Save not Syncing?

So about a week ago my Forza 5 data stopped syncing properly. It would just keep saying syncing until I attempted to cancel. When I attempted to cancel it started my whole game over again so I quickly shut off Forza and restarted. It then asked if I would like to sync between my old (December 19th) and new Feb 6th data and I said Keep Old (Dec 19) and it went into the continuous sync again.

I attempted to uplug power, hold power reset, delete data off HDD only. What else can I do?

Unfortunately, what is advised to do is to walk away from the console and let it sync. Although it appears nothing is happening, users have reported that by letting the console work its “magic”, the sync eventually completes.

At this point, you might have corrupted the save file by canceling during the sync process. The only way to tell for sure is to, again, leave the console to do the syncing until it is finished. If it never completes within the span of 1 to 3 hours, the save files are most definitely corrupt and will need to be deleted in order for you to play the game and, subsequently, will force you to restart from scratch.

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If that’s the case then Forza 6 here I come haha.

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It can take over an hour.

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Or much longer!!

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