This is Beyond a Joke now Playground! in fact, it is now unacceptable in My Personal Opinion!
Yet Again you have locked up Exclusive Cars behind Online Multiplayer Events with this “Festival Playlist” Feature (such as the Porsche 914/6 only unlocking for doing 100% of the Summer Season, which Includes the Online Multiplayer only “The Trial” event!) Something I have Already Complained about Before!
Again, I need to ask! What about Players who cannot Cope with Online Multiplayer? Hmm? Players with Autism or Fragile X Syndrome or other such Developmental Disorders that means the Highly Toxic Multiplayer Sides of Games are no Go Zones for the good of our Mental wellbeing?
How are We supposed to get those Cars? I would like to know if there are any Plans to make those Cars available as Single Player Rewards in the Future? are they going to be in Wheelspins or the Forza Shop? or is the only way we are going to get them the Auction House?
It is just Wrong to lock Exclusive Cars up Behind Online Multiplayer in My Personal Opinion ! Because many Players with Learning Disabilities cannot COPE with Online Multiplayer. You are potentially locking us out of Content that,in My opinion at least, we paid for when we purchased the Game ! this just isn’t on at all as far as I am concerned. I feel that it is completely Wrong to do this!
I must ask you, yet again, To Rectify this Situation at the first Possible Opportunity By placing those Cars into the Forzathon Shop or making them Single Player Rewards in Series 8 and stop locking up Cars behind Online Multiplayer in Future!
As it is with the Current Situation , I will now most Probably never Purchase a Forza Game again, as I now know for a Fact that the Franchise is no Longer Suitable for Me Personally due to its new Focus on Live Service Online Multiplayer Gaming meaning I will be wasting My Money to Purchase any future Games if this is the path they are going to take.
Things have come to a very Pretty Pass indeed when a 3+ Rated Car Racing Games becomes Unsuitable for Me due to a focus on Live Services Online Multiplayer that locks Me out of the Some of the Games Exclusive Reward Cars!
The only Reason I am even continuing to Play Horizon 4 is because My Family Purchased the 4K TV and Xboxone X Console to play it on, costing them a fortune, and I want to get their Moneys worth out of the Game, as it is, I would have given up round about the Time of the Rip Rod Controversy otherwise! now I know that it has been repeated, and even Worse this Time, I am now considering giving up on the Game all Together.
Well done Playground, your Obsession with Live Services Multiplayer and your, In My Personal Opinion, Unacceptable Decision to lock even more Exclusive Cars up behind it has just lost Forza a fan who has been with the Series since the Original Xbox.
I am absolutely Disgusted with this Current Situation. Kindly sort it out!