Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23


The trailer for the “last” Fast & Furious movie (Fast X, or Fast 10) just dropped today. The movie is in May.

Forza has done plenty of F&F collabs in the past for both Motorsport and Horizon.

So… Put two and two together?

Plus (minor spoilers), the plot revolves around the Latin American son of one of the villains seeking revenge against Dom and his crew after they killed his father in Rio De Janeiro. Mexico is South of the border and could be retrofitted to resemble locations in the movie… Especially, bridges, highways, etc. That’s even if they don’t add a whole new map that’s just a smaller version of Brazil?



Fixed it for you…


I can confirm it’s now uninstalled… jaysus

Pity, loved the FH3 Hot Wheels. The FH5 flavour is so disappointing.


I think those are nostalgia goggles talking. The FH3 hot wheels expansion suffered similar issues to the FH5 one. Pretty to look at, but very shallow in terms of gameplay.

I argued, begged, and pleaded every chance I got with people asking for another hot wheels expansion trying to convince them it was a terrible idea.

But my efforts were in vain, and here we are.


Hmmm…nope…doesn’t fit the AE for ABSOLUTELY EVERYONE requirements that PGG demands for the franchise.

If at least one hypersensitive, neurotic adult makes even the slightest suggestion that specific FH content could possibly, conceivably be inappropriate for a 3 year old, they will can it.

On second thought, they might alter it to be a story about how Papa Fernando once helped some very polite tourists from the US to get their car fixed and they returned the favor by helping him to win a very traditional, local race called “The Vast & The Furries”.


Not actually true. PGG can do it in the game. We just can’t replicate it on our cars or talk about it in the forums.



I was semi-joking when I made that speculation.

Semi-joking because we know they wouldn’t go so far as to have violent content (even PG-13) in the game, but not joking because Forza has done collaborations with Fast & Furious in the past for both Motorsport and Horizon.

So, we may get some officially branded cars when the movie releases (majority of them are already in the game), but not a full expansion.

I think any product tie in whatsoever is bad at this point. We’ve spent the past year getting advertised at while bugs go unfixed and game modes go half-completed.

If ever a game was in desperate need of getting away from the product tie ins and back to servicing the core gameplay, it’s this one.


This. I know older Forza games were guilty of agregious product tie-ins, but Horizon 4 downplayed it signifcantly and it was a welcomed changed.

I mean, in Horizon 4, all we had was the Top Gear story (fantastic), the Lego expansion (meh), the Hot Wheels pack (good, but sucks that everyone had to pay for it), and the retailer pre-order cars (meh, but everyone later had an opportunity to get for free).

Then there’s Horizon 5 where we’ve had a Hot Rod bound to a unicorn vomit controller (a Forza tie-in in name only), a nail polish Ford GT (for a fan base that is predominantly male), the Extreme E update (a racing series almost no ones watches or asked for), Chinese manufacturers (I’m sorry, but not enough people asked for these to make me think the manufacterurers didn’t pay their way in), Donut Media (whose content quality, like Forza, has been plummeting more and more as they grow more popular), the Ford Mach-E thing (Vaughn Gittin Jr. literally read off of a sales pitch), the weird Bad Bunny livery car (seriously, what?), the Baja Beetle with the special livery (can’t even remember the brand), and now the Europe-only Oreo Pagani (and, again, why Europe only?). I’m also sure I’m probably missing one or two because there have been that many in fifteen months.


I would play this expansion :joy:

First, what about NIO?

Second, what about Ascari, ATS, Devon, Joss, Spania, Spada and all the other unknown manufacturers added to Forza, did they pay their way into the game as well?


Well, except for Ascari, I personally don’t like those cars either and oblivion can have them as far as I’m concerned, so checkmate.

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I don’t think it’s for everyone, but a Simpsons Hit & Run tie-in would pop me. :smile: That game holds up. Plus Lil’ Bandit.

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We’ve been over this before.

You think that no money was paid by Chinese manufacturers to have their cars in the game.
I and Runoff1999 believe that there was.

Neither of us have hard facts to back either opinion up so let’s just agree to disagree.


But driving at 300 mph the wrong side of the highway, that’s A-OK for EVERYONE :rofl:




So, a kid that grew up playing FH4 and FH5 will drive like an absolute maniac but at least be super polite to the cops:

“Officer, I am so sorry! I was just trying to complete my daily challenge, which is getting five lucky escapes in twenty seconds. Shall I just send you a ‘Thank You’ to make this all go away?”


‘No, I’m filing for a life sentence on the grounds of being dressed in a chicken suit and constantly doing the Shamone every moment you’re not in your vehicle.’

