Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

I was typing from my phone and forgot the name of the truck.( im not very good with names) But a thumbnail was found in the files like very early into horizon 5’s release.

2017 Subaru Crossteck Desert Racer


Hope we’ll have more than 10 cars due to the time we are waiting for it


Yes i’m drawing some conclutions based on almost nothing but to me HW’s map felt just as empty and uninteresting as the mainland for the most part. (excluding forest falls)
They pretty much brought the bioms from the base game, same assets and threw some hot wheels tracks around. And some of these bioms are kind of already boring because all there is to it is: sand, more sand and nothing else but vegetation. It felt as the same wasteland was brought over to HW.

For me what made Horizon 3’s Hot wheels so great was the map design. Sure again it was pretty much a scaled down version of Surfers Paradice and the areas around it. But Australia alrady had a very solid, varied map and it just worked perfectly for HW.

I’m afraid they might’ve done a bit too much copy pasting. And you know a “town” by Forza horizon’s standarts is basically a few buildings with one road that goes across and thats it. They’ve done that pretty much since horizon 2.

I’d still prefer them to fix the game first and then add the expansion, even if it means it’s late 2023,

FH4 had 3610G after 26 months, FH5 currently has 1765G after 15 months.

The new DLC having the same amount as HW available would put it at 2250G.

Mitch Cactus needs to get sued till eternity by Xbox and Playground games for selling modded and hacked stuff. Just like Bungie got compensation from modding webiste for selling hacks for Destiny.


I am curious how they will implement the map. It would be cool if they pull off something like NFSMW2012 did, where they added an actual expansion to the map, instead of just a teleport. I liked the vibe of fortune island, but didn’t go there often because of the teleport, even less with blizzard mountain and storm island.

Taking in to consideration that this is going to be a sand expansion it would be in the north, with a longish road to pass by the mountains and give the game time to load the expansion map and vice versa. The natural mountainous boundary that fh5 already has would help hide the other unloaded map. Far cry 4 did a similar trick having 2 big portions of the map connected only by a bridge, but that was by design in the base map and not an expansion.


there will always be a third missing

The HW expansion had alot to commend it. I think it was stylistically very well rendered & detailed. The sensibility you were floating in the sky was there. If you could ever find a lobby the Hazard races were a hoot. Some of the hotwheels cars and the Brabham was a good companion to the expansion. I have happy memories of that expansion when it was reasonably active. You can still get some good races in co-op on Thursdays.

I mean I don’t know why they don’t do something simple like get those breakable things to respawn every month and attach accolades to them. It’s a simple way of getting more engagement. Also, in FH4 the expansion was represented as an island on the sea. Every time a player drove up the coast line the expansion was there to tempt them. In FH5, it’s just a pop up graphic you have to actually run over. So it’s become a forgotten expansion.

I presume this expansion is just dirt/offroad or else they’d have excited us with a city scape already. But that in of itself doesn’t bother me. If it’s good, it’s good - dirt or no. I liked the HW expansions but given the more recent horrific Donut Media debacle I’m not setting my expectations too high on this.


Monument valley ?

the landscape looks more like barrancas del cobre chihuahua
I doubt it’s anywhere other than Mexico.


Barrancas del cobre is Copper Canyon, isn’t it?

Pretty disappointing for me since I enjoy much more road races, but I bought the premium add-on so I will play anyway.


I am quite sure there will be new achievements, so I will play it occasionally to earn achievements needed for the Game Pass and Rewards programs. That requirement is usually three achievements every couple of weeks.

As if the main map wasn’t bland and desert-y enough already…



I just wanted to have the 666th comment in this thread for completely childish reasons


here it is the 666

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appreciating what you have is great but there’s a fine line between gratitude and complacency

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I don’t have the silly mime… but…

I don’t always give PGG the benefit of the doubt.

Who am I trying to kid…

I never give them the benefit of the doubt.

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