Has Forza 5 taxed the Xbox One to its limit already?

As discussed in this thread (didn’t want to derail topic, hence this one): http://forums.forza.net/turn10_postst12174p2_My-theory-on-the-free-tracks.aspx

With the recently released Long Beach Track DLC, we got a fantastic, beautiful track no doubt.
However, I noticed that the environment is pretty much static, barely any active components. (not a major deal but noticeable for me anyway)

When I posed this question, it was said to be expected that if we want to experience butter-smooth 1080P/60fps that there was to be a trade-off on things.
Wait a minute here, I thought we were in “next-gen” where this shouldn’t pose a problem, supposed to be a huge leap in tech, yet adding active elements in the background is now too much for Xbox One? Have we hit the limit already? What about the so-called “cloud computing” that was supposed to take care of the taxing elements?

Link: How Forza 5 and the Xbox One use the cloud to drive machine-learning AI | Ars Technica

I heard this back on the Forza games on the 360, the same reply, which was understandable for night/weather requests.
If we use the “dolphin water fountain” as a point of not being an active element on Long Beach or swaying trees, just think about the larger implication.
If we go by the “well it will hurt the framerate”, then we have already reached the max point for Xbox One?

Just think about that for a second, if it can’t handle that, you can forget about weather or night racing in this generation unfortunately.

Look at Forza 2.

Then look at Forza 4/Horizon.

There’s your answer.

It’s a 6 month old console, the full potential of which will remain untapped for a decent period of time yet. The best is yet to come.


And when we get to that best level on this console, something which took 3 versions on the 360, are we then going to have to go through this whole process again when the next new console replaces the One? Seems like it’ll be a never ending DLC, unfinished game type circle where we get to a certain point where we think things can only get bigger & better only to be gutted when the XBox Two comes along & we lose load of features because the next, next gen version “is new & built from the ground up” & we spend the next few years trying to catch up to the games previous best but with pretty new graphics & physics as an initial sweetener.

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That’s generally how console gaming works. Not sure why you seem to be adverse to it now, you’ve been here since Forza 1. If generation cycling isn’t for you, I’d suggest a PC.

[quote=F4H Rosso;91903That’s generally how console gaming works. Not sure why you seem to be adverse to it now, you’ve been here since Forza 1. If generation cycling isn’t for you, I’d suggest a PC.

Is it really? May be now in the “next gen” phase but one version of Forza on the original XBox at the end of its cycle was all we had so you couldn’t make any sort of connection as to how it would pan out long term. Now that i have seen a whole series of Forza complete a full cycle on the last consoles life i can get a better picture of how its going to go in the future which is why i came to that conclusion. This is the 1st time i’ve had the chance to see a franchise pan out over a long period of time so thats why i’m adverse to it now, consoles were not like this until recently when DLC reared its ugly head, you used to get a full game from the off, properly checked, no major bugs or faults that ruined the experience, never had a single problem with any game i had on the old Playstations or original XBox from what i can remember.
What you suggest at the end is what i have had to do, my XBox One is en route while i type to its new owner nr St Agnes & the TX wheel is off to Pontefract, so i’m back on Forza 4 until my new PC is built & ready for iRacing.
I’m sure it’ll all turn out good in the end but i’ll wait until that time comes (as are a lot of the people i used to race with who dont even have a console yet thanks to the ridiculous decision to hold back certain regions), my experience with this console has been enough to put me off for a good while & turning my back on this game & what i love doing with it is something i couldn’t imagine a few short months back but here we are.
If this “cycle” would include brand new content as a whole for this game & not just in parts then that maybe could’ve kept me on Forza for a while longer but seeing the same old cars return as dlc & still stuck with the same old wheels & bodykits (even less in some cars cases now) along the same old paint glitches is not an improvement, its stagnating. These things, imo, should’ve been updated bit by bit on the 3 versions on the 360 nevermind now. If console cycling means being constantly stuck with these things that have been here for the past 6 or 7 years then whats the point, the game is already moving away from its original motorsports roots as it is, the whole thing needs a complete content overhaul otherwise its going to end up as a mash up of a car game that doesn’t really know what it is anymore.

There will not be an xbox 2. There was xbox, xbox 360, xbox one. the next is definitely not going to be" 2". It might be “720”, or “evolution” or “X” who knows, but definitely no two

The One has been out 5 mins and we are already talking about “Next Generation” !! Steady on, the One will be around for another 10 years before we see a refresh of consoles and if you believe a few analysts this will be the last generation of consoles …

Dunno…seems as if they failed to appreciate the evolution of screen resolutions. I mean both console makers here…the ps4 while slightly beefier doesn’t really seem enough either…

Yes and a big NO.

Out of the current games does Forza have the best native resolution? Yes.

Would they have liked to have got more out of it? I am sure the answer is yes so to a certain extent there was not enough graphics headroom to do more.

But does that mean we are already at the limit? NO!!!

Early development in a console life cycle is somewhat inefficient. As time goes on the developers will learn ways of getting more out of it. As the poster above says look at 2006 games on the 360 and then look at 2012 games. Big improvements.

There will be graphical improvements or headroom used for other things.

Having said that when I drive on Long Beach I think it is one of the cleanest and tightest tracks graphically out of them all. I don’t care if someone is screaming on top of a moving rollercoaster. I care what the black stuff in front of my car looks like and it looks good to me. I think they got their graphics priorities right with this track. Having said that there is a high level of detail (sure its static though) on this track.

This is absolutely spot on. I raced there the other night in an old Ferrari, in bonnet cam and I was just stunned by the beauty of it.

No doubt more will come, but boy does she look pretty at the minute.

It is a very valid concern; however, I believe you’re ignoring how quickly T10 had to put the final touches on Long Beach. It may be only a matter of time constrains.

No. Turn 10 hasn’t had a chance to find all of the tricks that exploit the capabilities of the system. Once they do and they are able to find way to recode efficiently, there will be plenty of room for Forza Motorsport to improve.

This very same question was asked back in the Forza Motorsport 2 days. Look what happened with titles 3 and 4.

Long Beach is still for FM5 and not for a new post-FM5 title, meaning it runs on the exact same engine that the rest of FM5 uses. They aren’t going to exceed what the initial FM5 engine could do. To do that they need a new graphics engine, and we won’t see that until the next game.

We are NO WHERE near the ultimate potential of this console. Not by a long shot.

I’d stake my life on it.

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lol not even close. past forzas were less than 9 gigs, forza 5 is over 30. 5 is not 3X the game forza 4 was. its unoptamized. look at all the complaints on the board. when they optamise it it would be much better even in the same game, let alone adding more stuff. the 360 had 512 megs of ram, the one has 8 gigs or about 16 times as much. 3 cores vs 8. the list goes on. forza 5 is a launch game. if you can max your console out at launch dont launch it. go back and look at project gotham racing from the original xbox. prg4 from the early 360. the games looked great and the original xbox had 64 megs of ram. forza 5 will end up being the worst forza on the xbox one.

Im not very tech savvy but what I don’t understand is why a number of cross platform games are being released to run at 1080i 60fps on the ps4 but only 720/900 and 30fps on the xbox one.

I will say 3 things about that.

  1. On paper the Xbox One is not as powerful as the PS4.
  2. Some articles suggest this gen the Xbox One is harder to develop for than the PS4.
  3. The Xbox One is rumoured to have a better upscaler and for those games I have researched reviews for the Xbox One games that have lower resolutions seem to make up for it in other graphical areas somehow. Resolution is not all there is to it.
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The PS4 doesnt run 1080 and 60 FPS on any game and doesn’t plan to run at that resolution for the next year. They run 900i and convert it to 1080. It’s a weird polygon stretching technique hollywood has used for years to use lower resolution technology but fit it to higher resolution, larger screens. And to my knowledge, Ghosts and BF4 are the only games that run 60fps on either console, and look at their development budget.

OP needs to watch and pay attention to everything said in this interview:

At launch the Xbox One was introduced with the expectation of it having a ten year life cycle. As such there must be huge potential still in the system. I recall interviews with T10 in the past where they refer to improving graphics through a continuous learning process with the system. I see no reason why the same will not continue on the new platform.