I’m just wondering if perhaps Forza motorsport 5 is lacking some content due to turn 10 possibly trying to make the deadline of the xbox one release? Great game I just feel like it was released a bit prematurely, does anyone else feel the same?
I Think it definitely was! it just feel’s empty to me, & the soundtrack/menu music is terrible after long time’s, there’s just no choice but to mute it out & listen to music some how else?.. also ton’s of Classic Track’s & Car’s that weren’t brought into the game this time. Without the Ring, & Fuji, it feel’s odd, i just can’t keep playing it, i would of thought they would of redone New York or some other classic Forza Track, but they didn’t… When i noticed “Nürburgring” Wasn’t in the game i was pretty upset, it was my favorite test track. As Fuji was my Favorite Drift Track for testing tune’s. now that there gone it has this weird empty feel.
I Still think the game can be fixed up, specially with the cloud powered update’s!..no telling what the future hold’s for it, it’s just an early system i think, i miss being able to stream music, & other thing’s from the X-360, But the X-One will not stream music while playing FM5, So that’s a big downer for me. Also imagine if you owned the Music Pass & Bought it Sooo You could listen to music while playing Forza 5 On X-One, To Find out you can’t!!!, there’s no overlay/overplay integrated music player in the OS.
It was released at the EXACT right time to maximize xboxone sales.
Was it released missing key features and content making it lacking? According to Dan G. NO it was not. We’re just unfairly comparing it to Forza 4 instead of Forza 2.
Well its better than Forza 2, but I don’t think that should be the yardstick of comparison. In a lot of cases I’ve actually gone back to Forza 4. When people ask me about Forza 5, I typically say its beautiful, but if you want to play multiplayer with lots of content…I can’t recommend it over 4.
To be fair though, at least its not the bug-fest that BF4 is. I’d rather have something relatively solid than a ton of content that is unusable.
I think it was released too early. Missing lots of features and interesting tracks. I went back to play Forza 3 the other day. Couldn’t believe how much more there was in that game.
I could see this being true. I had heard XB1 was scheduled for Q2 2014, then suddenly it came out Q4 2013… that could mess with a dev’s timetable all right.
Yes way too many features are missing. I would be okay with it, if it was sold for less money as it seems like half a game compared to previous Forza’s.
I love the game so I say no! Would you rather have Forza 5 in six months and not race today?? Going to have to wait for the rest anyway! So no im glad it was released and that I get to play!
I concur. It is the main reason why I bought the Xbox 1 when I did. Otherwise I have a gaming pc. Forza is al lot of fun. Or it can be in the right lobby.
There were rumors floating around before release that the original release date was going to be some time in the spring of this year. According to said rumors, Microsoft didn’t think Sony would be ready this past holiday season. Translation, Sony caught Microsoft with their pants down and Microsoft rushed to meet them at launch. These rumors apply to Forza as well since Microsoft pushed up the system release by roughly six months and needed a shiny system seller to help promote it.
I see all the negativity towards the Xbox One and Forza 5 and I understand the frustrations. At the same time I look forward to picking them up in the next month (hopefully).
I love Forza, but this is unfinished compared to F4. I have been really underwhelmed. I know there a ton of fans the still swinging from Turn10’s jock but this game is lacking in a lot of areas.
I don’t doubt that they will correct it though, because no one will buy the next one.
If people are saying it was rushed due to lack of content, keep in mind that FM5 still has more cars than any other console racer that isn’t Forza or Gran Turismo. I think PGR4 had a decent car list but that it was still half of what came with FM5, and most others are doing good to have forty or so cars, which would be a fifth of the FM5 car list. As for tracks, they take a minimum of nine months apiece to build. Even if they were to have a few in the works simultaneously, adding another half dozen tracks would still mean summer of 2015 at the very earliest, and probably more like the end of 2015. That would be double the development time, and double the cost, of previous games. That would be fine if we all would pay double ($120 plus tax for the standard release and $160 or whatever for LCE) but nobody would do it. Turn 10 releases core Forza titles every two years. FM5 came roughly two years after FM4.
Maybe that’s the problem. Take some more time to make the game but make it right the first time around.
Also if it is too expensive to do, maybe they shouldn’t do it just for a game. Even then, just look at sales and game cost as is. Sales add up to hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars so I’m sure it’s not a money issue. All in all, this launch has been riddled with excuses other games didn’t need to release a full product.
If Forza really wants to laser scan everything, get all the physics real and be a hard-core simulator, then they’d spend the money and take the time to do it right but they’ve clearly said they don’t want to be the epic realistic simulator anymore.