Not enough credits in MS7

Motorsport 6 had the mini game that allowed me to win more credits every time I leveled up. I finished that game with more than 230 million credits unspent, and I had tons of cars and upgrades. but motorsport 7 has a terrible economy system. you either have a lot of credits and no cars, or you have a lot of cars and no credits. the 20k credit reward for leveling up is ridiculous. I am over level 300 and that’s all I get? and to top it off, the car reward I can choose only gives me a 400k discount which is meaningless when the car cost 1.5 million. I think all car rewards should be free for leveling up not just discounted. I hate having to do a 3 hour nascar race every time I want to by a car.

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Can’t have it both ways. With FM5, people complained that credit earning was way too slow so they reversed it for FM6. After FM6, people complained credits came way too easy so they went with something in between.



With some good mods you can earn around 1 million per hour running laps on the Indy oval.

I’m in the 300s as well, and I have every single buyable car in the game, with 3 million to spare. I haven’t played much lately due to work, school and moving out, but I’ll still hop on to do a few races if I see new and expensive Specialty Dealer cars are coming, to make sure I can afford them, to beat the time in Monthly Bounty Hunter events, and to do a few races in leagues for the rewards. And even with that minimal playing I’m fine, so I’m not sure how you’re close to me level wise, but struggle for money.

If you only do those short 4 lap races, drive on New Racer, and not use mods correctly, yeah, you’re not going to have anything. You have to put in the time and skill (higher AI difficulty) to get paid for it. My races my take me about 30-45 minutes each (extra long) but I walk away with 600k-1 million a race (AI on unbeatable, mods with about 200% extra CR, depending how I mix and match).

And that’s not to mention the fact I get 425k every Thursday for redeeming my Forza Rewards through the app/website. Since you’re tier 9, you won’t get as much, since I’m at 11, but I still think you’ll get like 300k a week roughly.

A “balanced” economy, isn’t having over 320 million, and everything in the game, especially when all of the Forza 6 campaign races didn’t have the adjustment slider for length, so they were extremely short. That’s extremely boring, and basically makes the game a cake-walk, since it doesn’t take effort to get anything.

Do you have VIP as well? I don’t see how it’s possible to do what you say otherwise. I’m level 421 and nowhere near having all the cars. You simply don’t get enough credits per level to be able to buy the expensive cars at a rate of 1 per level. 425k in weekly rewards will help, but that only accounts for a handful of the most expensive cars.

IMO the game should be calibrated to provide the “right” level of challenge without VIP. If people want to make the game easier by buying VIP, that’s up to them, but I think it should be “right” by default, and “too easy” with VIP, rather than “right” with VIP and “too hard” without.

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It absolutely is possible.

I am currently level 171 and own 407 cars. I have done 387 races for a total of 53 hrs.
That is about 2.4 cars/level or just over 1 car/race at an average of 8.2 min/race or about 7.7 cars/hr
I currently own about half of the tier 5 cars.
I have had 8.35 million credits through rewards and do have VIP
This is on Long races and mostly Pro difficulty setting sometimes Unbeatable.
Each race banks me around 300,000 credits with mods, difficuly and VIP.

The most expensive cars in this game are 1,500,000 credits, previous titles had several cars around 10 million and I think some have been as high as 20 million.
This is by far the easiest game to make credits and earn cars out of every other Forza game so far.
I have far more cars in this than any other game. I fully expect to get to 700 cars before I hit the 100 hour mark.

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[Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D]

Although I don’t like the mod cards (I prefer the old system, where removing the assists boosted your credits earnings) the lack of CR in this game is not an issue (at least in my opinion). Use the right mod cards for every race and choose long or extra long for the length of the race. FE cars can boost your CR even more, also increasing the drivatar difficulty. Also every week Forza Hub will give you reasonable amount of cash. When you don’t have enough CR at the moment, you can always send the reward to your my rewards section and buy the car later.


I have had this happen automatically when in multi-player. How is this done in single player?

press B to skip and they will be sent to your progress tab where you can get them later when you have the credits

As to the topic of the thread the credits in fm7 are almost at the right level
Not thrown at you like in fm6 where it was too many…fm5 was good credit wise at launch but too many crybabies and they changed it to become a joke…fm6 followed
And just enough to buy enough cars at a reasonable level with enough effort
People these days expect things too easy
Go back an play fm2 and experience the enjoyment of working for rewards

  1. Increasing the race distance gives you more money but it also takes more time. You don’t actually gain anything over doing short races for the same period of time.

  2. Forza Hub is barely a drop in the ocean. It takes around 200 million CR to buy all cars in the game. That’s a loooooong time even with weekly rewards at maximum (which nets you 26 million a year).

He’s absolutely right, the economy in this game is absolutely messed up. Part of that is due to lower payouts, part is due to higher car prices (because you buy the homologation mods when you purchase them). The career mode itself takes around 100 hours and gives you 50 to 75 million depending on your skill. Which might just be enough money for 20 out of 700 cars if you like expensive ones. Additionally, because the game forces you to select specific cars for the career, you rarely have money at all. You just get enough to buy the next car that is needed. But you rarely can buy cars you are actually interested in because then you have to repeat career races.

Yes, FM6 gave out a lot of money. But that’s the point, there should come a time when money doesn’t matter anymore. For the first 50 hours money distribution in FM6 was just perfect. And then you got too much, but at that point, who really cares? They should’ve just taken the system of FM6 and added the boxes of FM7 - there’s your way to spend all your money. Now you have a game where you can either spend your money on crates and driver gear or on cars but not on both (unless you are a good painter and make millions).


You seem to forget the big difference in the prices of cars
The dearest in fm7 is 1.5 million or 1.1 when you get the level up discount when in previous games there quite a few over 9 million and even more over 2 million

Probably the amount of cars to buy to get them all is the biggest difference if like pokemon you must have them all

Still pretty easy to get credits
Im playing over 5 accounts and still have over 400 in my main account with over 100 in each of the others and i dont even play fm7 that much…too many other games to play as well

That’s true if you don’t use mods, but you should use them if you’re serious about earning credits. Longer races mean you make a lot more money from each mod. In standard length races, the money you gain from mods barely exceeds the amount you spend on them, whereas longer races make them much more worthwhile.

I wish for the credit system in Forza Motorsport 2. Credits are faaar to cheap.


FM2 was the easist games to get credits in. Credits were easier to earn, cars were cheaper and there were fewer of them. AND there were massive credit glitches that essentially made them free.


I don’t have a problem with the CR flow, but having to purchase your level “reward” is bunk.


Big difference is level up in FM7 is only 20k xp. Cars Max at 1.5 million, there’s no 10 million dollar cars in the game. As I think 400k off of a 1.5 million price tag is a pretty good discount.

If you are done with FM6, what good does it do to have over 200 million in the bank? I’m over level 500, all cars available to buy and then some with around 8 million in the bank. There’s nothing at this time for me to spend that money on.


I’m only driver level 310, have 645 cars, and 15 million credits in the bank. Of those 645 cars, 6 are duplicates, which I couldn’t avoid. All the level rewards cars I have been offered in the last week have been over 600,000 credits with the 400,000 credit discount. I’m trying to obtain the achievement of having 700 cars, by having 700 different (no duplicates), which seems nearly impossible at this point since so many cars are either locked, and very high priced.

“There’s nothing at this time for me to spend that money on”? For me, I would like to upgrade several cars, but specifically, I would like to install body kits on all my cars where body kits are available. That will cost a pretty penny.

What I don’t understand, the Collector Tier. I am Collector Tier 34, but it doesn’t seem to offer any benefit. Level rewards have been unchanged for a long time, and increasing Collector Tier doesn’t unlock any cars.


@ talby71

Thanks! Missed a few cars but not anymore!

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Double post