Forzathon in Motorsport 7

#Forzathon in Forza Motorsport 7

“Return of the #Unicorns as Forzathon events would be #epic
“Count on it. I don’t usually confirm features on Twitter, but I love #forzathon” - Dan Greenawalt^

(In Forza Horizon 3, Forzathon is a timed event that challenges players to complete races or skills to earn cars, credits, XP, and random award spins. The events have typically opened on Friday and closed on Sunday but there have been single-day and week-long Forzathon windows.)


Yes, I would appreciate it if they kept Forzathon. It kind of extends the life of the game. Looking forward to release!

Forzathon has been an enjoyable and relatively painless means of unlocking content … glad to hear it’s coming to the Motorsport series.

Awesome news!

It was fun for a few months but really now I only bother for the new cars, and even then it is a chore. But part of that is down to Horizon 3 really not being much fun. If Horizon 2 had had it, that would have been a different story. Hopefully the same will not be true of FM7 vs. FM6, but only time will tell.

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YES! Super stoked about the fact that they are moving this to Motorsport.

I liked the idea I just hope it will be easier to obtain cars you missed i.e longer periods of time to complete maybe more regular opportunities to obtain them as obtaining some became a chore in the auction house especially since the game is coming out when im at uni

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whats forzathon???

It’s a mobile game tactic to keep players logging on at certain times to do certain tasks for specific rewards.

I’m not sure why forza picked up this tactic. But phone games use it for Comercial ratings to get paid. I’m personally not a fan as I don’t game usually during any specific time.

That is a good article about the mobile side and the reasons they employ these tactics. As stated though, I don’t know why a console game is doing it.

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This here is why T10/playground can’t win. Everyone complained about unicorns not being more accessible, enter forzathon. Now even though they are giving out cars like candy on Halloween it still bothers people for whatever reason they can conjure up.

A mobile game tactic? For ratings?

Plenty of games use these daily/weekly/monthly things. I HIGHLY doubt they went, “hey we need better ratings and more money, lets do a forzathon!” Considering they aren’t asking you to do anything other then the tasks I have no idea what they are gaining. For spending a hour tops most weeks you are gaining a car, wheel spins, credits, and probably a level up. How this affects anyone negatively is beyond me.

Forzathon is not going to destroy forza just because it came from Horizon, and they don’t have any evil intentions besides giving you things. Why does everything have to have a negative point to it?


Pretty sure MMORPGs were using scheduled events with potential special rewards before mobile games. And in MMORPGs, it’s a way to keep players coming back long after they might’ve abandoned the game. In my experience, there were a number of veteran players who only logged in to participate in such events. I imagine the motive for Forza lies along those lines - to keep people coming back.

You have to admit it’s not totally the same. Mobile games halt actually game progress behind pay walls and timers. The only thing Forzathon really does is award a few bonus credits and cars (which are purchasable in the auction house at any time thereafter and have no tangible advantage in game). If Forza wanted me to wait 5 or 10 minutes between each race or pay real money to race sooner I’d take a sledge to my Xbox, but it seems to me that Forzathon is just a way to get people to come back and play a few rounds in the game for an easily winnable prize, is free, and is optional. There were Forzathons I couldn’t or didn’t do in FH3 but I’m not going to stress about it.


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Best way to describe it is monthly challenges or events that occur for a set period of time that varies, challenges can include winning in a specific type of car, completing x amount of online races and so on

In return prizes are giving to player who complete said challenges which can include credits wheelspins and new cars that are otherwise unobtainable (barring the auction house though very difficult for some cars)

Does this mean the auction house is returning in FM7?

Auction House is in, confirmed by MotorworldHype’s interview with Dan Greenawalt, over in the Auction House discussion thread.

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Can’t wait for forzathon! Going to be very excited for it. I’m actually quite interested in how the adapt it for the motorsport side of things for the challenges. I think it’ll be really to see that.

Just why?

Why not?



If you are a lot abroad due to work travel, holidays etc you miss out on a lot of Forzathons. If you are an avid fan of the game it’s no fun being locked out of events that way, will happen to me in FH3 for the coming 2 Forzathon weekends since I’m on holidays and won’t be at home to play.
It would be a whole lot better if the challenges lasted for a month instead of a weekend. You know, they would queue up when you don’t do them and people who aren’t home for over a week can still do them when they get back home.

I personally don’t like it when games feed content to you in a timely way. Real Racing 3 is the perfect example of utter garbage policy and I stopped playing that game for this exact reason (while RR2 was so good). What was changed? Well after a content/event update in RR3 you have like 12 days to do complete a 10 stage long event but you can only play 1 stage per day. If you slack a bit you can catch up again (unless you need to repair your car after too many long races). It is in the end total nonsense. When game developers want to dictate when I have to play their game, I’m out.

So in the end I like the idea of Forzathon but I don’t like the timely implementation of it. Why can’t Forzathon be permanent for example? Instead of weekend events they could be permanent updates for the game. Maybe completing the previous Forzathon would be a requirement to unlock the next one since otherwise you would have like a whole lot of Forzathon events completing from just doing 1 race. :slight_smile:

Think about it, if for example someone buys FH3 today, wouldn’t it be nice if they could do all the previous Forzathon events as well? Or are we all so selfish into saying “no those events are passed, I don’t want new players to get these cars?”. The Forzathon UI wouldn’t even need to be changed, as soon as you completely finished a certain Forzathon, it would show one of the previous ones again.