Let’s do another poll just because.
Before doing the poll I recommend watching the official trailer and possibly watching an initial overview from one of the main Forza streamers like AR12Gaming. Note more details about this expansion will be released in the next few days.
Comment below with your thoughts about this expansion.
How excited are you for the upcoming Hot Wheels expansion?
- Very excited
- Little excited
- Not excited
- Don’t care
Are you going to play this expansion?
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
- I quit playing this game
Are you going to buy this expansion?
- Yes
- No
- Not sure
- Already own it
Did you play the Hot Wheels expansion from FH3?
Are you a grumpy old man or woman?
Are you just old?
Do you believe this expansion will be successful?
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Personally I’m looking forward to playing this expansion as I never played the original. I also recently stopped playing FH5 after playing it weekly since launch because I lost interest in the game and because they still haven’t added back ranked racing.
Months ago I advised everyone to wait at least a week after the expansion was released before buying it themselves. That way you could save your money if people reviewed it poorly. I’m going to go against my own better judgement and buy it on day 1.
I do understand there will be mixed reviews/reception around this expansion so I suggest everyone respect each others opinion and not bother arguing about anything here.
Unfortunately I don’t expect the Forza team to have improved on areas I deem are lacking in FH5 such as engaging, competitive or replayable content in this expansion, but I do believe it will be some good fun for a month or so hence why I’ll be playing.
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I already own, will definitely play and hope to enjoy the expansion. This is my first Forza game so everything is new to me and I’m still having fun playing.
I can get understand people being disappointed if they have played previously but a) I’m sure/hope this is different enough for you to get something out of and 2) welcome to sequels (for the most part). Playing lots of one type of or series of game can and will get boring and will suffer from diminishing returns, I’m definitely not rushing out to play another Uncharted and after playing GTA 5 and RDR2 in succession a Rockstar type open world game is getting nowhere near my SSD.
Got bored withe previous hotwheels exspansion was all style over substance, this one will probably be the same, rinse and repeat.
Maybe it’s because I played it in horizon 3, but I just can’t get excited about it. I’d be buzzing to play it otherwise
I am in my fifties and I look forward to play the Hot Wheels expansion.
I also do this:
I’m hopeful that the fact this expansion has taken so long to be produced suggests that they’ve had time to perfect it. It’s not the route I’d have ideally wanted them to go but it should still be fun.
I wouldn’t expect them to fix any of the issues you are concerned about overall though. Competitive racing and repeatability are definitely low on PGG’s agenda.
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I’m waiting for posts about it before I do anything with it. I know too much about the PG reputation to just get the expansion right away.
I suspect it’s been ready for months to bridge the gap between FH5 and FM8. Apparently new content was added to the actual hot wheels game so I’m sure they had a say in the release date aswell.
What a interesting poll!! I didnt even know we had the power to set up polls on the official forums! I am also super excited for it. Alot of tje hotwheels scream my childhood and as a person who poved fh3s hotwheels I am super pumped of whats to come for fh5.
Yeah polls are neat. They added this feature not too long ago when they updated the forums. If you like this poll then check out my post history for past polls I’ve done. Some quite interesting results.
Despite my reservations + disappointment at the same basic premise being re-used I did choose a little excited.
Regardless of all that it is the first properly sizeable content which I’d have been happy about whatever it was just because it will break up the monotony, there’s only so long I can keep doing the new season on Thursday then the Rivals challenge with the dailies + some Tour sprinkled in the rest of the week before it gets very stale.
I’ll play through the Hot Wheels expansion for the achievements.
From the 1st Horizon to the 3rd I played the game everyday. Started playing less with FH4 and now with FH5 I only play on Thursday nights to complete the seasonal events to collect the Exclusive vehicle. No other reason to play the game.
Actually finding time to play on Thursday nights is getting hard but its getting easier to just walk away one day.
What is truly weird is there is an actual stand-alone Hot Wheels game that basically looks the same as this DLC expansion, same game premise from 2 companies. I get it, they hold the license so no doubt they want to use it since they paid for it, but Hot Wheels is not any kind of Forza Horizon type of “Car Discipline” like Rally or Offroad or Drift, Drag, Road Racing etc…same with Lego.
Lego was more open world roadway (if you could ignore the Lego theme the track layout itself wasn’t bad) but Hot Wheels was always the walled red track.
There is only so much Open racing on the main map you can do before you lose desire to participate. Before the Open table, I played Eliminator non-stop then got bored of that. Open lobbies in the new HW expansion does have me excited though. 

I am also a little excited because I thoroughly enjoyed HW in FH3 BUT i’m still not fond of this new tune system or the inflated hp numbers that came with this game’s PI system. I think the PI system from the last game was far more balanced than this one. In some cases swaps will drop weight while adding 100s of hp. Its silly.
I’m a grumpy young man, thank you very much.
I am looking forward to it. It will be fun. Not to serious. It looks like it will also be a beautiful addition to the Horizon world.
Never bought it, never bought the game, as long as I have to buy gamepass to get ea stuff why bother as long as the games are on gamepass. And if I ever have to buy a game I never again buy anything but just the basic game.
I am looking forward to this expansion.
It’s not necessarily a natural direction/return I’d take the title to if it was down to me but with the praise FH3 hotwheels has gotten, I’m open to enjoying it.
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