So I try to launch Forza 5 tonight to play with a couple buddies when it prompts me to sync data (Ok fine, I was previously signed in on a different profile). The process never starts after half an hour so I restart my console a few times, still wont start. Next I try a hard reset - didn’t work. Then I try turning instant sign in off, launch the game and sign in when it prompts me to, the syncing never started.
My next resort was to go to YouTube. I saw some people saying a reliable way to fix it was to:
Hold power button for 10 seconds.
Once off, unplug all the cords from the back.
Hold the power button for another 10 seconds.
Plug in, and turn console on to enjoy Forza 5.
This didn’t work either. So I tried resetting my console a few more times and miraculously, it starts syncing. It gets to 85%, then says the sync was unable to be completed. This is progress I thought to myself, so I reset again and it reaches 100% this time, all seems to be going well. The game launches and I’m at the very beginning screen where it tells you to adjust your brightness. And that’s that, 300+ hours of progress wiped. Never thought I would be so disheartened listening to Clarkson being so inspiring.
I have no idea how to access any cloud saves if there are any. Any help on this matter would be greatly appreciated. My save in Horizon 2 is still intact, Forza 5 however is not. I also own the disc for Forza 5.
EDIT: So after searching the forums a bit more thoroughly, I found that if you cancel the sync and start a fresh game, the next time it saves it will overwrite the old data. I did this one time, but never touched any controls when I saw the brightness screen pop up. Does it save even before that? Also, my save data is now much bigger despite there being less data. It used to be less than 10MB, not it’s 66MB.
Restarting during system syncing is a bad idea–it can take several hours for it to complete. Your gamesave file is likely corrupted and requires deletion for you to start anew.
It only ever actually started syncing 2 times - once it failed and the other it didn’t. I restarted my console only when a percentage wasn’t shown.
I’m not actually that angry about my save file being gone, it’s just blown me away how fragile this system of syncing data is. While I was syncing it gave me the option once to sync from either my console or the cloud. I chose the console since it was newer.
Have you deleted you save file and tried it again? As far as I know that’s the only way to make it start over. Also note it can take several hours for it to get done. Just depends on your game save and internet speeds.
Just tried that this morning. It recovered the progress I made after I realized my save data is gone. Probably no hope of getting back after that I imagine.
Hi I just put forza motorsport 5 into my Xbox One to check for dlc and play a bit after not playing it for a while. It told me it needed to sync up to my Xbox so I let it. When the game started up my entire save content has disappeared and made me start from the start. i have not deleted any of the content and I did not interrupt the syncing process. I have worked hard for all the cars i had including hours in fine tuning them and the races i won which was about half of career mode. I went to manage game and it told me that I have 40.7gb saved and then I went to compare games and it told me I have done 156 hours of game play with a gamer score of 480/1400 with 48 medals. Also I have all dlc for it too. My Forza Horizon 2 had to sync too but that still had all save content in it. What can be done about this as I am angry that all my save content for forza 5 is missing. The last time I played it was early November 2014 and all content was still there.
Hi I just put forza motorsport 5 into my Xbox One to check for dlc and play a bit after not playing since November 2014 (all save content was still there then). It told me it needed to sync up to my Xbox so I let it. When the game started up my entire save content has disappeared and made me start from the start. i have not deleted any of the content and I did not interrupt the syncing process. I have worked hard for all the cars i had including hours in fine tuning them and the races i won which was about half of career mode. I went to manage game and it told me that I have 40.7gb saved and then I went to compare games with a friend and it told me I have done 156 hours of game play with a gamer score of 480/1400 with 48 medals also it still has all my lap times I have posted. I have all dlc for it too. My Forza Horizon 2 had to sync too but that still had all save content in it. What can be done about this as I am angry that all my save content for forza 5 is missing and hours of game play has gone down the drain.