Yesterday after 1 race in Event 1 , Series 4 of A lovely League I ended the day with 3214 points putting me in Enthusiast Rank 2. Today after entering leagues and being rewarded both prizes for participation I find that I have been demoted to Enthusiast Rank 3 with 3053 points. I am at a loss as to where the 161 points have gone. What happened to my points did I do something wrong?
Every player loses around 500 League Points at the start of a new monthly season.
This (I believe) is to prevent people from “sitting” on their current ranking and refusing to play for fear of dropping points, thus in theory encouraging players to keep playing every week.
Didn’t quit any races, never do. Only did the one race yesterday, and lost 10 points because my controller disconnected, but managed to get back up the field to only lose 1 position.
Seems strange to lose, what appears to be a random amount of points, between seasons. Not seen that documented anywhere, only seen that you can drop a band if you skip a season (which I haven’t).
Have been spending a lot of my time on the Bounty Hunters but I try to race at least one league race a day, usually ghost but sometimes spec cosmetic so don’t think i can be classed as sitting on my current ranking. Not fussed to much about the lost points, just want to understand why they were docked is all. Would have raced this evening but have only just had our power restored after being without for the last 6 hours, time for bed now, work tomorrow, I mean today.