Are we getting more multiplayer options later?

I don’t like the way Team Adventure works. I don’t like the rush thing between races. Sorry, I like the old system where you can pick a class and what type of events and do a nice Road trip. No ghost racing whatsoever so I am basically forced to play with people who constantly try to hit you out of checkpoints. Team mentality just makes it worse. This is a step backwards Playground. Great game otherwise but this is ruining it. I can only hope these features will come back later. Like you did with homologation in Forza 7, I don’t know why the new and old system cannot live together. This is just my opinion and you want feedback. Well this is mine.


Yeah im on a similar fence. Im not enjoying the changes to the main build. Im finding it hard to get my teeth right into it. Im reeeally dissapointed they took out Private Freeroam. And I cant find a way of opening up all the icons whether youd unlocked them or not…im sure Private lobbies let you do this.


Yeah, they finally got it partially right in Horizon 3 letting us choose racing only and the class of OUR choice. It was still XP based rather than racing based but I could live with that. This team things sucks and the fact that you have no choice sucks. At least they did away with the race between races which was horrible but this team thing is not to my liking as well as the lack of choice. Many things got worse but at least we got hats and ugly shoes now!


I don’t like how all Adventure events are team-based now, even when I create a private session.

Team racing can be fun but sometimes I just want to do some structured PvP rather than hoping somebody joins my races on Horizon Life.


Lets get this right…theres no free for all adventure? Omg and I thought theyd got adventure right this time?


Yeah I detest the team adventure. I mean most the times randoms on your team are just as likely to push you out of a checkpoint than the other team. And it sure doesn’t promote clean racing at all. I prefer the ol XP system as it would reward you for racing clean and with skill rather than letting some wall rocket who might win the race after sliding along every wall win the overall championship. This was a bad move. I actually got angry last night and went back to FH3 for some multiplayer racing. Love the solo but yeah MP is not to my liking.


It’s so disappointing that this is how it is now, seems their catering even more this time to the casual 12-15 year old demographic. Why can’t we have solo adventure, optional class based street/circuit racing live side by side with the new team play stuff. Hopefully this changes in the future.

Wait, [Mod Edit - Abbreviated profanity, profanity and profanity that is disguised but still alludes to the words are not permitted - D], have they really got rid of the 12 person free-for-all adventures like they had in FH3?

I haven’t got round to playing online in FH4 yet, but maaaan, that’s terrible if it’s true. I hate team races with a passion.

I agree 100% with the OP. Why did team racing have to replace the old system which was fine minus sliders winning championships without winning a race. So disappointed with the online and of course I did the digital copy so I can’t even sell the game if they don’t fix any of this. Smh

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I’m new to Forza, I have no idea how any of the old systems worked, however I can tell you quite definitely that this system is poo.

I just want a regular list of lobbies & a filter that lets me select what kind of session I want to join. Then I want the people in that session to be able to decide what they want to do.

Team Adventure is dumb & I have no idea who thought this was a good idea.

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Personally, I’d like to see more fun events such as King of the Hill where you score points for every second you are the flag carrier and people can steal it by crashing into you. But, in all honesty, I think the Route creator will keep people satisfied for a very very long time even if new game modes are not added.

I love this game BUTTT why an earth am I not able to choose what class I want to race online??? like I’m not capable of making the choice myself it’s honestly so annoying! apart from that it’s a great game but please change that in future pleaseeeeee

I guess they wanted launching race to be next next next + by not proposing choice, there is no D, no C, No B and that is as much CS they do not have to define, support etc

BUT things seem to be moving, wait a few days more, new online feature is coming next update, I am not saying it will cover, we will discover that same time.

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I’m really hoping they surprise us by doing more than just removing the team based component of multiplayer. If the only addition to multiplayer we get is “hey guys, it’s not red vs blue now, we cool?” I’ll be disappointed. The time frame they’ve had since launch, along with the 50+ page multiplayer thread locked and stickied full of incredible suggestions, are more than enough to enact meaningful change.

I’m not holding my breath though. But then again I’m also not playing much anymore either.

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Agree with you, I am expecting more than a copy/paste with team thing removed.

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