Ginetta G60 engine durability

I’ve been doing the Prototype Power series with Ginetta G60. I race with expert rules and typically use manual both with and without clutch. The G60 is both the first prototype and the first car of it’s speed I’ve driven in game. Perhaps it’s just I haven’t got used to driving it yet, but I’m struggling to avoid damaging the engine on downshifts, as well as upshifts when using the clutch. I’ve never had a problem damaging the engines of prototypes from shifting in previous Forza titles. Is it me, the car, or the game?

T10 changed the clutch mechanic (made it worse imho).
Thus, if you are powershifting as you are used to from previous titles you will misshift a lot. I’m not racing with engine damage enabled but I assume it’s the cause.
If you want to keep M+C make sure to press the clutch first, then shift and release the clutch only after releasing the shift button. Just pressing both buttons simultanously like in the past isn’t doing it anymore.

As a result I would avoid M+C on cars that shift fast anyway. It’s only worth it anymore on cars with abysmal clutches & gearboxes (high shift time penalties).

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I did hear that power shifting no longer works. When I tried the Ginetta with the clutch, I was lifting on upshifts. But even using regular manual, I’m having a hard time downshifting w/o damaging the engine.

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I really don’t like the way manuals in this game work, especially with the stock gear boxes… they are so painfully slow, way slower than they are in real life. As in: Are you guys really trying to tell me that my Slush-box 6 auto in manual mode shifts faster than a Toyota Supra Manual from the factory? Yeah, it doesn’t not in any world I’ve ever been in. Manual cars I’ve driven in real life don’t shift as slowly as they do in this game. It’s really annoying that to get a proper feel I once again have to grind up to buy the transmission to get it to feel more accurate.

You don’t need a clutch to shift the car even in manual+clutch mode. It will not damage the transmission. Make sure you’re down in the revs before you downshift during hard breaking to avoid engine damage. Also be careful not to redline it, because it will damage the engine. It shouldn’t be much of a problem throughout the race, but you will accumulate some engine damage.


I don’t know if they really changed anything because i didn’t try another car but i used this car earlier and it’s almost impossible to not get damage, i even switched to regular manual and was still getting damage pretty consistently.

Yeah, I thought it was like the MP4/4 which accumulates damage in a similar way. It’s a bug in the game, for some reason they blip the throttle into oblivion when downshifting in anything with a race transmission. If you downshift and try to engine break you get punished because it has to rev when downshifting. Wonky gearbox mechanics that need to be patched. The whole thing is wrong.

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This. Racing the Toyota lmp1 and I get engine damage no matter what speed I downshift at; the revs blip to redline like I’ve the clutch in. :frowning: sad

If you mean Manuel without clutch, this is very strange as it shouldn’t allow you to downshift if you’ll go past redline. I’ll go run a few laps in it later and come back to report.

Forza doesnt do that, i know its common in some other games but you can downshift whenever you want in this game.

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Ahh, you’re right. I must be thinking of one of the other sims.

As someone already said, u dont need to use cluth if u drive car with race transmision (and m/c will be lot faster than manual), the only way u can dmg your engine is when u downshift too early, overreving engine. In horizon players learned to abuse engine braking, now its time to stop it :sunglasses:

It wasnt a horizon thing its always been the way in forza for top players unless theyre in races with damage.

Not true. Try the p class Toyota hybrid. Manual gearshift. Any downshift, no matter the speed, (120km in 5th then go to 4th for eg) redlines causing damage