Expansion 2: Rally Adventure reveal Feb. 23

We will all be playing mobile games on our consoles and rigs. What’s the point? :smile: If they make it with mud again, people seem like they will still eat it.

I won’t.


Seems like the new Crew (Crew Motorfest) will be announced today. Curious to see where they are taking the series.


And here it is:

Looks totally like Forza Horizon :smiley: (with some Test Drive Unlimited vibes)

And physics seems to be seriously revamped, that’s promising :slight_smile:


Looks like it will be releasing on PS4 and Xbox One which is disappointing with the current gen being two years old now.

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The midnight battles were great until you realize you can’t do multiplayer PvP on them.

I think they’re 1v1 only, making them functionally useless to me.


Unfortunately I can only see myself going on a copy + paste trip with this new Crew game, so I guess it’s appropriate I copy + paste my prediction from the TA article about it.

'The gap is there and has been since 2018, the whole idea of a festival and everything associated with it has gone out of the window in the past 2 FH’s to the point that the Horizon bit of Forza Horizon means nothing anymore.

But like every other non FH open world racer I’ve played since probably Midnight Club LA it will likely follow the same story, do certain things better than FH and make me feel that the devs are trying much harder than PG ever have with FH4 + 5 but ultimately the most important aspect will let it down, the physics + feel of driving.’

I would love to be proved wrong as I much prefer the option TC takes for it’s maps, huge with less pretty graphics is much better than 10/10 in a small one to me simply because the roads + races won’t get repetitive as quickly, I’m struggling to find anything beyond blind hope to support that idea though.

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At least the new DLC for me is going to be The Crew Motorfest I guess… we’ll see.

So, the teaser was standard-issue, and so was most of the first BTS video. But there are a few things that stand out to me:

  1. They’re launching closed betas (alphas?) tomorrow. That’s usually a good first step if you want people to believe that you’re putting out a game with some effort in it.

  2. The BTS video, despite being a giant advertisement for their Insider Program and having some of the usual industry buzzwords, still feels like I’m going to be able to come back in a month and get some genuinely new, substantial information out of the next video.

  3. If the teaser is implying what I think it is, a reduction in scope is probably exactly what this game needed and would hopefully lead to improved physics and feel.

It’s still an Ubisoft game, and I’m still quite wary. But I am intrigued. Which is, sadly, more than I can say for Forza as a whole right now.


Since it’s Ubisoft, I’m dubious too, but I’m desparate for a proper Horizon rival. The Crew 2 would’ve been it had the physics been better. Hopefully, in Motorfest, the physics will be better.


I understand the desperation; perhaps it’s part of the reason why I’m having so much of a ball with Gran Turismo 7 now and largely ignoring everyone crying about how it’s the worst thing ever (it’s not. I remember GT4 - now that was some overhyped mess).

I’m going to be paying attention somewhat closely to this game as it moves towards release. The next Behind-The-Wheel video is going to be key. If it’s not loaded to the brim with borderline-creepy (the kindest descriptor I can use) obsessing over graphics and ray-tracing, that not only should be considered a win, but a shot across Turn 10 and PGG’s bow. If they actually go beyond the usual buzzword stuff and go into detail about content and gameplay feel, then that needs to be a stark sign to Turn 10 that their strategy isn’t working and they need to come up with a new gameplan.


Knowing the way Ubisoft handles newly announced games, I’m afraid Ivory Tower could now go dark even until E3/June. That BTS video already states that the first phase of insider tests is going to last for several months. The release date is probably planned for Q4 2023… but could easily slip into Q1 2024 (it’s still the same fiscal year for Ubisoft so they’re not that desperate to release it before Christmas, especially if Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora or some other AAA game is planned for Q4 as well).

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Moved to new thread


Moved to new thread


Well, it had to be Oahu. I think someone at Ubisoft wanted us to perceive this game as a remake of Test Drive Unlimited (and contender of Forza Horizon at the same time) :smiley:


Keep us updated. Between this and solar crown, maybe at least one of them will make a proper competitor for horizon, and actually cause a certain company and their higher-up representatives, to get in gear.


I registered as well, since they are doing PC I hope to hear from them at some point.

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I at least like that we can have strong viewpoints and disagree. I still want to be optimistic.


I believe the behind the scenes video stated that console testing will start when they reach Phase 4.

Did they say what phase they are in now?

I started a thread in the off-topic category titled “Crew Motorfest” so we can move the Crew discussion there before we get moved.

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