Opening - E3 recap video 13:00 - Chris Esaki presents July’s content update for FRR which introduces penalties for collisions. Adjustments for cutting and passing. Identifying intent in racing incidents. “Avoidable Contact” penalties for egregious behavior. Addressing brake-checking griefing. 22:00 - Another update in August will continue FRR updates. Disqualification adjustments may happen in August, may not. 23:00 - There’s an overhead of 30-60% of the team’s time to deliver cars and updates which could be used to work on the next Forza Product, so “The August update for Forza 7 will be the final update for the game [in terms of content].” Bug fixes and adjustments to FRR in FM7 may continue. 58:00 - Community Q&A segment starts with a review of changes to the game and process since launch nearly 2 years ago. 59:00 - IMSA Partnership? “We chose to invest in our future and make sure the next product has some of these truly authentic motorsport experiences either from a licensed series” (IMSA, WEC) or other. 1:01:30 - Drafting? The team recognizes that drafting isn’t where it should be, but the work is being done for the next game. 1:03:00 - Past Forza fantasy tracks? Again, this is being looked at for the future. 1:06:30 - Consistency in FRR track cutting penalties. “FRR is a years-long process.” 1:08:00 - Experimental Drag will stay experimental in FM7 for now, and will be part of the overall next experience. 1:09:00 - Searchable Custom Public Lobbies. “We hear you loud and clear and more details on that to come” for the next Forza product. 1:10:00 - Bing will have a new thread where users can submit questions for the August Forza Monthly Q&A.
That’s all fine and dandy and all, but since we had no FM8 this year, where are the track updates for FM7 and some spectacular new cars or newer versions of older cars in the game. For example, the update for the F1 car as the IndyCars were updated for 2019. We also need at least three new tracks added to the game for FREE! I don’t see what all these broadcasts are about if T10 is not delivering the goods but instead assigning self-praise for incremental updates to existing features in the game!
I agree on everything. There’s one thing I can’t understand every month that passes: why are they releasing more sports cars in Horizon than in Motorsport? Where we have the circuits, they have given us vans and suvs, where there are mountains and dirt roads release cars like Apollo, Rimac, Porsche, Aston Martin and maybe Gumpert and the new Koenigsegg …
Chris Esaki talks about the difficulty in assigning penalties for intent, and not inhibiting close racing. Forza Race Regulations will have “Avoidable Contact” penalties in July, and there’s another FRR update coming in August. “We’re confident disqualification will come in August” (but not guaranteed).
After tomorrow’s content update, “The August update for #Forza7 will be the final update for the game” so that the team can put their effort into making the next project the best it can be.
So Race Regulations will stay in their own hopper. They won’t be applied to the rest of multiplayer?
I will be very disappointed if that is the case. I want to drive in the A and S class hopper with my own tuned cars with race regulations. I also want to do endurance GT races with RR.
Also no chance for time intervals to make it to the race hud then I guess. I’ve been asking for this for 1,5 years now.
Some of the glitches in Forza 7 will never get fixed. At least I am happy to hear they are starting to put their entire effort on F8. I was wondering when they would be stopping to update F7.
Here are a few examples of bugs that Forza 7 will be taking to the grave.
The ongoing paint job issue. The garage still shows the car in the previous paint job even though a brand new livery has been installed. To fix this manually, uninstall the new paint job and the reinstall it. Only then the car will show up with the new livery in the garage. After all this if you decide to uninstall the the livery or replace it, the garage continues to show the car in the livery it was. So to fix this install any livery then uninstall to so the car shows up in the correct color paint job. Unbelievable!!!
The ongoing delay at the lobby while selecting car if the track hasn’t fully been loaded in the background never got fixed despite claims during Forza monthly that it is fixed.
I am not all about complains either. The game has come a long way from November 7, 2017 . It is a great game but a few glitches remain.
Goodbye, FM7.
Two years ago I did not like this game.
And even now I don’t like this game.
Homologation is awkward, and many minor bugs have not been fixed until the end.
Even objectively, FM7 is a work that has damaged the Forza brand. Many experimental changes did not go well as a result.
However, I hope they will make this failure a lesson in making FM8 a great game.
I understand everyone’s complaints, and many of you have probably been in the Motorsport community for much longer than I have, giving a greater legitimacy to your concerns.
As a new Motorsport player, however, I have absolutely loved this game. I’m sad that we won’t be getting more updates, but the game is very old now and they’ve given us a lot of unexpected content and support. Thank you for all the hard work Turn 10.
Again, not criticizing anyone, just trying to add at least one positive message here.
A very unintelligent move. It is true that after such a long time, many will be excited about the release of the new chapter combined with the Project Scarlet, but considering that I did not like FM6 released with the new console and that these funny guys will leave us with the same game without updates for a year and a half, I will ask myself many questions before giving him other money. Missed opportunity.
Quite happy this is happening. Time to move onto Forza Motorsport 8 now. FM7 launched poorly but since the 20 or so months of post game development, it’s played an extremely good foundation for the next iteration in the franchise. I’m optimistic about the next game for certain.
Well theres goes that. No track DLC, many bugs still taking away from the overall experience of the game, so many missed opportunities for DLC cars added to this game, freeplay while good overall is messed especially with homologation and the list goes on and on. What a shame, I’m sure they could have supported this game until the very end of the year at least.
First and last forza motorsport for me.
No expansion, all the SUVs, drag is still experimental, lots of bugs and issues with cars, sounds and animations, barrett jackson and packs no one asked for, race regulations still not finalized,
Only 2 updates left
FRR will basically stay the same (crashers and rammers couldn’t care less about time penalties at the end of a race, they should receive speed/ghosting penalties IN the race) and only in the same beta lobby
car selection will still be unresponsive as hell
number of saved setups still capped
no new cars (horizon gets everything)
no new tracks
And of course FM8 wont be released in less than a year and half
Disappointed. I will continue playing this game very, very little, like I’m doing right now, and eventually I will stop completely.
Opening - E3 recap video 13:00 - Chris Esaki presents July’s content update for FRR which introduces penalties for collisions. Adjustments for cutting and passing. Identifying intent in racing incidents. “Avoidable Contact” penalties for egregious behavior. Addressing brake-checking griefing. 22:00 - Another update in August will continue FRR updates. Disqualification adjustments may happen in August, may not. 23:00 - There’s an overhead of 30-60% of the team’s time to deliver cars and updates which could be used to work on the next Forza Product, so “The August update for Forza 7 will be the final update for the game [in terms of content].” Bug fixes and adjustments to FRR in FM7 may continue. 58:00 - Community Q&A segment starts with a review of changes to the game and process since launch nearly 2 years ago. 59:00 - IMSA Partnership? “We chose to invest in our future and make sure the next product has some of these truly authentic motorsport experiences either from a licensed series” (IMSA, WEC) or other. 1:01:30 - Drafting? The team recognizes that drafting isn’t where it should be, but the work is being done for the next game. 1:03:00 - Past Forza fantasy tracks? Again, this is being looked at for the next Forza project. 1:06:30 - Consistency in FRR track cutting penalties. “FRR is a years-long process.” 1:08:00 - Experimental Drag will stay experimental in FM7 for now, and will be part of the overall next experience. 1:09:00 - Searchable Custom Public Lobbies. “We hear you loud and clear and more details on that to come” for the next Forza product. 1:10:00 - Bing will have a new thread where users can submit questions for the August Forza Monthly Q&A.
As is typical in this forum since the FM2 days, people love to complain about Forza. I agree the package this game came in to begin with was perhaps not so great, but the team have put a lot of work into this game post-release. This ‘work’ may not be what some people like but it’s work nonetheless.
I’m still critical of the way the game was shipped; lack of content, really very poor car sounds that were just god awful to listen to, a single player career that did not compliment in any way the multiplayer side of the game… I have to wonder if this is just another patch on the increasingly heavy quilt of corporate gaming screwing thinhs up royally. It seems that games are required to be half finished on release and then are patched for the Gods as if that’s fine. Remember when games didn’t require enormous updates and they worked? It’s been a while since I’ve played one.
Anyway, I praise the work that has been done, but condemn the fact that such fundamental work was required at all. Either way, the game now, as it stands, is actually pretty awesome and it’ll keep me happy for a while. Happy gaming, and I hope T10 and Microsoft (side eye) have learnt a thing or two from this development process.