So with the recent release of FH5 Rally, it has basically done nothing but confirm why I stopped playing this game (aside from going to uni). I thought that the Rally DLC was very underwhelming and definitely felt worse than the Rally expansion from FH1. Yet again, another poorly made DLC, but at this point I am not surprised considering how the developers don’t care about the game or what the fans think anymore.
I have never regretted pre-ordering a game more than FH5 Ultimate Edition. 85 quid down the drain for a lacklustre, boring game with poor DLC and developers who never listen to their community. We give you feedback and ideas because we want the game to be good, but by choosing not to listen to us, he game won’t improve. Just looking at the forums, there are SO MANY posts about the state of this game and how the devs aren’t listening, yet nothing is ever done about it. Listen to us and start putting some effort into your game and maybe those posts will go away. 10 years ago, we had arguably the greatest 3 Forza titles ever created at our fingertips, and now the last 3 releases (including Forza Street) have been the worst in the history of the franchise. All because T10 no longer care about their hardcore, main fanbase. They hyped this game up so much only for it to flop harder than Nikita Mazepin. Please Turn 10, listen to us. We don’t want to see this franchise die, but at the moment, that’s the direction it’s heading in. If you truly care about your game, listen to us. Engage with your real fans, ask us for feedback and ideas, and actually give us what we want. Otherwise, you’ll dig a deeper and deeper hole.
I genuinely wish I could get a refund on this game, even after a year. I have never been more disappointed with a game in my life…
One of these days, maybe, someone might think a class action lawsuit would have a shot at these supposed AAA titles that fail to launch with the advertised quality and refuse refunds. But, I doubt it.
Something like tends to only work on games with massive playerbases and eyeballs from more than just video game journalists, like Grand Theft Auto or Call of Duty. Forza…isn’t in that league. No racing game is, really.
T10 should honestly let people get refunds for this game, even after the refund window has passed. That’s the least they could do.
Consider it a life lesson to help you make more informed purchases in the future.
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Consider it a life lesson to help you make more informed purchases in the future.
I will. I’ve already decided never to pre-order games again since most of the time they launch buggy and with missing content. At least now I know what to expect.
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Also, I should probably add that I’ve been a Forza player since the FM3 days. I love Forza, but it’s getting to the stage where I cannot keep defending this game anymore.
I’ve forwarded a link to this thread to the T10 Dev Manager with some additional input from my side and the request to take action and report back.
Let’s see…
Hey, I’ve been playing since the OG Forza. I remember when Bathurst was called Blue Mountain, and Daytona was the Sunset Peninsula Circuit. I also remember when New York had two layouts, and the longer one was the best one.
I’m right there with you.
Man, even just hearing the name ‘Sunset Peninsula’ brings back so many memories.
But, I’m about to make you feel even older… remember when the oval was ‘Nissan Speedway’?
Fr though, the franchise needs some serious changes now. We need the glory days back.
I’m going to say what I don’t like…paying full price for Expansion packs during the pre-order process only to see them offer the same expansions at half price before they’re even released. So…what was the added benefit from getting the “deluxe” edition…to claim we have the digital copy of something unreleased before someone else who was able to pay a cheaper price ahead of time?
And I HATED the Hot Wheels DLC…figured they did Lego in 4, Hot Wheels in 3…no way they’d do either again…boy was I wrong.
Bad business IMO.
I basically just wanted to get all of the content in one package. But now I honestly regret doing that.
With how poor the DLCs have been I actually feel scammed. HW was a complete waste of a DLC and added nothing to the game, and Rally Adventure… yeah let’s move on.
Video games today are pretty much just a scam sales gimmick. You buy a test bed base game to beta test for the studio onvthe promises of dlc add-ons (that you have to pay for) (or you paid for in a pre-order package). Which you have no idea what those dlc expansions are going to bring to the game. Then you get to beta test those after they get released. But the studios advertise the games as a finished product. They never tell us we are paying to beta test their untested games.
At the very least we’re being given false advertisement and delivery of a different product than what we are expecting.
If I could get back to FM1 and just get the game I bought on the disk in the box. With minimal bugs and problems. And plenty of great cars and tracks. I would be very happy.
But you just know when the new Motorsport comes out, it will be sold as a package with the promises of dlc expansions. All waiting to be beta tested be a full crew of paying to play(test) suckers.
It’s a disgusting business tactic.
this game it’s crap. just like popeple wlrking on it.
@Gdluque unfortunately I have to agree. The game just isn’t up to the standard I expect, especially one paid 85 quid for…
I treat pgg like they treat us customers,I give them asI little as I can get away with.I waited a year before buying fh5 in a sale like I did their previous 2 games, I then waited to see how rubbish the dlc’‘s were before considering whether to buy them or not. The red flag to me is the fact that they refuse to tell us what the dlc’'s are at game launch, so I wait.I bought Blizzard Mountain and Hot Wheels for fh3, and Fortune Island for fh4, I rejected the rest as too kiddy or just plain rubbish.
The sad fact is, that when fh6 is announced, players will once again be queing up tp pre order an unseen product, only to feel ripped off once again.My advice is never trust a company that treats you like a child of 5, and disrespects you by refusing to listen to your problems with their bug ridden, lazy products.
The Hot Wheels DLC left me HEATED…better practice would be just let us know at launch what you’re planning, then we can make an informed decision either way. Because selling us “2 Expansions w/o specifics is horse hockey especially if you’re bundling additional launch features w/ that unknown expansion”…I don’t think PG did that here but they definitely kept that Hot Wheels garbage close to their chests when they knew exactly what they were peddling.