I read today that next month is end of the line for FM7. There was nothing mentioned about the Forzathon challenges we get every week. Will those continue forever or will they come to an end too after next month.
I read today that next month is end of the line for FM7. There was nothing mentioned about the Forzathon challenges we get every week. Will those continue forever or will they come to an end too after next month.
They’re not much of a “challenge” to begin with, not sure many people will miss them if they did stop.
I still do them. And I’ll continue to do them, time permitting, while they continue. It’s rare that they take more than an hour or two per week. But honestly, I don’t think I’d miss it too much if they were to stop posting them. I might not play as much, but I’d be more likely to get back to things like career mode or rivals that I’ve been mostly neglecting. Or, who knows, maybe even multiplayer.
Every Forzathon challenge is a repeat. They provide nothing new. Another feature that should be on the chopping block is MODS. MODS are unpopular and unnecessary. It wasn’t useful or popular in Forza 6 or 7.
Mods might be a bit unnecessary, and I have no data about how popular they are, but they’re handy for making a little extra credits. Though I haven’t had a credit crunch for a few weeks now. They pay for themselves if you play them right.
A little extra credit to purchase a car that costs only 15,000 in credit.
Turn 10 needs to get more creative with forzathons and other features
You can more than double your winnings in any given even if you come in dead last. And since you gotta do the race anyway, because, well, that’s literally what the game is about, you might as well get paid. And since your winnings are based in part on distance, add a few laps to your race, and you get even more CR, and even more Mod bonus.
So maybe they’re not as useful to you or me today, 2 years in, with full garages. But for a new player who happens to pick the game up today, they are worth the investment. Even just 6 months ago, when I had a backlog of 11 level-up prizes approaching a million CR each, creative use of mods and FE cars with credit perks were a great help.
maybe they’re not as useful to you or me today, 2 years in, with full garages. But for a new player who happens to pick the game up today, they are worth the investment. Even just 6 months ago, when I had a backlog of 11 level-up prizes approaching a million CR each, creative use of mods and FE cars with credit perks were a great help.
I agree.
I still like them. Something to do for some extra cars and credits. Also still like the MOD system. Fun to see how much you can stack and hit. Especially the tough ones.
Owning every car and sitting on around 75 million credits, with nothing to spend them on, I find myself not even bothering to do them anymore.
Owning every car and sitting on around 75 million credits, with nothing to spend them on, I find myself not even bothering to do them anymore.
Yeah, you definitely have no use for them. I only have about 430 cars so far. Got a way to go yet. Now I see why people sell 500,000 credit cars with custom paint jobs for 12,000,000 credits. So guys like you have something to blow your credits on.
My guess is, if they follow the Horizon 3 model, they’ll probably discontinue them around January/February.
Instead of offering cars for prizes, which we already have to begin with, they should just offer gobs of credits and rare driver gear as rewards.
Instead of offering cars for prizes, which we already have to begin with, they should just offer gobs of credits and rare driver gear as rewards.
I only use about 2 or 3 different sets of driver gear, and my impression from others is that they didn’t much care for it either. The customization option is one thing, but once you get the one(s) you want, there’s no use collecting any others.
And, the driver gear that has been up for grabs lately has been ones that I already had.
If I thought there was any chance of the suggestion being implemented this late in the dev cycle, I’d suggest that instead of a specific set of gear being offered as a prize, maybe the choice of a not already unlocked set of gear. Or, like you say, just straight up credits. And make gear available in the race shop at all times, instead of being subject to the restock timer.
That’s a real shame. I gotta wonder why we never get any new tracks anymore? The one thing that would add significant replay-ability. It’s almost like they don’t want that, they just want to hurry up and sell us more rehashed content in the next title.