Hi, i just bough the game and I wonder if is there any way to unlock all the previous event content or if i’m going to be able to run through this events in a future time.
Thanks in advance.
Hi, i just bough the game and I wonder if is there any way to unlock all the previous event content or if i’m going to be able to run through this events in a future time.
Thanks in advance.
Sorry, you’ll only be able to participate in upcoming events. But they have been pretty good at making some of the prize cars available again.
This is pretty bad imho. Thanks a lot for the info.
What’s pretty bad?
A feature that rewards continued engagement and early adopters? Or the 2nd chances you have to get the rewards?
#Forzathon is like a conveyor belt sushi place; You missed what you wanted when It was around the first time? Well, you better pay attention and keep an eye out for when it comes around again.
Or you could use the Auction House.
Sorry, you’ll only be able to participate in upcoming events. But they have been pretty good at making some of the prize cars available again.
I’m not worried about the event per se, i’m worried about the content itself. but thanks a lot for the info mate
Hi, i just bough the game and I wonder if is there any way to unlock all the previous event content or if i’m going to be able to run through this events in a future time.
Thanks in advance.
Being that Forzathons are timed events, it stands that you’ll only be able to participate in those events that become available going forward.
All cars made available in the forzathons can be bought in the auction house