Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

Going to get crucified for this, but I’m glad this isn’t a city expansion. Forza’s physics have never been enjoyable when it comes to 90 degree corners.


While I love urban driving (in video games), I gotta say this is very understandable.

Forza Horizon hitbox on solid objects does tend to be a bit… Aggressive. I remember one turn in the town of the Lego expansion where the hitbox of the siding of a stairway extended an extra bit beyond what you could see, and if even the slightest bit of your car touched it, you stopped dead. Extremely frustrating in a tight race.


I think you nailed it?

Yes, technically it’s “recycled content”, but at this point, what a lot of what people want as expansions would fit better as stand alone games, or being the next Horizon.

Many people want Japan, for the drifting and general car culture. That’s fine, but just look at how much that would be to try and pack into an expansion vs. being a spin-off game (like Motorsport spun off Horizon), or the focus of the next Horizon game as a whole.

I also think we may get some Fast & Furious cars (past & present) around May, when the next movie is released? I’d like to see some official versions of the cars like we had in FM6, and not just fan made liveries like we have, now.

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Here we go!



Microsoft had a DLC shopping cart in Midtown Madness 3:

Ohh, the memories! What a fun game that was!


I really actually hope it’s not a desert map. The normal map already has plenty enough desert.


And I am really hoping it is not a Baja Blast. (sorry Mt Dew, lol)


As long as its not another Lego expansion i’ll be happy. No offence to Lego games, but that FH4 expansion was a bit underwhelming.


Honestly, it never had any of hope of topping Lego Racers. And I say that unironically.

That’s quite a cool ride. Tragically, Microsoft buried this franchise (and MM3) for good. It’s not coming back. And it’s a shame since the game was so underrated. And iirc it sold poorly, too.

It was a fun game, and it had wholesome arcade action that would’ve been memorable. But it’s a sad, sad story. Where are the times when we can drive a bus recklessly throughout a metropolis and have a decent variety of cars and trucks - even a Freightliner Century - to sweeten the deal, and have physics reminiscent of the second Midtown Madness game?

I’m petitioning for a Midtown Madness revival. I mean, yeah, Reckless Driver does exist, but it seems to be trapped in a state of the game not releasing.

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Lego in the desert wouldn’t work. The blocks won’t stick together if you get sand between the gaps.


that’s shown pretty clearly in Horizon 4, the desert area’s covered with disconnected blocks


This was leaked some time ago. Seems like its gonna be part of the expansion

So this is what it looks like: An off-road racing valley filled with deserts as a main biome.

Sure we do not get the “City DLC”, which is the community’s high priority request. But I want to see how good this upcoming DLC will perform. I recommend buying it when it’s on sale.

And I’ll look forward to the cars added in the expansion. Hope it’ll be a good pack of them!!!

When Hot wheels got announced they had a series celebrating the expansion before its release…I imagine the same happening. Plus this area is clearly new and not on the base map.

And its not like the japanese update where they showed us a garage and it turned out to be a prop. Its an entire new map area.
And here my concerns about the map begin. Same assets reused for a third time with nothing new.

I can sense the disappointment incoming from literally eveywhere else.

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So, what am I looking at? Can’t make it out. You saying there’s 2 new cars sitting there?

Alright, let’s release this DLC and be done with this game, enough

(and to say that FH4 offered 3600+ achievement points… this 5th opus marks the decline of the Horizon series, as good as it is)


Wow more desert for the people who like empty maps full of sand and nothing else.

The lighting looks pretty decent though.

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Unfortunately, I can’t make out which cars these are.
I think we’ll see the Italdesign DaVinci given its false announcement for the HW expansion. The car has to exist somewhere.

Considering that Hot Wheels map had three vastly different biomes, I’d wait until tomorrow with drawing conclusions about what the new expansion does include and what doesn’t. I’d believe that after more than six months of work PGG was able to create environment big enough to contain not only desert and Baja/rally tracks but some sort of city as well (or anything else) :smiley: