Awwwhhh I am a little disappointed. I am hoping for a good closeout from Turn 10 for the end of FY2019. Maybe there is something more for June from T10.
I dont care as much as cars, there are already a lot, but I will see if the strobing textures were fixed.
I really like the game, but it was unbearable and very distracting to see textures appearing and disappearing.
In general I want a more polished game if they are not focusing in new features as much, or small improvements for what we have, like experimental drag being a full mode and more time of day and weather options in some tracks.
Aside the possibility of FM7 being on Game Pass and the second DLC for Horizon 4, I dont think there will be anything more for Forza in E3 like last year.
That will be phase 2 of the FRR. They are currently finalizing phase 1, which is the penalty part. I know it seems like it’s taking forever, but at least they’re working with the community on getting it right.
I’m happy today they’re taking their time perfecting the corner cutting before working on collisions. That’ll be much harder to get right, so it’s best to have a good foundation first.
Even though I find this to be probably the most important thing added to the motorsport series in a long time, it is taking way too long. They announced this about a year ago and even if its a small team of people working on it, it shouldn’t be at the stage it is now. It’s an extremely basic system that is also based on an extremely basic track limit system.
It almost seems as though they’ve been dragging this out purposefully to make forza 7 fit into the games as a service model, when it really hasnt been one. I really hope this isnt the case because if they do go down this route in the future of drip feeding content every month I can see player counts dropping even lower then they have been for this game. There’s no reason to try to artificially increase player engagement, if the game is good people will play it, its as simple as that.
The fact is theres no penalty system out there thats perfect, every game that has them has its issues. Turn 10 have often felt the need to do things their own way which isnt always warranted with certain features. Penalties are something that’s in many games at this point and they are all pretty similiar. They just need to look at what the competition is doing and choose whatever’s best and go with it.
After the update my TM TX is way to sensitive. Just moving the steering wheel 1 cm to the left or right makes the car do a 90degree turn into the wall…No settings changed between last session before update and first session before update. Totally undriveable.