League ranking

Why has my league ranking dropped and taken me back to ‘Professional’ ?
You obviously messed up by not getting the league out to start on Sunday and now, with no explanation, we just have our rank rolled back?
Forza 7 seems to be on the downhill side of the rollercoaster of a ride that has been this shoddy release and that’s sad.
At least keep us informed if something goes wrong. Community engagement is pretty bad.

When the new league season starts (once a Month), every one is dropped one level, so if you were a 5 in Elite you would be put back to 1 in Professional. This week is the first week of the new season so even if the start was not delayed you still would have been dropped back. Best to make sure you aren’t on the edge of being demoted after the 4th week of the season. If you had been a 4 in Elite than you would have only gone back to 5 and still in Elite. They do this to prevent people who stop playing from keeping their rank indefinitely. It should not be difficult to regain your rank.