I want my money back

I have been a fan of the Forza franchise since the very begining. I have bought the premium/ultimate edition of every single title in the series. I bought the Forza edition Xbox One on pre-order with 3 extra controllers, I bought the Fanatec Forza edition wheel, my gamertag is Forza related even! I have been a huge fan for a long time but FM8 is such a let down as was the last Horizon. FH5 really was a step down from FH4 but I understood what they were doing. Covid hit, people were at home a lot more, let’s do as many pay-to-play options as possible and get in on the money grab like every other company on the planet did… at least Turn10 didn’t mess with FM7 too much during covid.

But with all the promises Turn10 made with FM8 I had real high hopes. But with all the issues, at this point I just want to get my money back because the game isn’t worth my time or the irritation. Especially when I spent nearly $5,000 building a sim rig in anticipation of FM8, this game just feels like a money grab on the name and nothing was really done to improve things. Hands down FM7 or Asseto Corsa are much more enjoyable to play in my opinion.

Don’t get me wrong, when the game works its not too bad minus the endless screens following a race, the terrible wildly aggresive AI that behaves like no driver would in any sancitioned racing event, the constant crashing and freezing, the constant loss of progress following a crash, the constant loss of credits due to crashing, and the ‘drive to mod’ feature… when ever have you had to drive a vehicle before you can mod? I guess you can call it a racing simulation game from an alternate universe because it doesn’t reflect actual racing here on planet earth.

Oh and my favorite, and yes I have tested it extensively, the loss of signal to monitors when launching the game. FH3, FH4, FH5, FM6, FM7, WRC10, AC1, AC2, PC1, PC2, all work flawless, no issues on launch. But FM8, launch game, monitors go black, and then loss of signal promt. It took 37 relaunches this morning before the game would actual work, and then it froze and I loss two showcases worth of progress and around 600k credits.

I know I won’t get my money back. I know the devs at Turn10 could care less. I bet this post even gets deleted. But if it doesn’t, then at least I got to voice my dissapointment in FM8. Feel free to chime in with your gripes and dissapointment too, if anything it offers a little catharsis for buyer’s regret.


Same for me. FM is dead. I dont care anymore.
Just hope they will throw Esaki out of T10.
I love FH5 and will stick with PGG. They delivered great content in year 3 of FH5.


I think it is management above him that rushed things.

It tells a story that Turn10 did not face the music and had a Forza Monthly october

  • they skipped it
  • to put it diplomatic seems like a bunch of wi…ps, fill in the the word yourself

Motorsport must be in serious trouble if we are comparing Playground Games favourably to Turn10.

Horizon 5s launch was (almost) as bad as Motorsports, imo.

Neither company is worthy of praise.


@AK_Forza_fan I definitely understand where you are coming from. That is how I felt after purchasing FM7. My first Forza purchase was FM4, shortly after it was released. I preordered FM5, 6 and 7 as well as FH1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. I said I would never preorder another motorsport game due to my absolute hatred of what they did to the FM franchise with 7. I have been playing FM8 (FM23?) using Game Pass, and after a month or so am about to uninstall this shambles of a game. Fortunately I still own older FM versions I can play when/if I want to.

I also feel the same about the Horizon series after playing FM5. I was still playing FH4 until about a month before FH5 was released. Unfortunately, I tired of FH5 within a few short months after purchasing it and unintalled that game as well. Fwiw, I still play the original Horizon on a pretty regular basis, so it is not the concept of the series that I am fed up with. It is what they have done to it in recent versions.

So now, not only will they not get any $$ from me from purchases of their games, I will not be part of their daily/monthly/yearly statics.

So sad it has come to this. At one time the Forza games were what I played about 95% of the time.

About the only enjoyment I have really gotten as a result of playing the 2 recent Forza games are the friendships I have made on these forums and the interactions we have had.


Look what T10 has done in 6 years of developement (SIX years)
Cut out half of the tracks. No Nordschleife from the start?
They cut out a lot of important cars (Huayra R, Zonda R, Hennesey Venom, F5, etc. etc )
Every single active aero error is carried over from fm7/fh5 ( la ferrari flaps under the car, fxx k evo rear wing etc.)
Car Audio? Some are ok.
Track disappears during racing.
Progress not saved
etc. etc.
This is the most iconic anti car game from a car game developer.
Build from ground up…i would close that garbage studio forever.


This is why Im back to playing Forza 7, online is good, I can tune any car I want ( have 400 millon credits). They made a total mess with this new version… I have 60 millon credits and cant tune cars the way i want because Im not gonnna grid to get to lvl 50 …


Why on earth would you spend 5k on a sim rig without having played the game first? You can blame Turn10 for almost everything but this one is on you buddy.


Because I have been playing the franchise since Motorsport 1 along with many other titles so with all the hype I saw this as the time to build a sim rig like I always wanted? I didn’t buy it just for FM8 but I hoped it would be the title that I would use the most on the rig. Instead games half a decade old or more are a better experience. I also waited till now to build my rig because it wasn’t till I was a fat middle-age man with “do what I want with when I want” money. Also, there isn’t any autocross events that I can just flip a switch and start driving in otherwise I would just stick to my real car and pass on the games entirely.


After four weeks of gameplay, I totally agree that you have earned a special place in my heart of “avoid at all cost” companies, next to E.A.

I have paid 100 € for this game and bought it before release, because simply put, there is no Gran Turismo PC game. Your Horizon 5 series shows so much love and detail, that I could never have been able to see this mess and frustation coming.

While the game had been runing ok at the start, every patch makes it even worse. This is some sort of achievment I guess. Not only does the game look graphically inferior to a years old AC (with mods) and ACC, no it also runs like I didn’t have this hefty gaming sim-rig, that can even handle most VR games in high settings.

What on earth have you people at Turn 10 have been thinking?

Here is my setup:
Ryzen 5 3600
AMD 6900 XT
16 GB RAM (OC)
Drivers were all clean installed, just so, that to be sure that this is not your fault, but mine, which it clearly isn’t.

The game runs in 3440*1080 in low settings and I get a somewhat stable 60 fps, but with a latency of over 50 ms and at times way past 100 ms. How on earth shall I drive this way, with totally random stutters and input lags?

Also: Whose genuius idea was to reset all inputs after restarting the game, also all deadzones and not saving progress?

I may have spent 60 hours with the game but every start I need to watch a 15 Minutes Shader Cache Loading screen. I need 15 additional minutes to do all my wheel bindings again and another 15 minutes between each track to adjust the graphics, because every truck has their very own random stutter. Sometimes it is a reflection issue, sometimes a track texture issue, sometimes a car livery issue. And oh, did I mention that your kickas built from the ground up game runs on a single CPU Core, while my graphic cards is chilling out and laughing out loud?

I could run the game on ultra without any hassle, my GPU would laugh about this and testing this with third party software clearly shows, that even with raytracing enabled, I barely scratch the 90 percent of my GPU. But setting even one setting to “mid” immediately kills my CPU, letting it run way past the 100 percent and pushing it to 95 degrees celsius.

I would even say this is a fraud case. Because your graphic settings claim, that we could adjust them but this is a lie and this feels so utterly wrong! Changing the advanced settings, again using third party software to figure out what on earth is going on there, clearly shows, that while you can tell the game to not render something on high, it still at times randomly does.

This is technically the worst piece of software I have ever spent my money on and that is an award, because E.A. published a F1 game advertised in VR, which never ran in VR, if you hadn’t purchased the Steam Edition, which frankly I didn’t do, because the Origin version claimed to be able to do this too (wich an asterisk saying that you need to deinstall Steam from your system to make it work.)

You people up there are a real pain in everyones… you just want to make money and even more money. And in doing so, you ruin people’s works.


While we wait for the refund, we should make sure that no new customers fall for it. If every well-illustrated review means that one person per month can be saved from failure, then that’s good for me. And hopefully it hurts those who caused it.


The rating in the XBOX store is clear, but most sales platforms still quote the Turn10 marketing nonsense. So let’s go for a world where lies don’t succeed!


FH5 launch was nowhere near, not even close to as bad as FM8. FH5 had a good launch. FM8 is a complete and total disaster from top to bottom. There almost isn’t a single thing that works right and on top of that the game isn’t complete.


No, it really didn’t.

You should ask the store you bought it from if you actually want a refund. All major storefronts have a refund policy these days.

Man…I feel your pain and I think T10 shot themselves in the foot when they decided to launch the PC-version at the same date. I’m confident they will fix everything though. Glad to hear others are interested in playing Forza in a sim set-up.


The only thing I remember not working right was the event creator. Tell me why it had a bad launch. It got great reviews. It looked great. Things worked. It didn’t crash every 10 minutes. What was so bad about FH5 when it launched, because I could list 100 reasons about FM8 but I really can’t think of any for FH5.


Horizon 5 wasn’t particularly stable on launch, the map was literally lifeless, and most of it’s first year was utterly wasted as far as content goes (Extreme E, Hot Wheels, and 10th Anniversary are probably the runaway lowlights).

Still, I agree wholeheartedly - compared to Motorsport 2023’s complete faceplant, Horizon 5 was and currently is in a better place.


Remember trying to do anything in a convoy / group? It was nearly impossible. Was always entertaining following someone and then having them disappear off your screen.

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yeah that sucked but the game still fully worked solo and it actually had content to play


You guys…FH5 was great at launch. I remember playing it extensively and not feeling anything was amiss. I didn’t play it online.