Exclusive vehicles and Forzathon Discussion

There was a recent thread here on this topic that used some unfortunate language and got locked, but had the potential to start an interesting discussion which I’m hoping can be had here.

The new Festival Playlist has kind of brought to a head a lot of issues around exclusive vehicles and the weekly Forzathons. My personal take on this is that the weekly events (and even the Festival Playlist) are good ideas with (very) poor execution (and a severe lack of communication on how they work).

New events each week are a great idea to keep the game interesting for players long-term. Unfortunately, the time-gated exclusive content locked behind them and the new completion percentage requirement takes what could be a fun system and makes it feel like a chore. Because exclusive vehicles have been handled poorly (IMHO) in FH3 and FH4 with common RL vehicles being made exceptionally rare with zero guarantee of future availability, it feels like these weekly events are effectively mandatory unless you want to risk permanently missing out on a potentially awesome or highly anticipated vehicle. Forza has been heavily advertised as a “play it your way” game, but when these weekly challenges effectively become mandatory, then suddenly I’m not playing it how I want to, but instead having to jump through whatever annoying hoops the devs have set up.

This might be good for player login numbers, but it also creates resentment when players feel like their dream cars are “being held hostage” by the devs and locked arbitrarily behind time gates (or worse, online events if you don’t like multiplayer or don’t have gold). Part of the appeal of Forza is that the game is chock-full of real world vehicles for players to drive and enjoy. This also means that each vehicle has special significance that a fictional item would in other games generally won’t have. A car, even if it’s an uncompetitive, ugly beast, is still a unique piece of content that has far more meaning than say a new gun in Destiny.

I understand the place of exclusive vehicles (even if I get really annoyed at how hard it is to get some of them) since it motivates players to go above and beyond what they normally do to try to get them, but when cars that are very common IRL (like the 2010 Golf R) are made arbitrarily rare for Reasons, it does make me resent the game designers.

Personally, I think that exclusive vehicles should be limited to Forza editions, and the base car should ALWAYS be in the autoshow (this includes one-off reward and barn find cars, which could unlock in the autoshow after they’ve been unlocked through gameplay). That way if a player really wants a particular vehicle, there’s a guaranteed way to get it, but more hardcore players who want something special and exclusive to work towards still have their carrot.

Additionally, the Festival Playlist percentages should be reworked so not all players HAVE to participate online to get the main rewards. If it’s really all about playing the game my way, then the events and completion percentages should be balanced such that I can pick and choose what I enjoy doing (including playing offline exclusively) and have enough events to choose from and completion points awarded from them to have a way to earn the rewards through that path if I so choose. Same for online. If players really enjoy playing online, then by all means they should be able to earn the rewards by playing the game the way they enjoy. There should also be the option to mix and match (like we have now) so players can dabble around in multiple event types and offline and online if they so choose.

There should still be 100% rewards for the hardcore players, but it shouldn’t be an exclusive vehicle, rather a pile of credits/wheelspins (maybe an exclusive cosmetic or badge next to their name) to reward them for going all out, but also recognizing that only a small percentage of players is going to do this so it shouldn’t be something that will create a bunch of resentment among players if it’s missed (a good example of how NOT to do this is the 100% requirement for the Porsche 914/6, which is a highly anticipated car for a lot of players).

Ultimately I want the flexibility to play Forza as a casual, relaxing game where I can step away from the game when RL demands it and come back later to hop in awesome cars at my leisure without feeling like I’ve forever missed out on a dream car because I couldn’t play a particular week, while at the same time having new challenges each week to participate in if I’m feeling like it, but no compulsion to do so if I’m not.

Anyways, what are your thoughts?


It’s 4am so i try to keep it short. I agree that every car except forza editions should be available on autoshow and just like you say barn finds etc could be locked but when you get that barn find you are able to buy another one in autoshow.

There could be so many cool way reward player other than cars, for example there could be challenge that you need to hit some target score on PR stunt with VW and reward would be unlock porsche wheels for every VW, or even something like special license plate, clothes etc.

And things like horizon playlist at least for me feels very chore and even more when PG recycle old events that i have done earlier. I dont need/want game telling what way i should play and also these events are not challenges so in more hardcore perspective i would like to see more tougher challenges (but not something where is exclusive cars as reward). I have lot more fun today challencing myself getting good score on seasonal speed zone than i have doing any stuff that playlist offer.

Would be ideal if more casual players could get all new cars without grinding hours for every week but in same time game would offer some tougher challenges on more skilled players instead of system that slams all events together and throw it to players “do these or you dont get a car”


I also do not understand why these “exclusive” cars not a few weeks, eg. 4 weeks, later in forzathonshop available.
and why is the forzathonshop limited to 2 cars? why are not there just all forzathonshop cars offered for forzathon points.

This would also encourage interested people to play to earn points.
(Alternatively, offer in parallel in the autoshow for credits.)

that it can / must be 100% is known to be another discussion. and yes, I think you should give players the incentive to get these exclusive cars 4 weeks in advance. Who has no time / possibilities, can get the cars just 4 weeks later.

Personally, I’ve never been keen on games trying to twist my arm to get me to play on their timetable. What’s worse than that is trying to incentivize playing with/against people by making a desirable reward dependent on it. I might occasionally attempt the time limited activity, but I’ll almost never find it worth depending on randos for a particular reward and I certainly won’t actively participate in PvP.


So I’ve had some more thoughts on this.

I really like the 1 or 2 new cars each week. New content like this is a positive reason to continue logging into the game regularly. Like I mentioned before, what isn’t positive is the fact that these new vehicles are always time-gated exclusives that may or may not be available ever again which turns the positive reason to play into a negative compulsion, making the game feel like a chore to keep up with and creating resentment towards the devs.

However, I do like that when new vehicles are added, they are featured in the weekely challenges. There’s no reason for this to stop, even if the new vehicle is added to the autoshow or made available via other means. Players can do the challenge if they want and be rewarded with a new vehicle, or if they don’t like the challenge, they can save up the credits/FP doing something else that’s more interesting and obtain the vehicle that way. Fits the mantra of “play the game your way” much better than what the devs have done so far.

If you really want to make the new vehicles feel special, you could even make them exclusive for a limited time. Say you make them only available via the challenge for the first week, after which they’re made more widely available on the autoshow. Regular players who want a new shiny car to show off have their opportunity to do so for the first week, after which there will be a shiny new car to chase after for them, while the previously exclusive vehicle is added to the autoshow or Forzathon shop. Each monthly update would permanently add vehicles from the previous season to the autoshow.


That’s what would be fair,have the cars in the auto shows and get FE cars and outfits through forzathon,it would make it more enjoyable and less frustrating,besides you still need to earn race credits to buy cars and upgrades anyways

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I agree with input thus far, really like the idea of various Forzathon prices: CR, Influence, clothes, horns, etc … like in H3 with the various prizes.

Also I want to make it clear, I DON’T WANT FREEBIES OR ANYTHING HANDED TO ME, give solo players a task to win the exclusive car, make it challenging (i.e. kinda like the Huracan HE from H3 where you had to fling the G65 more than 550 ft at the airport).

  • Exclusive Cars: should be obtainable either via solo mode, in addition to MP.
  • 100% Achievers give them 1M CR, they deserve it.

I generally agree with the ideas you have presented.
As relates to the Daily Playlist, …the developers are on the right path, however, there should be more events. Like double everything there now. The rewards (whether cars, wheel spins) should not be a definitive 100% or 50%, but a tiered system based on Forzathon pts. Every seasonal event completed could give a certain amt of forzathon pts that one may spend as they please. That is, if I complete an event on Expert, I get 100 FP, but if I can win at Unbeatable the prize is 500 FP. The Forzathon store would need to be bigger with the best prizes requiring the most amount of work. So, if I want the '65 GTO as a prize and can’t get the FP in a week, I can save up FP for a few weeks until I can afford. This system would give the players a more open-ended approach where they can simply grind the disciplines they like or mix things up. The single events would require diminishing returns… that is, once you complete an event, if you do the same thing again you get fewer FP. As it is, there is not enough weekly single discipline variety to support this sort of system. Also, I feel this system would keep FH4 life simpler. We already have CR, Influence, and FP, but the Daily Playlist added to the confusion by creating another currency, which is… percentage of Season and percentage of Series. This wouldn’t be a currency if it didn’t have prizes locked behind it, but it does…and that, I feel, was the game developer’s mistake. They should have kept all the prizes exactly as they were and left the Daily Playlist as an organizer only. …and on top of that mistake, the events inside the Daily Playlist are neither clearly defined nor represented by how much value each event contributes towards the Season or Series. It really feels like the current Daily Playlist went through zero beta testing.

I’m tired of the arcade racing style of this game and am about to limit my play time until they fix the bloody thing!

That’s awesomely hilarious!:grin::joy::rofl:


You should probably sell/delete the game cause it’s an arcade racer through and through. Just with more easily attainable rewards than games like NFS.

I would reply to the whole OP, but it’s too much to reply separately. You have a complete week to play the what, 7 events? That’s an event per day and even then, you can bust it out in about an hour or two depending on how good your trial/games teams are. To get the Forzathon challenges you only need to log on like a total of 3 times during the week, right before that first one disappears, do all the 3, take a break, repeat.

I just don’t understand the logic behind hating time exclusive events. It’s not forcing you to do it. And even if it was for what? A car that’ll most likely make its rounds again later on.

Also, something that grinds my gears for some reason. I had no idea this playlist idea was implemented, because my real life superseded my video game time for a few weeks, but instantly knew what was going on. Any player can figure it out. It’s just percentages. You do the events, perecentage goes up, hit a certain percentage you get a prize. That’s not hard to understand.


Arcade and simulation refer to the vehicle driving/handling model and have nothing to do with game progression. Lots of arcade racing games (Mariokart!) have zero time exclusive events and absolutely everything can be unlocked at the player’s convenience.

I know how the Festival Playlist works. My issue isn’t with the Playlist itself (having a list of all the events each season and some extra rewards if you do enough of the events is a great idea), but rather with the implementation. Aside from the clunky interface that doesn’t show how much percentage each event is worth and the inability to fast travel from that menu, my issue with the Festival Playlist is that it takes the already annoying time-gated exclusive content and locks it behind a much larger barrier than it was previously. Before the playlist update each new car could be earned from a single seasonal event or bought in the Forzathon shop. Now I have to do nearly all the offline events to even break 50% to get just one of the new cars, not to mention the 100% requirement for the other (thankfully being reduced to 80%). Instead of being able to do a quick event and enjoy the car, I’m now having to spend most of my playtime doing all the events so there’s not much time left to actually enjoy the reward before the next set of events rolls around. FM7 does this well (after Turn10 fixed the exclusive car mess) with the spotlight cars being added for free, with optional weekly/monthly events to try the new car out in.

My problem with locking exclusive content behind time gating is that it actively makes the game worse for players since it doesn’t respect their time. Would you rather be able to log in at your convenience and experience/unlock all the game’s content at your own pace (like FM7 largely is now that they’ve unlocked all the cars), or have to keep up with whatever arbitrary schedule the devs have set or chance forever missing out on a car you might have been hoping to get for a long time? Based on how the devs mishandled exclusive cars in FH3 (all those exclusive cars are now forever unobtainable if you didn’t get them earlier now that Forzathons are done), and with how many exclusive cars they have in FH4, I don’t trust the devs to do a good job of bringing them all back around without missing some. Like I said in the OP, cars are different than say a new gun in Destiny and each car has a lot more value attached to it than just its stats.

Also like I said in the OP, I have no problem with timed events, so long as they’re truly optional (i.e. I won’t miss out on exclusive content if I choose not to participate or can’t due to RL). However, when exclusive content starts showing up in these events, the events are no longer truly optional if I want all the cars (which I do since I like collecting them, and is advertised above racing in the MS store description of the game), which flies in the face of all the advertising of “play it your way” and makes the game feel like a weekly chore since I don’t really enjoy most of the weekly events.

Forza (and most games really outside of MMOs) used to be things that you could pick up and put down whenever and not worry about missing out on content. Sure, some of it was quite challenging, but the challenge was always available to come back to even years later. Fundamentally, like I said in the OP, I just want Forza to be a game I can play as a break from RL without feeling like the devs are always trying to coerce me into logging in every few days and playing online by holding exclusive new content hostage behind these events. If I want daily chores, I’ve got plenty of them around the house and don’t need a game to give me more of them.

Hopefully that helps you better understand where I’m coming from.



I agree with the idea of Gamer1000k.
I managed to finish the challenge for the season, but it was not fun at all. “Oh, I have to achieve the daily challenge for the GTO!” it’s like a mobile game.

FH4 has many items.
Forza Edition with exclusive upgrades. And various clothes, and emotes and quick chats, horns.
These items have the same value as “exclusive cars”.
For example, if an FE with a unique visual upgrade like FM7 MX-5 FE or Monte Carlo FE is a prize, I will challenge for it. The same goes for unique suits like “hip-hop” and “astronauts” found on FM7.

I like FH4. However, I want to play this game in my favorite play style.
Of course, some season challenges give me new fun, but it should not be forced.

I absolutely despise how multiplayer events are forced into the full rewards. I am cool with them adding to progress to 100% but only as bonus points in case you miss some daily missions or don’t want to complete some of the other objectives like a difficult PR stunt as an example.

100% rewards should be attainable with absolutely no requirement to play the co-op adventure, playground games, or ranked mode. That has just proven to be absolutely no fun at all and a complete frustration. The only one of those I even found at all remotely enjoyable was when you eventually get a good team on the co-op challenge that can beat the AI as well as provide good clean racing for the lead.


Arent you lucky its getting changed to 80% then…and will be applied retrospectively

many of the points i want say already mentioned so I try not repeat things too much.

In short, things i want stress:

  1. Please unlock all the challenges right from beginning of week. I don’t want to be forced to come back by the very end day of forzathon as some people might have their lives going on from time to time.

  2. 100% completion to unlock exclusive cars is IMHO, plainly stupid and time consuming, especially when you involve co-op and playground games with it where this week I was forced to to race twice in co-op and five times in PG, either because my online teammates have amazing noob skills or they have zero clue about what they have to do in PG. Also why the games keep going to 5 when one team has already won 3 of those?

  3. Exclusive vehicles: simply takes too long to wait for next round to come once u missed the chance of getting it in a certain week. Which can be real trouble in for ranked adventures especially when few cars, for instance, Bone Shaker, is insanely overpowered in A-Class and S1 dirt and assuming they’re not available in forzathon shop to be purchased twice at once, then you just have to wait and wait and wait for the two weeks to finally come to you AND WHEN YOU HAPPENED TO BE FREE IN THOSE 2 WEEKS AT SAME TIME.


This game would be so boring if you could get every car from autoshow (Don’t care much about FE cars). And everyone would moan … meeeh Forza Horizon didn’t evolve since FH 2, it’s still the same game … bla bla bla …

Also, if someone missed to complete the festival playlist, there is still a chance that the exclusive prize cars will reappear in the Forzathon shop. The game has still a long way to go. Just, don’t be lazy guys. Most of the challenges don’t take more than 5 minutes to be completed.

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I do not think so.
There are a lot of very expensive cars like Ferrari 250 GTO. Getting these expensive cars is a relatively difficult goal if we play normally, and just because all cars can be purchased with Autoshow will not make the game boring. And there is no guarantee that these cars will be available again at the Forzathon shop. They have never said that, and like Mosler and Hudson Hornet, there is no fact that the prizes of past season events have been sold at the Forzathon Shop.

And there is a problem that “only one vehicle can be obtained in principle” in addition to the difficulty of obtaining an exclusive car.
There is no time to tune or livery for online adventures.
The difficulty of preparing the same car for different classes, different applications, different liveries/bodykits etc. can be one of the factors that hinders the enjoyment of this game.
In particular, this problem can be fatal for cars with relatively low PI and various body kits. For example, Nissan 300ZX.

I would every day raither take system where every car is autoshow over this time gated exclusive reward system. I have nothing against car locked behind challenges as long when i can do that when ever i want to.

And i think it’s really bad argument “but hey you maybe can get that car later” look Ferrari 812 that was available in forzathon shop in second week but wasnt be available since then so there is no guarenteed these cars will be ever again available. Also this current system make getting multiple copys of same car really damn hard, i know i want get at least 2 BMW M3 GTR but insteed of having possibly to buy it on autoshow i need to try find second one in auction house.

“most of the challenges don’t take more than 5 minutes” Only “challenges” that are possible to complete in under 5 minutes are PR stunts, daily challenges and monthly rival. And i can say disliking playlist has nothing to do be lazy. But doing recycled championships is really boring, they say this is “new way to play” and yet still most those events are something that is allready been there before, PG is too lazy making new events and then think we are happy to do those old events again to get new shiny toy.