Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

yepā€¦ but they spent so much time on the stream talking about the dirt and scratches that will accumulate on the cars and the audio improvementsā€¦ I wonder if the reason I didnā€™t see any real gameplay features is that they are simply going to rehash FM7. There was supposed to be new social features, but I didnā€™t see any in the stream either.

On the FH5 side, if I could ask for one feature from FM to add to FH it would be the ability to get the tunes of other racers during the intermission. I would rather take a longer look at the leader board and get tunes than watch my car spin on the stage over and over and over.


Surely there must have been a leak or solid rumour about expansion 2. Enquiring minds would like to know!

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I honestly donā€™t get it why they canā€™t share any updates. Itā€™s not like itā€™s a secret. They advertised the second expansion the second the game released. Just a ā€˜weā€™re working on itā€™ and a release timeframe and thatā€™s it.

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Unfortunately, they are required to build a proper hype around it before revealing anything more specific. Possibly Microsoft holds them back, forcing to wait for another global event with reveal trailer for the expansion (although it should have been ready for Developer_Direct).

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Since Motorsport is moved to Q3, I guess weā€™ll have to wait until E3 for a new expansion. They are stretching it too far.


I really hope it isnā€™t Lego, thought it was well done in FH4 + it had a racetrack within itā€™s map which I liked a lot, 2 issues if it is thoughā€¦

  1. Re-treading old ground like with HW, only itā€™s even worse with the original Lego DLC being even more recent than the already pretty recent itself original HW DLC, how much of a lack of creativity does that demonstrate?

  2. Both expansions will be based on what are essentially toys, I know their customers arenā€™t all entirely children but for most people even if they want to deny it kids would be your first thought if you were asked whoā€™s most likely to enjoy HW or Lego, Iā€™m not mocking any adult who does Iā€™m just saying the truth there.

If it really is Lego I will be even more glad I bought everything through a chance win on the tennis last year, because I would be well within reason to be properly peeved if like Iā€™m sure plenty have Iā€™d instead spent hard earned money for it.


Judging by those new rims, Lego is probably about their level. They really seem to struggle to add things to this engine.

A few companies yesterday said theyā€™re skipping E3, MS was one per CNBC

Cut and paste is hard when you try to eat the paste.


E3ā€™s been slowly dying for the past decade, and Covid was the final nail in the coffin. It was never really a good idea, and was originally an investor conference that evolved into a showcase for consumers.

Better to have online, edited showcases as opposed to footing the cost of E3 only to put people on stage who have little to no stage experience and potentially have them mess up or say something off script and end up upsetting the audience or overpromising to them.

Iā€™m unsurprised companies have jumped at the opportunity to ditch it.

With apps and remote access to consoles a digital event where you can win goodies would probably work better to showcase new games and systems.

Funny thing is AAA gaming companies had a model to make this work (SEMA) and did the exact opposite. SEMA still functions even in the face of the Covid stretch and current govt laws (looking at you California). As long as big govt. doesnā€™t outlaw everything outright, SEMA will continue to exist.

I have to say Iā€™m at the point where I donā€™t really care when the expansion comes out. If it is Lego, Iā€™d very much prefer they keep the Lego cars on Lego island. While I understand this isnā€™t a full sim game, lining up next to someone on the mainland whoā€™s in a Lego car takes any modicum of realism out of the game for me.


Iā€™d rather they not be in the game, period. I never finished the Lego expansion because, among other things, itā€™s a bridge too far for my suspension of disbelief. Itā€™s like Fast and Furious 9; I can accept and roll with a lot of stuff from that series, but the moment they tried selling me on a Pontiac Fiero space shuttle, my brain yanked on the e-brake.


The space thing was a gag, bec people said, whats next for fast series, they go 2 space? So they added that in the movie for fun.

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The crew 2 is so much worse than just a bad physics model

Look at horizon. Really good physics model right? And look at the rest of the game. Everyone complains about it :grinning: I guess physics model isnt everything

Even if they didnt improve it too much. I mean lets not expect anything crazy. But if they improve on the rest of the game - the racing experience overall, AI, Main campign, UI, game performance, map designā€¦If they improved on these id be instantly a much better game.

Just a physics/handling model alone would still amount to a bad game. People talk as if physics/handling are everything. And its the end of the world if something isnt forza or simcade.

Nfs heat has a bad handling model. But its still a very fun game to play. Nfs unbound is bad as well. But at least they have a better online racing experience as its based on a PI system as forza.
Im still gonna call them bad. And a good handling model wont change much. There are other areas that need improvements. And horizon having one thats really good dont make the game something else.

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Itā€™s Lego we know itā€™s Lego every hint has been Lego.
Pathetic kids game this turned out to be.


Forza Horizon does have really good physics. The really good physics by where a pure racing car on race tires can go off road just as well as it can on asphalt. Or go straight up the side of a volcano, in the snow.

This game can be called a lot of things but the reality is, it is just an arcade video game and nothing more.

And going side by side with a hot wheels or lego car is just another aspect of playing an arcade video game. Nothing different there than going up the side of a volcano in a race car.

Just give players the expansion pack they were promised at the onset or give people their money back. Times up. Do the stuff or get off the pot.


I do find it interesting that so many people state the physics in TC2 car bad (I see it as just arcade, it is what it is), but never mention that the physics for the other forms of vehicles are actually pretty decent for an arcade game. The planes fly well (for it not being a sim like Microsoft FS) the boats are, while not without quirks, good as well, the hovercraft are just about spot on and the bikes handle about as well as the Ride series.

The car physics are no worse or better than NFS at this point. The only reason people gravitate toward NFS is the aesthetic and the fact that you can grip around a corner at impossible speeds. The only thing I didnā€™t like about how the cars handle in TC2 is how at 50% linearity, they are twitchy like if the steering ratio is that of a go-kart. If you adjust the linearity, it doesnā€™t do much else but become numb.

Arcade physics are what they are, and Forza isnā€™t exactly arcade nor is it sim (itā€™s somewhere in between).

It isnā€™t, but I would be excited if something like this leaked.

I never got to drive the Rocket in FM6. But with all the desert it got me thinking of Fallout.

Nuclear engine swapped Vocho anyone? :smile: