Forza Motorsport 6 - Game/Features FAQ

FM6 FAQ: Replays and Video Clips

The Content Creator’s Area forum exists for users to find videos as well as share your own.

Replay Mode
You can save a replay at the end of each race.

  • During replays you can Restart, Rewind, Pause, Skip Forward/Back, Change Camera Type, Change Car, view Telemetry, and launch Photo Mode.
  • Camera Types: Game Cameras, Replay Cameras, Car Close, Car Far, Car Close Advanced, Car Far Advanced, Wheel, Wheel Advanced, Three Quarter View, Roof, Rear Facing, Helicopter, Reverse Hood, Follow Advanced, Slow Spin, Side Dolly, Pan Across.
  • When you’ve selected a Camera Type, press X to cycle through the various angles for that type. Replays are not uploaded to the Gallery on but you can use the Xbox video editing features to capture clips from replays as described below.
  • Pending: What is the maximum time length for a saved replay? See discussion thread.

Forza TV - saved replays
Found under the OPTIONS tab in the main menu. Here you find your saved replays.

  • “Public” indicates that the replay has been shared and others can view it in Forza TV. “Private” indicates that the replay is only visible to you.
  • Select a replay and Press A for options: “Load” to view the replay, Share/Unshare, Rename, or Delete. Navigate with the controller bumpers to see Turn 10 Picks, Most Popular, and Search results. You can search for replays by Make, Model, Environment, Track, Keywords, Creator name, and replay Description.
  • Saved replays are not available on your gallery or in the Forza Hub; see Upload below for recording video for sharing outside the game.
  • Pending: How does replay calculate Rating, Downloads, Likes, and Uses? What is the maximum number of saved replays?

Xbox recorded clips
To save game clips to be uploaded to the internet, say “Xbox, Record That” (or double-tap the Xbox button on your controller and press X) to capture the past 30 seconds of gameplay, or snap the Game DVR app to record up to 5 minute segments. Use the Upload Studio app to edit and share videos up to 30 minutes long. Saved clips can be found on the dashboard in your Profile and in the Upload app, where you can choose to save them to OneDrive (and ultimately other hosting services such as YouTube). These recordings are 720p, 30fps. You can also find your clips at and (both unaffiliated with Microsoft).

Video Creator
FM6 does not have an in-game video editor. See discussion thread.