I had very high hopes for FM5 after being a total forza nut since the first ever game released with the Xbox back in day but this game is a real let down if I’m honest…less cars, less tracks, no track tag just airfield and no auction house aswell I mean come on turn10 no nurburgring!!! Maple valley??? Also the price of V.I.P and car pass?? Why so expensive?? Feel like iv been robbed and I am so let dwn by what you have done or haven’t done in more to point!!!
Please release old tracks of FM4 and some more cars is all I ask and make the cars old classics aswel like the old escort 1600i, Renault 5 gt, vw polo, ford Capri, Subaru sti 08, metro group b rally car and so on
I hope you address these issues and fix/amend them. Many thanks badboibirm
As a launch title and when you think that every car/track had to be rescanned id say there is a fair amount of content. also the car pass is the same price as it was on 4 and horizon isnt it? and when you think the amount of time and money t10 will have to put in to scan the cars id say its worth the money.
I’m kind of sick of hearing this myself. Forza 2 was a release title for Xbox 360 and is a MUCH more complete game than Forza 5. The career is better, the online was better, more release cars, more release tracks, and just more all around with better options. Why could that release title not have so much missing? I wasn’t around for the initial launch so it may have had just as many kinks to get worked out I get that, but content wise, its not even close.
That said I am still enjoying Forza 5 for the most part and think it is a great game none-the-less. I don’t however agree with the argument that it is a launch title for Xbox One means it should be less complete than a launch title for Xbox 360.
Even if it were true that Forza 2 was a launch title- I don’t think it is- You cannot compare the coding and building effort that goes in to a 360 game and what now goes in to an XB1 game. And do we know if T10 was given a longer lead time with the 360 than the XB1? In any case there are a number of reasons this is not a realistic comparison.
I am pretty sure that as things move forward between now and Forza 6 there will be added content and it will get better. If not and people are unhappy enough someone will notice and they will come and fill the gap with another racing franchise.
I am pretty sure the folks at T10 understand this concept of capitalism and they will give us the very best that they can.
Saw a interview with a lead designer other day where he compared the game to fm2 and If memory serves he said fm2 had 8 tracks were 5 has 14 tracks (numbers may be off but the point is there is more tracks in 5 then there was in 2 at launch )
Forza 2: Mugello, Leguna Seca, Maple Valley, new York, Nurburgring, Road Atlanta, Sebring, Silverstone, Sunset Peninsula, Suzuka, Test Track, Tsukuba (Motegi and Road America being added as DLC later so not counted).
Total: 12
Forza 5: Prague, Bernese Alps, Catalunya, Circuit De Spa, Indianapolis, De La Sarthe, Leguna Seca, Bathurst, Road Atlanta, Sebring, Silverstone, Test Track, Top gear, Yas Marina
Total: 14
I was wrong, Fm5 has more tracks at release. Although FM2 had better variations imo, but thats a different matter. I believe the 8 number you are quoting is real life tracks in FM2 vs Real life tracks in FM5, not total tracks.
I dont know what you mean by “release title” a released title? or title released as a console launch title?
if the second, FM2 wasnt even released during the launch window - way later than the 360 was released - just a reaction to “release title”, nothing more
Forza 2 was the first Xbox 360 Forza game, released 2 years after the last Forza Game for the Original Xbox.
Forza 5 was the first Xbox One Forza game, released 2 years after the last Forza game for the Xbox 360. (Horizons does not count, Not a T10 game and not relevant to F5 development)
My mistake, they did however release Forza Motorsport (xbox Original) in May 2005, with Forza 2 (xbox 360) released May 2007, leaving them with the same 2 year gap between console generations as they got this time. (Forza 4 Xbox 360 October 2011, Forza 5 Xbox One November 20113)
when you bring up FM 2 and the previous iterations and the productin cycle, I must - having your original post in this thread in mind - point out that you should compare FM2 with FM 1
you mentioned that FM2 had much more tracks, more cars etc. but in comparison to fm1 it did have less - the same goes for the fm4 and fm5 comparisson
the same 2 year gap you are talking about - 2 years between fm1 and fm2, two years between fm4 and fm5
I don’t see how that is exactly relevant. My case is for Forza 5 not 2 vs 1. I guess your point is Forza Motorsport is a better release than Forza Motorsport 2 which is a better release than Forza Motorsport 5, so logically Forza Motorsport was a better release than Forza Motorsport 5?
1 vs 5 is not apples to apples, at all. 2 vs 5 is at minimum the closest relevant comparison, if not completely apples to apples. 2 year segment from game releases and during a console generation change.
lol, funny that you dont understand my point,
as you claim you have to compare apples to apples - so you cant compare fm5 to fm4
one factor is production cycle (two years) other factor is console transition
fm1 to fm2 is console transition, fm4 to fm5 is console transition - thats my point
so when you criticize the lack of content less tracks blabla you compare it to what fm4??
if there was less tracks, less cars or less other content during the transitions to fm2 as compared to fm1, and there is less tracks, less cars or less other content during the transition to fm5 as compared to fm4, whats the big deal?? its the same, during console transition you get less content (different system, new build etc.) wasnt there less content in fm2 than fm1, the same way as there is less content in fm5 than in fm4? so in terms of the quantitative transition factor fm5 is comparable to the situation of fm2 (in that sense that fm5 has less content than fm4, the same way as fm2 had less content than fm1), thats the quantitative factor, in terms of quality I think that fm2 was better than fm1, and I do think that fm5 is better than fm4
so please dont common projecting your interpretations onto me, that according to me fm1 was a better release, - I think that FM5 is the best release so far - you dont have to agree, thats just my opinion
I STILL don’t get your point in relation to my posts (since you felt it necessary to quote mine with your response that seems in no way to reflect upon mine).
I was comparing FM2 to FM5, which is exactly what you are saying here. FM5 to FM2 is the best comparison, as I was doing. No I didn’t compare Changes ( 1 vs 2, 4 vs 5). I was directly comparing the closest 2 releases based on the same criteria you mention. Your point against me, initially AND now, are 100% irrelevant to my points and posts. I never once compared F4 as well, so again, irrelevant. My point this ENTIRE time has been that I think (my opinion) F2 was a better made game than F5 on the whole, which again, is comparing Apples to Apples.
Maybe you should go back and read my posts in this thread before commenting, since you clearly didn’t get something out of my posts. You keep reflecting upon things that are NOT what I am saying.
Also I already stated I love Forza 5, its a great game by itself. I still personally feel F2 was a BETTER game, but that is my opinion and what I was comparing.
I disagree that F5 is a better game that F4, in every way other than graphics and physics F4 is hands down the better game, but again, my opinion. Those are big factors, don’t get me wrong, but F4 had FAR superior career mode, far superior multiplayer, auction house, etc… the list is enormous. I was never trying to debate that fact though, but there is my opinion since you decided to bring it up while quoting me. ;).
This Nurburgring stuff is getting old fast… its not on the game… is it coming… most prob
as what been said its a new game for a new console thats has had to be rebuilt from the ground up and in forza every one wanted new tracks so they gave us new tracks first,
Remember when the xbox 360 was first released games where abit poor upon its release to how they advanced over the years I suspect this is what situation we are in with fm5 at the moment one things for sure if turn 10 plan to do a fm6 then they now have to plan its content very carefully as it seems so many players preferred fm4 over fm5 (is fm5 going to be remembered as a flop ?) but anyway its still early days it will be interesting to see what comes as updates or add ons for fm5.
FM5 is still a very good game and it has advanced over fm4 its only downfall as a game appears to be lack of content compared to its previous fm4 althrough I don’t know the sales figures of fm5 compared to fm4 upon release that will be the key talking point be interesting to see them figures and if its even than or better or just slighty less then would be nice to know if the games been a failure compared to fm4 let the sales figures do the talking other wise lets be quite and enjoy fm5.
(I also think the price of the console hasn’t helped as its very expensive and I know of lots of players have turned to ps4 has it was a big saving over the xbox one which left more cash to buy more games I paid £499 for the console and fm5 I know of lots of people that just cant afford the new console at the moment until it comes down in price.)
Overall FM5 great game would be to its advantage it seems if a bit more content was available.
paying more for what? new console? you didnt have to buy one - besides you bought a 360 as well, and if the xbox one is more expensive it is more than the 360, it certainly is not paying more for less, its paying more for more, the SE or LCE price was more or less the same as with previous forzas, and car pass was as well more or less the same as with previous season passes, I dont have the feeling that I payed more for less, I think its a magnificent game, which was worth paying for