level 75, about 6 cars, no credits.

So im level 75 with 6 cars and 0 credits.wtf?

I feel like i could put in hours trying to get a few credits to buy some pixels, or i could go work overtime and just buy a real car -.-

thats how much this game feels like work to me now, credits are sooo slow.

OK I get what your saying :slight_smile: my advice is to save up for the ausi touring car (ford) then do 20 laps at left mans ,once you earn 2 mill buy f1 car ,stick difficulty up to full and keep doing 25 laps on Burmese alps ,that’s what I do and now I have most of the most expensive cars in the game :slight_smile: gl

Try doing a few rivals. Thats where the money is I did a few last nite got about 1/2 mill don’t give up. Try new things turn a few assists off

definatly recomend this i’ve done rivals where i level up 3 or 4 times a race netting me a few hundred thousand in half hour.

Credits are extremely easy to get. As others have said, do some rivals. Set up a freeplay game.

What you need to do is make a race that has more than 3 laps and see how you earn credits then. Online, freeplay, rivals - it doesn’t really matter.

I’m at lvl 75 and I have 70 or so cars. Including the 250 GTO, Lotus F1, Lauda F1, all the hyper cars etc.

With Forza Rewards, gift cars, half price weekend, etc you can build quit e collection without resorting to tokens. I’ve never bought a token pack.

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I am at level 110, but back when I was around 75 I had around 28 cars, including one of the F1 cars, the Lotus E21, Aston Race Car, Chevy Race Car, and I still had credits left over. What I did is just cycle between career and multiplayer a lot. Then, I would see that I have a ton of money at the end of the day.

Credits are pretty fast now. Especially compared to how it used to be. Rivals, and Free Play can be used to get credits faster.

The races are so short in Career though, if that’s all you’re doing it can feel like it is taking a while, because you may spend 25-30% of your time loading. In Rivals you can stay out as long as you want, and in Free Play you can set a race to be as long as you want. (up to 50 laps, or 4 hours) A half an hour race in Free Play will get you more credits and XP than half an hour playing Career.

You don’t earn anything but achievements and badges/titles from the Career. No cars. So if you want to afford more cars faster, don’t do career as often.

Hmmm, I don’t have any money problems since the economy patch. Forza Rewards obviously helps (got 7.5 million from that) but other than that whenever I need money I just race Indy Oval in Free Play. 14 laps (aka one driver level) net me 100k credits in less than 10 minutes (unbeatable drivatar, barely any assists). That is as a VIP, otherwise you get around 65k. If I want a lot of money I buy a two hour booster and do three 50 lap sessions at Indy Oval. Nets me about 2 million CR in two hours.

197 cars in my garage, level 262.

Its never been as easy to earn credits… Ive bought NO cars so far… been racing for a couple of days and i already have over 1,5 million… Just do the races and Rivals and its pretty easy…
But thats just my opinion…

I know what you meen!
im lvl146 and i have no money!!! ( i bought allways the cheapest cars)
I can´t drive the Race Classes (Indie, Formel 1, etc…) cause NO MONEY! I won´t spend more Money only that i can drive those classes over 100€ is more as enough!
what did Turn 10 thougt at the programming at Forza 5.
Did they played the whole game?
Hopefully will Forza 6 more than Forza 4 was!

Rivals rivals rivals you can earn a lot of credits very quickly in rivals mode.

I used an Indy car on free play, set to highest difficulty, no assists and lapped the Indy Oval. Made money and worked towards 500 miles on Indy achievement.

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work your way thru career doing all the bonus events. you’ll earn money faster than you need it, and you’ll have to buy cars along the way boosting your car count. if you need fast credits grab your fastest carand go to freeplay. do 50 laps on the indy oval with the highest drivatar level you can beat. it sould get you 200k and take less than an hour. if you are level 75 you’ve earned 2.6 mill just in level up bonuses. you’ve not been doing the 50 lap races in free play so you’ve raced over 200 races probably. you should have all those race winning + you level bonuses so your average car should be worth half a mill. if you are racing only online dont be afraid to do the career. you dont have to wait for players to joing the lobby between each race and those minuets add up.

once you can afford it buy the chevy indy car. there is a tune named “38 second lap”, put that tune on it. go to freeplay and turn all braking assists off, you wont have to use the breaks. the only time you have to slow is turn 1 and simply lifting a little off the gas slows you don enough. put the dificulty up to unbeatable, dont worry you’ll lap second place if you keep it on the suggested line. dont follow close behind other cars when passing, you wont need to draft and you dont want to have to lift off the gas if you dont have to. lifting off the gas should be all the slowing you’ll need. the race should take you about half an hour so you make a little over 100k every 15 minuets.

It is so ridiculously easy to earn credits, it was still easy before they patched it. Their is no need to dumb this game down anymore than it already has been, people need to quit being so ****ing lazy.

I don’t know why people complain about earning money in the game. I have found it easy enough in just career. Just do all the bonus races. Another key is to stick to a handful of manufacturers and race their cars exclusively. The affinity bonus really helps. I have a different car for every single set of races with about $6.5 million in credits still and I am almost finished with all the career races and most of my cars are Ferraris. I have three championship series left to go in career under Racing. I will of course start taking everyones advice about free play and longer races. I haven’t tried it because I didn’t realize that you earned credits there too. My bad. Don’t know why everyone sounds down on this game. It’s been my sole addiction since I got the One in December. I’d like to see some downloadable tracks in the future (we already know car packs are coming) but that’s about it.

A final tip…those thumbstick extenders (you know what I mean) are a MUST!!! I can turn a lap just as good with those as I did with the 360 race wheel and no laborious set-up and breakdown whenever you want to play.

I hadn’t even seen those before. As a wheel user I find driving with the stick very difficult… so these really help you a lot?

I think the easiest way to make credits is doing the Rivals events (as mentioned above). There are class D & C permanent rivalries that essentially have you doing hot laps to beat others’ times. Those rivalries cover every track iteration so, you can race for as long/short as you like on the the tracks you enjoy the most.

Here is how you make money fast;

  • Download a good D or C class tune for your favorite D or C class car.
  • Go to Rivals
  • Scroll to the right past the monthly stuff until you get to the D or C class “Rival” races.
  • Pick a track you like and want to practice on (get better on), or just one you really enjoy driving (this should be fun after all).
  • Select the race and then enter the Assists tab to set damage to Cosmetic (you want to be able to race for as long as you like without worrying about pitting or being put out of the “race” by a mishap.
  • If you don’t have a large list of Friends that play FM5, then you’ll be presented with whomever is lowest on the totempole. They probably have a dirty lap time. Run a few slow, and dirty laps (just rewind prior to crossing the finish line if you are going to have a clean lap) and after you’ve run a good number of ‘dirty’ laps, start running clean laps. Again, run slow times to start, and then slowly start going quicker. You want to face as many new rivals as possible so that you increases your income.
  • Once you’ve set your best time, exit the race and go to another track. Rinse and repeat.

I mostly race in rivals because I like to choose a particular class of car, tune it and then go run it against others to see if I can beat their best times on a given track. Right now, I’m level 220, I’ve got about 100+ cars and well over 10m credits and it is down a few million from a spending spree I went on last night trying to max out a couple drag racing cars. Also, racing in rivals will make you better on multiple tracks without the frustrations of facing the erratic drivatars or racing in only short spurts (2-3 laps). You can race as many or few laps as you like in Rivals and you only finish when you are satisfied with your time. You might also look at facing off against the Turn10 mods that turn out to run the monthly and VIP rivalries and beat their times, that is always fun and a challenge and you won’t remember that when you get done trying to beat their time, you’ll rack up like 50k credits a race…it adds up quickly!

Edit: I forgot to mention that racing all of those laps will make you level quickly and your car affinity will start increasing your bonuses as well. Basically, I can rack up 40k-50k in prize money, rise 2-3 levels (I’m a VIP, so I get 140k-210k for just that) and my affinity rises to >15% fairly quickly as well, meaning even more credits. It’s only because I spend like crazy that I’m ‘down’ to 10m credits, I’ve probably spent 2x that in cars and parts so far.

I think the OP has gotten some great ideas. I don’t have the time to rack up stuff like that and I just want to mention something because I think it illustrates the amazing choices and variety T10 provides- And if I understand correctly (newish to the community) many of these great things come from the folks here on this message board- Pretty special.

Anyhow, I have played on and off since I got mine on Saturday. I am level 14 I think and before I started goofing around with tunes I had 400K + cr

When I want a new car I usually just use tokens. It is worth it to me and it solves some issues relating to my lack of time. I use credits mostly to buy tunes.

So that demonstrates the alternatives available- Pretty cool I think.

And I don’t care if I reach level 200 or whatever and have only 6 cars- You can bet those are 6 cars that I really like and want to experience the game with.

I do admit that I am envious of the tuners and painters because I can’t do either and I wish I had their talents.