#Forzathon Jan. 26 - Feb. 28

New Forzathon challenges were added to the Xbox dashboard after 3am Eastern on January 26. In game events appeared to go live at 9:30am Pacific.

February 21 update:

February 16 update:

February 15 update:

February 2 update:

January 29 update:

#Forzathon Forza World Tour 2 aka “Challenge 1”
(U.S. players were reporting seeing “5 laps” while outside the U.S. sees “5 miles”)
Completed all challenges to receive the 1932 Ford De Luxe Five-Window Coupe!

#Forzathon To the Slopes! aka “Challenge 2”
(Challenge 1 was initially reported as “a single lap on the Bernese Alps Festival Circuit Reverse,” now Club Reverse.)
Completed all challenges to receive the 1974 Lancia Stratos HF Stradale

#Forzathon Creative Corner aka “Challenge 3”
(Challenge 1 was initially reported as “Paint a car” but now is Take and Share a Photo)
Completed all challenges to earn the Motion Capture Driver Gear


  • Reboot your console or PC to make sure you have a good connection to the server.
  • If you have completed all requirements but do not have the reward, go to another event and complete it or try triggering a save with a change in your garage and then return to the Forzathon menu to see if you have the reward prompt.
  • Don’t just drift in a circuit race - use a drift event or set a Free Play game type to Drift so the score is recorded.
  • Make sure your Xbox privacy settings allow you to download content (this is usually more important for accepting gift cars).
  • PC players, make sure you have Connected User Experience and Telemetry setting turned On, and turn off third party antivirus and malware to prevent disruption communicating with the server.
  • When reporting troubleshooting in the Tech Support forum, make sure to indicate which region you are playing from, which platform you’re on, and which car and event you were trying, along with specific messages/text seen on screen.

Previous Forzathon set:


Additional Forzathon events are listed at Xbox.com but not visible on the dashboard. Normally the url addresses increase sequentially along with the event dates, but in this case the urls are earlier than the currently active challenges. Dates TBA - possibly later February events, but unconfirmed.

#Forzathon Competitive Edge
Completed all Challenges to win the 2015 Mercedes Benz-AMG GT S

#Forzathon “Challenge 4”
Completed all challenges to win the 2014 Infiniti Q 50 Eau Rouge

#Forzathon Happy Holidays
Completed all challenges to win the Koeniggsegg Regara
Image shows the “Stay Frosty” snowman Driver Gear gifted to all players in late December 2017

#Forzathon Getting to Know You
Completed all challenges to receive the Mime Driver Gear.

#Forzathon Time to Compete
Completed all challenges to receive the Blue Robot Driver Gear

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Are they starting today at some point

I’m confused; Manteo’s post says it runs Jan. 23-Feb 9…and we’re Jan. 26. Am I missing something, here?

And if I’m reading this correctly, the following are the prizes we’ll be getting from completing this Forzathon (Jan. 23-Feb 9):

Eau Rouge
Ford Deluxe
MoCap gear
Mime gear
Robot gear

The same thing happened with December’s events. It looks like a communication issue between the T10 team and Xbox, but I have no idea of the details.

I provided a screenshot in the first post that shows only the events that I listed in the first post. I specifically stated in the second post that there was no date on those events, so there’s no reason to assume they’re included in this Forzathon window.

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I get the impression they feel the same at T10.


Check back at 10am, 4pm, and 6pm Pacific as those times are often used for changeovers. Also watch for the WIR at News - Forza

Please go live today. I want my hands on that 32 ford.

Uuuuuh I have been waiting for that Ford


Well for some reason I have access to the Forzathon challenges, however the one supposedly rewarding the Lancia Stratos is labelled “Season’s Greetings”, has the image of the Lancia, but says it rewards the Snowman Driver Gear. Attempted the first challenge for the '32 Ford, and of course, it hasn’t been tracked correctly. Whether this is a bug or because we’re not supposed to have access to it yet, is anyone’s guess.

If anyone’s interested, the challenges appear to be:

Seasons Greetings - Lancia Stratos
Challenge 1 - Get a 10,000 Drift Score on a single lap on the Bernese Alps Festival Circuit Reverse
Challenge 2 - Complete 3 laps on the Bernese Alps Club Circuit
Challenge 3 - Win a race in a Modern Off-Roader Divison Car in the Bernese Alps

Forza World Tour Part 2 - '32 Ford De Luxe
Challenge 1 - Drive 5 miles on Bathurst in an Australian car
Challenge 2 - Go more than 180mph in Dubai
Challenge 3 - Finish in the Top 3 at Rio de Janeiro

Creative Corner - Mo-Cap Driver Suit
Challenge 1 - Paint a car
Challenge 2 - Change your Driver Gear
Challenge 3 - Finish any race

What about the:

Eau Rouge
Mime suit
Blue Robot suit

Wish I knew, they aren’t visible in the Forzathon menu for me, so I’m assuming they’re for next month.

3 Forzathon challenges have went live for me as well, but my challenges so far are as follows:

To the Slopes!

  1. 10,000 Drift Score on 1 lap on Bernese Alps Club Circuit Reverse

Forza World Tour Part 2

  1. Complete 5 laps on Bathurst in an Australian car

Creative Corner

  1. Take and share a photo

An image of the Forzathon challenges:


Please fully power down your console by holding the power button on your console until it turns off. Once you power it back on, you should see the new #Forzathon challenges.



So I did that two times in a row, still I can only see Forza World Tour Part 2. Once again, I do not want to be disrespectful, but maybe - instead of working out funny little methods to bypass serious problems that might turn you gaming experience into garbage - it was time for YOU people at Turn10 to really start fixing those crazy bugs.
Not to mentions a bug I posted in the threads about one or two months ago exclusive content and also another bug with the ‘Storm Chaser’ achievement which I have failed to unlock because I was lucky enough to pre-order the game and play before launch.
Please take notice of the occuring problems.


Edit: I thought it was a game developer who suggested turning the console off because it had a red line around it and my ‘YOU’ refers to those devs. To me it was clear but after reading the whole thing it gave me second thoughts. Sorry for misleading speech.

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Done as suggested, twice, however, it has not fixed the issue for me unfortunately.

Not to be snide or anything and appreciate the feedback but definitely not efficient or an effective method of game play for consumers


Again… bugs, bugs, bugs. Tried the
Forza World Tour Part 2 - '32 Ford De Luxe in a Holden and HSV and cant progress…


same here, did the first challenge for all 3 and it dont show any progress being made. i quit the game and still didnt register as well as a full shutdown of the console. tried again and nothing still. #Broken