HELP - Please Explain Significant Decrease in League Rank

I am not an “everyday” participant in League Play, but I consistently participate a few days per week.

This past week, by Friday, I performed my way through the 2nd and 1st RANKS of a BAND and 75% of the way through the 5th RANK of the NEXT BAND.
I did not participate on Saturday, and logged in this morning. When I opened the League area, I was surprised to find me at about the 60% of the way through the 1st RANK of the previous BAND.

I’m sure I can achieve the next BAND again, but, does anyone know what the rationale/reasoning for this significant loss of accomplishment is?
What more do I need to do to maintain League ranking progress?

I found the answer. For once I did not do a FORUM Search - and this time I found the input I should have found.

Thanks to a Post by PJTierney from a few months ago in a Thread titled “Where did My League Points Go?”
[Every player loses around 500 League Points at the start of a new monthly season.
This (I believe) is to prevent people from “sitting” on their current ranking and refusing to play for fear of dropping points, thus in theory encouraging players to keep playing every week.]

This weekend was the SEASON Transition

  • So I guess everyone lost some progress!