I hope Forzathon is coming back

They want to have live-service game with all this “racing platform” talk, yet the weekly activities provide one to two hours of actual engagement and plus you do not get any kind of special reward for completing them. Not even bonus credits etc. You get measly ONE car per month, FM7 did one car weekly.
So one has to ask, what is the point? Getting series of 4 new races on tracks you already drove multiple times with no actual rewards / grind per week will get old pretty quicky

I would take 1 well done car per month over the somewhat generic feeling cars in FH5. I also think there is some danger in adding too much content for the weekly updates. In FH5 a lot of those things felt like a task list of chores to do for a car unlock. In Motorsport they need to use the weekly updates to funnel people into different race series, and most people will participate in multiple of those online races. I am all for more content, but they have to do a bit of a balancing act.

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