just installed a new ssd (with only windows on it) installed the xbox app (pc) and everything needed. and then installed forza horizon 5. Logged into my user iv’e used for multiple years now, but when i start the game its like first time player. everything is level 1, and my ‘‘normal’’ account is prestige 4 and somewhere around lvl 140 or something like that
please help!
If you have the old drive you can move the files to the new drive.
Not sure how it works with Xbox, but with steam there is a function that can move games from drive C to D or E.
The game “should” always pull the current cloud save when it cannot find one locally but this does not always happen.
The other solution may be a bit technical but you could use another computer (or live boot a linux usb stick on your main PC) and use balena etcher to clone the original drive to the new one if the new drive is larger than the original.
You can boot from a usb with clonezilla and do it that way too
you will need to have both drives installed in the computer or use a USB caddy for this
Windows can be strange with games due to the stupid way it stores data files tied to the installation identifier
Hey bro did you manage to fix your issue? I’m about to add new SSD as well and planning to uninstall Forza on my current SSD (512gb) and then reinstall on the new SSD (2TB). I’m using steam by the way is there any problem if I will do this?
I had to uninstall my game because my Xbox was giving me an error code to free up space and once is reinstalled it my FH5 profile was gone and reverted to level 1, I had over 1,300 hrs of game time and I’m now starting completely over I have no idea what happen Please help me get my profile back!!
As long as its not a boot drive (C drive in windows parlance,) and you have a suitable internal drive, you could use the Apps and features setting in windows to move the game to a secondary drive and then back again to the new SSD. This will take a while but it does work
An example of this was I moved my Forza install from it’s own SSD to a 1TB mechanical (my recording drive) and back again once I replaced the Forza SSD with a larger drive
As far as I’m aware, this is the official way to move apps around in windows