Can't access cloud save

OK, so, a couple of weeks ago, I changed the email address associated with my Xbox Live account from my Xbox One.

This caused a problem with Microsoft’s websites, which would not allow me to sign in with that email, so I changed it again, but this time from

This caused a new problem with the Xbox One, which wouldn’t let me sign in without entering my password every time, so I went to the support section of, which told me to wait 48 hours (which I did), and if that didn’t work (which it didn’t), then I should delete my profile from the console and download it from the cloud (which I also did), which solved the problem.

But, of course, this caused a problem even worse than both of those combined. I couldn’t sync my Forza 5 data with the the cloud.

So, I looked around on the internet to find a solution, and I’ve tried everything besides doing a factory reset, which, with my internet, would probably take about two weeks to recover everything.

I’ve tried waiting for it to sync, but it just stops after about twenty minutes without any error message or anything.

I’ve tried playing offline, but of course, since Microsoft told me to delete my profile, it just tried to make a new save.

I’ve tried uninstalling the game and reinstalling it.

I’ve tried deleting all of the Forza 5 save data left from the console, but I still can’t retrieve it from the cloud.

No matter what I do, I’m always met with an endless message of “Syncing data for Forza Motorsport 5… We should be done soon!”

I’ve spent a lot of time and effort painting in this game, and I can’t do it again, so if I can’t get it back, then I probably won’t play the game anymore, and just wait until Forza 6 comes out next year (or the next).

So, is there any way to get my data back, or is it gone forever?

It’s not gone forever but there’s something broken with Forza5/T10 servers or the Microsoft portion that houses those saves.

Yesterday I received my replacement Xbone and last night went about copying all my games off the internal drive of my original console to an external HDD and then from the HDD to my new replacement console. All went fine and I went through each of my games resyncing the saves from the cloud. I was saving FM5 for last since I fully intended to play it for the first time in a while but that reality came to a halt once I started to sync the saves for FM5. Like you I stared at the “Syncing Data for Forza Motorsport 5” screen for a while with only a left to right animation going across the screen. After 20min or so I gave up and tried a few other things, one of those being accidentally creating a new save. The next time I launched FM5 and it tried to sync with the cloud I got the alert that one save was newer than the other and I was prompted to choose which. Naturally I chose the older save but again I was stuck on that same screen with no progress update for at least 20min.

Then I had to take a dump. One of those nice long ones that requires the company of an Ipad. During that time I completely forgot I had left my XBone trying to sync my Forza save. I went about to toss in a load of laundry and walked next door to get my grandmother her nightly meds and ready for bed. I would estimate at least 90minutes passed before I went back home and realized I had forgotten about trying to sync my Forza date. When I got back to my TV I immediately noticed the screen had a slight change to it. Now inplace for the left to right line animation on the “Syncing data for Forza Motorsport 5… We should be done soon!” there was a PROGRESS bar though it was only at 16%. This was a step in the right direction. Now sadly after about an hour when it was around 50% it had an error that could have been caused by my craptastic DSL service so I started the process over. Eventually at around 4-5am, after starting around midnight for that last attempt my save finally synced.

TLDR. Wait…and then wait longer…and then wait some more. If you think you have been waiting long enough for it to sync, you haven’t and wait even more. It’ll eventually happen.

I’ve tried that, but whenever I leave it for more than twenty minutes, the “syncing data for Forza Motorsport 5” message just disappears.

I think I’ll try removing my profile and downloading it again, since I’ve seen that suggested. Of course, I’m not entirely convinced that it’ll work, since it seems to have started the problem in the first place.

If it doesn’t work, then I guess I’ll try waiting again.

If that doesn’t work…