud side, but they are flat out Liars. People are loosing game saves for BF4, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, and even Assassins creed black flag. And I’m sure many others as I seen people loosing saves for the new Trials game also. So that tells you who is at fault in my eyes, I too would like a refund if this happens to me. I don’t even want to play the game and try to avoid this from happening until someone pulls thy head from thy rear and fixes the issue.
now this site is showing I have a driver level one on the forums, but when I go to rewards page I’m at driver level 5. What the…
now this site is showing I have a driver level one on the forums, but when I go to rewards page I’m at driver level 5. What the…
Try reading the Forum FAQ - this post in particular.
I have the same problem now. Yesterdy it worked all fine but today I started the game and it couldnt find my data this really sucks.
I’m having the same problem. I was sad and stopped playing the game.
This happened to me too. Everything was OK last night, then all gone this morning.
I know how you feel , excatly the same happened to me.
What happens with DLC cars when this occurs?
Nothing. Marketplace content is assigned to the user and is accessible with the start of a new save file.
Same here i lost everything sat at level 249 with just a fiesta i never bought
I’m guessing all the gifted cars and redeemed rewards are lost forever. I didn’t have the stomach to go through the intro to find out. Can anyone confirm?
Yes they are - if your save is gone, everything in it is gone too, and gifts and rewards are a one time deal.
that is lame as hell. Im gonna take photo evidence of my money, and tokens and if this happens I indeed will spam the living crap out of them with my pictures showing my money, and cars that vanish.
If I end up loosing all my limited edition cars, gifts, tokens, I literally will sell the Xbox one on Craigslist the following week and never look back.
I’ve already lost saves on Ryse, BF4, Blackflag and Deadrising. And if it happens to this game too, Good riddance. Don’t got time to restart every game 5 times over and over with the hope my game saves stay intact. This cloud storage is garbage.