Q: Does the AI need to be fixed?
A: No, its not broken!, its doing what its intended to do… which is the problem itself!
What we should be asking is:
Q: Does the AI need to be redesigned!
A: Absolutely yes!, let me explain…
The AI in 1st place is very fast & very good at avoiding mistakes, so catching up to it can create a tense battle on the race track fighting for every inch, every 1mph to close that gap more and more… until you succeeded in overtaking it… then the AI buff immediately gets removed and now its slower, makes mistakes and rapidly loses ground creating a larger gap too you, ensuring your success provided you, yourself don’t make a costly mistake!
We all want a challenge when we select harder AI to race against, but the artificial buff & debuff negates the entire reason-to-race in the first place, the current system encourages you to ram the AI because when you get the lead you can literally win without even using full throttle, the debuff is that huge!!.. so a “Horizon-Race” is now officially: how soon can you go full-send into the bend to wipe out the lead AI car?
Because of the above Horizon only acknowledges 1 race position, 1st!.. every other position is void. if you fought a hard battle and secured a respectable 2nd or 3rd… horizon acknowledges this by?.. yep totally ignoring it… no silver crest, no bronze crest… infact no crest at all as if you didn’t even have a race!
This is the entire-system that needs to be looked at, reassessed and redesigned… its flawed but only because its built around a flawed logic system and until that system changes, we will get more of the same…
The original thought that drove horizon forwards was:
“How do we make gamers, car people & how do we make car people, gamers?”
Horizon has achieved this, they have a built a fantastic franchise that wins awards and captures peoples imagination and passion… the next driving force should be something like:
“How do make the gamers, “better” drivers and the drivers, “better” gamers?”
Encourage effort! - If you get a podium finish “celebrate it!” give players a bronze, silver or gold crest on the map, not gold or nothing, it would also be good to have the inside of the crest colour match the class so best of the best end up getting 4 little gold crests with:
1 yellow inner (C), 1 orange inner (B) 1 red inner (A) & 1 violet inner (S1)
Encourage Challenge! - The AI should be built around the players build/tune stats with a minimum stat floor to prevent players from trying to trick the system by out-tuning a built-in flaw. The AI then receives a stat that’s built on balance and distributed out across all AI cars, this stat stays in effect for the entire race not removed when they no longer have the lead, basic example:
PLAYER HAS: 5.6sec 0-60 / 130mph t-speed / 4.1 handling : so the AI receives:
1 of the following: 5.6-6.1sec 0-60 / 130-140 t-speed / 4.1-4.6 handling : stats
1 of the following: 5.4-5.8sec 0-60 / 125-135 t-speed / 3.9-4.3 handling : stats
1 of the following: 4.6-5.6sec 0-60 / 120-130 t-speed / 3.6-4.1 handling : stats
Which will result is a race lineup with cars balanced around “you”, some with quicker acceleration but less top speed, some with faster top speeds but less grip and so on resulting in:
P1: 5.6sec 0-60 / 130mph t-speed / 4.1 handling
A1: 6.1sec 0-60 / 130mph t-speed / 3.6 handling
A2: 4.6sec 0-60 / 140mph t-speed / 4.0 handling
A3: 5.1sec 0-60 / 120mph t-speed / 4.6 handling
To aid in this, the AI also has access to 3 racing lines (early, perfect & late apex lines), the AI can then switch between them based on the stats & traffic position, this will avoid the AI seemingly ramming the player of the only line but instead give the illusion of adapting to the conditions, making for a more tougher race… (eg: higher top speed AI favours early apex lines etc)
the harder the AI level, the better they are at utilising the race-line - ie: better drivers not buffed drivers…
Encourage Improvement! - Once a race is complete, you get to view a stat sheet, this highlights goods and bads about your race, ie:
“ahhh… so close!, was a great race though, i might have an idea on how to use those 20k credits you won!
Here’s your stats with some recommendations:
Your suspension, hit 100% compression 8x’s, we could stiffen your springs or raise ride height alittle…
Your Tires reached a max temp of 230’, we could add more tire-pressure or upgrade the compound…”
Well that’s my thoughts anyway, I’m sure there are lots of obvious flaws with it but i hope you get the idea…