Help Our Local FM5 Artists and Tuners and “Like It”
Do you want to be recognized for your hard work?
Do you need help figuring out how to use the FM5 in-game tools?
Would you like to help your friends and help them boost their popularity?
There are no guarantees for becoming popular in Forza Motorsport 5, but let us give you some suggestions on how to help yourself and work with the tools provided to you by both the FM5 game and the forums.
Set up a Gallery: Set up a gallery for yourself in the appropriate section of the forums. Show off your paints/tunes/layer groups or photos to others. Be sure you include critical information like your gamer tag, the file name of your item, and what car the item is for where applicable. Keep your gallery up to date as you add new items or remove items. If you don’t give people enough ways to search for you, they won’t find you easily. Try to make finding you easier on them.
Use unique file names: We are flattered when you decide to use the default name of “Forza”, because we, of course, love the name. However, if you take the time to give your item a short, unique name, you make searching easier for your fans. Why do I suggest a short name? Your fan has to type in the name in their search, so make it easy for them.
Use Descriptions: Use that description box given to you when you share your item in game. A word description could bring in more fans. The key is making it easier for your fans to find you.
Enter the Turn 10 Weekly Contests: In the Community Section of our forums, we hold a weekly contest for photography and a weekly contest for race and fantasy liveries. Enter the contests. This is an excellent way to get your work featured for a whole week, and even after that time is over, your item will remain a Turn 10 Select item. There is no better way to get uses than to be a featured item.
Use the Gallery threads: If you have a livery, gallery threads have been set up to show your work not only to others, but also to the Turn 10 Community Team. If we see a paint we like, we just might feature it for a week for you.
Things you can do to help your fellow players with their popularity:
“Like” it – Be a fan, support your fellow players: There is a “Like” feature in FM5. You will be offered to “Like” a design or tune in the game after a certain amount of uses. Please “like” the item if you do. Alternately, you can like a design or a tune in Forzavista. If you don’t know how to do this, detailed instructions are provided below. Or, you can also go to “My Designs” and like a downloaded design from there. “Liking” a design helps out the artist and/or tuner. They need those like to help with their popularity. If you are a fan, be one and “like” it.
Use it: In other Forza games downloads are what count, however, in FM5 it is Uses that count. Use items you like. That means you need to drive your cars with the paints or tunes you like to help out your fellow players. If an artist paints on a car you can’t stand to drive (Sometimes, we artists, like the look of the paint on the car and forget that you all have to drive it), you can still help by “liking” the paint via FORZAVISTA or from your “My Designs” menu. See instructions below if you don’t know how to do this.
Community Run Contests: Think about running your own contest. It’s fun, it creates community good will, and now you have a chance to get yourself and your winners a prize from the Turn 10 Community team. See the Community Events section of the forums for the latest contest sign-up sheet.
Community Run Contests:
If you have not already seen it, check out our community run contests thread in the Community Events section of the forums. The Turn 10 community team will be offering prizes to contests run by forum members. If you think you have a contest you would like to run and get some prizes provided by Turn 10, ask for sponsorship here:
Check out the News section – You can either select the “News” tab under the “Community” heading at the top of the forums, or you can go to the News section of the forums and join the news discussion. Either way, you might find out something about an upcoming DLC pack that could give you an edge, or news of another contest event to participate in:
How to “Like” a paint/tune in the FM5 Game:
FORZAVISTA: You can like a paint or a tune from Forzavista.
A. From the Main Forza 5 menu page, select the “Career Title”.
B. Go to my cars and select the car with the paint and/or tune on it that you want to “like”.
C. Select the “Forzavista” title from the “career” list on the main Forza menu.
D. Use the left thumb stick to move to the left side of the car. There is a button with the the letter “I” on the car just past the left side door of the car. Highlight that “I” button and press “A”.
E. The Highlights Page for your selected car will appear.
F. You will have an option to press “X” to like the design and to like the tune if those items are loaded to the car.
My Designs: You can also like a design that you have downloaded from the “My Designs” tab.
A. From the Main Forza 5 menu, select “Paint Car”.
B. Move over to the “My Designs” tab.
C. Select the design you want to like by pressing the “A” button on the downloaded design in your Design Catalog and then press “A” on the “Like” tab.
Use the paint/tune: Driving the paint and/or tune around in the FM5 game will give the creator credit for uses of their design or paint, and after a certain amount of uses, will automatically ask you if you want to “like” the paint or tune.
Liking Tunes in Upgrade Shop: This is similar to the like button in the “My Designs” section.
A. Press “A” on the “Upgrade” button, press the “Setup Manager” button, press “A” on the “Load Setup” button, and then use the right bumper to move to the “My Tunes” tab.
B. Highlight any tunes that you have downloaded for the particular car you are currently in, and press “A” on the tune you want to like. If you have not already “liked” the tune after driving it around the track, the “Like” button will appear under the “Load File” button.
C. Click the “Like” button if you want to show your appreciation for the hard work that went into making that tune.
I will say that Turn10 could help them out more than the community. Item #2 could easily be fixed by not auto filling “Forza Livery” when a design is created. Default it blank and force people to manually name them. Having more filtering and sorting options when doing a broad search would help tremendously as well. It’s very cumbersome trying to find a good livery when 100s of them are nothing but a color change. Giving us options to set minimum number of layers and sort by popularity would go a very long way into helping the community find the hard work that many players are willing to share with us.
Those are great tips to help out the Designers and Tuners!
But may I suggest (in the interest of the game and it’s community), to give a like to designs and tunes when people don’t like but still use the design for lets say 10 or 20 races. This would make sure that even tho the did not “like” the design or tune and use it, the creater gets a fair compensation for not being credited by the one who used it without liking?
a more detailed description of tunes would help to decide on even using them. i cannot trust 4-5 stars if they are just being liked for the sake of hitting the button to advance the screen. instead of seeing “b class” in the description (no crap…its obviously a b-class tune, i can see that in the stats). the tuners need to post more of what the tune does (grip, speed, aero, no aero). although, i guess they could just put whatever they wanted in there to make their tune sound good, but some of them are just people throwing them out there hoping for the achievement.
most downloaded or how many times they have been raced would nice to see as well. it seems like worm and raceboy tune all of my cars.
i have only found two to three people to favorite out of all the people in the tune shop.
Thanks for helping promote with the instructions for how to manually go like things. The post-race prompt to “like” a paint or tune after 3 races is great, and I’m sure the way most likes happen.
Tunes will have a harder time getting likes, since many tunes are loaded prior to the car’s first race. I’ve noticed that, if I race a tune on a car I’ve already driven, after the 3rd race on that new tune I’m prompted to like it. But most of my cars, I’ve applied a tune when prompted to upgrade by the career lobby, so I’ve run the tune from mile 0. In these cases, I can drive a car many races and never be prompted to like the tune. Knowing how to go like the tune without the prompt helps.
To be honest, The liking system isn’t as it should be… Many of the community (not those active on the forums probably), dont like. On average i get 1 in 10 likes (10 downloads, 1 like). I guess that’s also partly because we have to download a design before we can actually look around the car with the design applied. This gives many “false” downloads…
If we were able to check a designs completely. Then download if we like it or not. Then there wont be any need for the actual likes. As downloading it after inspection allready determines if you “like” it.
(it’s just demotivating, create at least halfway descent liveries, but getting maybe 5 to 10 like, over a 30 day period)…
I think this is where the “gallery on the forum” aspect comes in. We don’t get the same level of exposure, but we can post listings of our tunes. Us forumites are more inclined to initiate a search, and a gamertag or consistent keyword can make your tunes easier to search for.
I started doing Tag Tunes for the unique demands of the Tag events, and put together a “Tag Tunes” post for the Show & Tell thread. In addition I’ve mentioned the tunes in conversation while multiplayer racing in the tag lobbies. I’ve had a few tunes getting uses by friends, enough to get the notices but no credits; the Tag Tunes action put me over the top to where I got a modest payout today.
This is how Raceboy77 came to my attention; he prepared a listing catalog of his extensive tune portfolio. He seems to have burst onto the scene big-time and currently enjoys a tune popularity approaching Worm’s in the chatter I’ve seen. As I recall he posted to the main thread as well as tunes and show & tell at various times; the size of his massive tune library, and the frequency of his updates, made it more worthwhile to repost in varying places. So far I’ve got just over a dozen Tag Tunes tweaked, tested, raced and listed, so I figure I’ll stick with Show & Tell and maybe the Tuners Lounge for now.
That has nothing to do with what I’m asking. I’m aware on how to get more downloads and uses.
If you look under badges you’ll see a badge to get your tune featured by T10. There is nothing I’ve found on how to get tunes featured. How are we supposed to get these badges?
This is unfortunately down to the community directly though as it seems many are happy to use designs handed to them on a plate but not willing to accept a like despite using the designs.
I finally got a payout for design uses yesterday after a substantial amount of time painting and trying to promote designs. Although the figures presented do not seem to be very accurate in the ‘My Designs’ section I do have a design used almost 200 times at last viewing, it has multiple downloads and one like on it !!! one like !!!
I have the achieve I was after now so really becomes pointless in spending time and effort in painting cars really. I can do it and simply use them for myself. The system as it stands doesn’t promote or compel folk to paint and share.
For those that like to have the flexibility of grabbing paint designs it might be worth you hitting the like button on designs you use when the popup arrives else the folk that do the painting may just stop which leaves you with very boring cars
The only way to help the tuners and painters is to give them the storefront back or atleast someway of sorting through the designs, I dont even download any designs anymore because its to much of a hassel going through 100s of designs just to find that 1 decent design and its rarely ever a good design because most of the good painters dont paint anymore because of the fact no one can find their designs.I understand that you got rid of it because people where hacking it or whater they were doing to get more in game currency but was that really affecting anyone other than the person doing it?? So instead of telling us how we can help you should be asking yourselfs how you can help them.
Just uploaded roughly 20 tunes into my tune catalog in the tuning section. Go check them out and like them if you do indeed like them. All are very fast and very competitive. ENJOY!
That’s what I figured, but haven’t seen any. I stopped posting stuff on that old thread because it was more like spam (not the can variety) than productive.
I have a fully updated list of tunes out in the tuning catalog forum. I have seen many downloads of my tunes, and I am very thankful for that. However there is a lack of likes for good or bad.
Also you cannot really give a full description of the tune entered in to the system for what the car is like and where it can be used. You can type all day in there and only a sentence and a half shows up when a downloader reviews it. In FM4 storefronts you could give your potential downloaders a nice descriptive run down of the tune.
Turn 10 has done a nice job with FM5. They have been present and responsive to the community. Hopefully as a tuner they will make a few more tweaks to make things a little better for descriptions. If you do look at my catalog, and you do download my tunes I say thank you very much. If you could drop me a PM as well to provide some feedback that would be great. Do not forget those likes.
I wish if they used design in three races it would like auto instead of asking them. My friend III Caruso III does replica car designs and he has some designs with 20k downloads 70k uses and 1k likes. He has tunes also that hes trying to get 30kcredit title.